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Lin Yu face changed, but he didn’t expect that after realizing that he was not an opponent, the alien youth chose such an extreme way decisively!


Too late to think about anything, Lin Yu directly casts void 直接 and turns around and explodes.

Although this alien youth is not his opponent, a Rank 4 Titled King’s powerhouse Self-destruction is absolutely trivial. With a little carelessness, even the Rank 5 Titled King may be seriously injured, and it is naturally impossible for him to entrust it.

However, even though his response was fast enough, the shock wave of Self-destruction still spread to him very quickly, a huge force, fiercely banged on his back, letting him spit it out directly with a spit of blood!


The horrible impact caused his body to jump forward involuntarily, and fiercely fell to the ground like a cannonball, and immediately smashed a huge pit in the ground.


Wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth, a look of bitter smile appeared on Lin Yu’s face.

If it wasn’t for him mastering half of the Undying Body while crossing the Thunder Tribulation, even if he broke through to the realm of Rank 1 Titled King, the impact would be enough to kill him.

Rao is so, his appearance is also extremely embarrassing, a large piece of skin is blasted, blood is flowing out, and even the sensational bones can be seen, and the internal organs are almost displaced, and the state is extremely bad.

Looking around, no one else was better than him.

Although not in the center of the Self-destruction shock, the strength of Gu Sheng and the others is better than Lin Yu, but they only suffered some aftershocks, which caused them to be seriously injured, and Aura slumped.

It was only Jiang Lanyue who was not affected, but his face became paler than before.

“Unexpectedly, just a few of you can kill this alien!”

Just then, a voice of evil looking suddenly sounded, and saw a black clothed youth with a strange face and an unexpected expression appearing in the sight of everyone.

“Jun Tiansheng!”

“You have a face back!”

Seeing the appearance of black clothed youth, everyone’s face sank.

“Well, it looks like you are not very welcome to me.”

A strange smile appeared on Jun Tiansheng’s face: “During this time, I managed to find some healing spiritual medicine. After recovering my strength, I immediately came to support you, but you made such a response, which really disappointed me. what.”

sighed, Jun Tian’s eyes fell on Lin Yu, evil looking with a smile, and said, “It’s really didn’t expect that you can force the alien youth to commit suicide. It seems that just now, you got a lot of chance.”

“However, it is too wasteful for this opportunity to fall on you. In order to avoid the appearance of alien martial artists and prevent you from falling into such a embarrassing situation, it would be better to hand over the opportunity to complete it. I, too, fulfill yourself, what do you think? “


As soon as Jun Tiansheng said these words, Gu Sansheng and the others shouted in anger, even if the same group of people who entered the Emperor’s tomb in the second batch could not help but frowned.

When the interracial youth appeared, without the slightest hesitation, abandoned the crowd, turned around and ran. Now I see that the interracial youth is killed, and can’t wait to jump out. Profiting from somebody’s misfortune. This practice of Jun Tian was really shameless. Kind of realm!

“Do you think I might fulfill you?”

Lin Yu’s eyes have also become colder. He has seen to have no shame, but to have no shame like Jun Tiansheng is really rare.

“Little Brother Lin, don’t rush to answer this question.”

Jun Tiansheng frowned, and then said with a slight smile: “Do n’t forget, you are all seriously injured now, and here, there are several alien martial artists alive. If I leave now, you feel like you are intact Is it important that one’s life is important or that a small chance is important? I don’t think I should tell you. “

“Are you threatening me?”

Lin Yu’s gaze was even colder. At this moment, he was really killing Jun Tian.

“This is not a threat, this is just a piece of advice.”

Jun Tiansheng didn’t care, he smiled softly and said, “In addition, I don’t have much time. If you can’t make a decision as soon as possible, I’m afraid I can only make a decision for you.”

“Really? His decision won’t be your turn.”

Just then, a cold voice suddenly sounded. I don’t know when, Jiang Lanyue’s silhouette appeared behind Jun Tiansheng. Her eyes were cold and slender, jade hand moved towards void, and the endless starlight was suddenly caught. Pull down.


After that, the countless stars turned into one giant sword, and the huge sword body formed a sharp contrast with her body. She held the giant sword and cut it off without the slightest hesitation!


Jun Tiansheng’s face changed abruptly. At this moment, his hair was exploded, and a crisis of death emerged from his heart, making him immediately escape subconsciously!

However, even though his response is fast enough, it is still too slow compared to the speed of Jiang Lanyue. In an instant, the starlight giant sword has been moved towards him, cutting it straight across his top of the head!


A slight crisp sounded. Jun Tian was desperate and unwilling. He opened his mouth wide and seemed to want to say something. After working hard for a long time, he couldn’t make a sound.


At the next moment, his body fell down and landed on the ground, making a clear sound, and letting the surrounding marial artist be shocked.

“She killed Jun Tiansheng?”

“Jun Tian was just killed like this?”

Gu Sansheng and the others are better, but those martial artists who entered in the second batch are shocked in various looks, and it is hard to believe the facts in front of them.

Although Jun Tiansheng is arrogant and selfishly shameless, after all, the strength of innate talent is there. In any era, it is the most Peak’s genius. He was killed in this way, which inevitably makes people sigh and sigh. .

“Actually, I could kill him myself.”

Just glancing at Jun Tian’s fallen body, Lin Yu’s eyes fell on Jiang Lanyue’s body.

In this sentence, he is not telling lies. He has half an Undying Body, and his recovery ability can be called heaven defying. Just the effort he just spoke, his injury has been recovered by 50%. Against Jun Tiansheng, at least it will not fall. In the downwind.

As long as he was dragged for a while, his injuries were fully recovered, and it was with no difficulty to kill Jun Tiansheng.

“I know, but he damn it.”

Jiang Lanyue started, her face was bland, and it seemed that she had just done a trivial matter.

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