Peerless Pill God

Chapter 893: The Great Secret (Part 1)

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This past story is not very glorious. It has been many years. Even Qin Tao does not understand it too clearly.

Qin Sheng took a deep breath, although his expression was still calm, but his heart set off a rough sea.

He always thought that he had no name and was only a small family in Dacheng City. Who would have thought that the clan turned out to be one of the ten royal families from the Dayan Dynasty.

"Well, Qin Sheng didn't expect that you were also a person with a large background." Long Wei stared at Qin Sheng with a pair of squints, but his face was somewhat playful.

"Since how powerful the clan is, what kind of assessment should there be?"

"Have you ever thought about re-entering the clan?"

"After all, it's cool under the big tree !!!"

Baili crackled a few words.

Qin Sheng also had some heartbeats. Whether he could enter the clan, he didn't really care. The most important thing was whether he could borrow the power of the clan and remove his father Qin Zhongtian from prison.

"Grandpa, does his father know about this?" Qin Sheng couldn't help asking.

When Qin Tao heard a word, he murmured a few mouthfuls of spirits, and threw the jug with a slam.

"Your father knows, of course, but you must not want to take shortcuts and use the power of the clan." Qin Tao said meaningfully, a bit of anger appeared between the eyebrows. Why our ancestors expelled the clan. "

These spirits are very strong, brewed with high-level yuan food, and added the bones of the congenital demon. Qin Tao drank so much, his face flushed, and he was a little drunk.

"Shh, do n’t spread it out. I spent a lot of money in that year to fight for a meeting with your father in prison. I was thinking about my son. Even if I ca n’t afford to kneel, I have to treat you. Father picked it out !!! "

"But do you know what your father said?"

Qin Tao said more and more, and the wine became more and more intense. His eyelids seemed to be heavy, and he was about to fall asleep, but he said some secrets.

"Your father kept me from asking for the clan, and even went back to Dacheng City for a low-key life. He had a 90% certainty that he was framed because of the clan."

"The most ... most ... the most shocking thing for me is that your father said that our vein may be the clan, and today's royal Qin family is just a tribe ..."

boom! !! !!

After finishing the last sentence, Qin Tao couldn't stop drinking and fell asleep on the table.

Qin Tao kept this shocking secret for ten years. He had thought that this secret would be brought into the coffin, and it would never be revealed again in this life.

Unexpectedly, because of the terrible change of the Demon Dragon Wasteland, there will be a big terror, and their Qin family in Dacheng City will have to leave their homes and take refuge in Dayan Emperor.

Maybe it can't be said to take refuge. According to Qin Zhongtian's words, they are the clans of the Dacheng City, they just returned to the original place.

Qin Sheng's eyes were rounded, his complexion could no longer remain calm and calm, his heart was fluttering wildly.

"Maybe the father was framed by the clan before he was put in prison?"

"No, we are clans?"

Qin Sheng was hoodwinked. It was too unexpected. The royal family of the Dayan dynasty, the Qin family, was the most powerful royal family in recent 100 years, and these years have been very close to the star country. Endlessly.

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