Tianmeng Bingshen raised his right hand and pointed at the Ice Emperor. In the flash of golden light, the Ice Emperor's body disappeared out of thin air.

Tianmeng Bingcan looked up to the sky and sighed, "I didn't expect that after losing my body, I would be able to use this huge mental power. Unfortunately, this is my only chance."

A thin white light film reappeared in the sky, and the Ice Emperor had been absorbed into the spiritual sea by Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

The white light film slowly fell to the ground and reentered the ice chamber, covering Chen Feng's body.

Tianmeng Bingshen said: "Chen Feng, the Ice Emperor is trapped by me. I am so awesome. Admire me!!! Now I just need to convince the Ice Emperor and the plan will be successful!"

Chen Feng looked at Tianmeng Bingcan's proud face and looked like he was begging for praise, and said with a smile: "You are great, you are great. There was such a big movement just now. If it attracts other powerful beings, all the previous efforts will be wasted. You lead the way for me. I ran as hard as I could.”

"Hehe." Tianmeng Bingcan said with a smile: "I'm so happy, isn't it? Chen Feng, you should run away quickly."

Chen Feng ran at full speed towards the far north, and while Tianmeng Iceworm guided Chen Feng on the road, he excitedly began to tell Chen Feng about his dog-licking career...

It took Chen Feng three hours to finally run out of the Far North, and he was basically safe here.

Tianmeng Bingcan said: "Chen Feng, just stay here. I just checked, it's relatively quiet within a hundred miles, and there are no soul beasts."

Chen Feng stopped and said to Tianmeng Iceworm: "Tianmeng, how long can you trap the Ice Emperor?"

Tianmeng Bingsi said proudly: "It's easy to trap the Ice Emperor for a few more hours."

Chen Feng said: "Let the Ice Emperor be released. Let's have a good talk with her. I believe he will make the right choice."

Chen Feng could feel that after the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm was separated from his body, the spiritual imprint was further integrated with him. From now on, he would really be just his vassal, unable to use the powerful ability to change the world today.

A golden ball of light emerged from Chen Feng's spiritual sea. At first, it was just a golden light point. Gradually, the light point expanded, and in an instant it became a light ball with a diameter of about one meter. .

With a flash of light, a scorpion figure emerged from the golden light group. The next moment after it came out, the golden light group in the air also disappeared.

This scorpion is of course the Ice Emperor. The Ice Emperor just came out and wants to go berserk.

But before she could make any move, she was once again trapped by the remains of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get out. The remnant of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is the crystallization of his millions of years of cultivation.

Even with the Ice Emperor's terrifying strength and soul power, he was unable to break free, which shows how tough he is.

At this time, Chen Feng stood aside, looking at this big scorpion with a cultivation level of nearly 400,000 with his deep black eyes.

On the side, Tianmeng Bingcan said with some pride at this time, "Bing Emperor, stop struggling. You have tried it many times. You should know that this is useless, ho ho ho ho!!" After saying this, he said proudly. laugh it out.

The Ice Emperor said coldly: "Hmph, Tianmeng, don't think that your skin will make this emperor helpless. When I get out of trouble, I will definitely kill you and then devour you to restore your true nature!"

Tianmeng Li... said affectionately, "If I still retain my original power, then I will definitely be willing to dedicate myself to you. Unfortunately, I can only exist in a spiritual state now. If I were not extremely lucky, , I have already dissipated into the catastrophe before you, Bingbing."

"What?!" Ice Emperor exclaimed in disbelief.

Could the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, which has a million-year cultivation base, be unable to withstand the catastrophe?

It sounds unbelievable, but if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

If a soul beast does not transform into a human being, sooner or later it will die in a natural disaster.

"Well, luckily I met Chen Feng at the last moment when I escaped from the Star Dou Forest, who is also my current master."

Ice Emperor said in surprise: "What! Tianmeng, you actually think humans are the masters, are you crazy?"

Tianmeng Bingcan said: "Ice Emperor, I am not crazy. I am very lucky. Ice Emperor, soon you will know how wise my choice is."

Then Tianmeng Iceworm began to describe his tragic experience of leaving the Far North.

The Tianmeng Iceworm recounted its experience in what it considered the most miserable voice.

"You also know how terrifying the end is for us. You also know that there is no soul beast in this world who can live longer than me. Even if I am just a waste in your heart, I am still a person who has lived long enough. Old waste.

My energy was basically sucked dry by them, and I would never be able to pass the next deadline. Although I have lived for so long, I don’t want to die. I believe you are the same. I can feel that your time will come again in less than a hundred years. Ice Emperor, do you think you can survive it? "

The Ice Emperor was silent. She knew that she would not be able to survive the next catastrophe no matter what.

When Tianmeng Bingshen saw the Ice Emperor, he fell silent and kept saying, "No matter you or I, we don't want to die. We have lived for such a long time, how can we be willing to become a pile of dust? So, I thought of the best way. .”

The story of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm finally aroused the interest of Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, and it asked almost subconsciously: "What method?"

Tianmeng Bingsi said in a deep voice: "Create a God."

"Creating Gods" Ice Emperor was startled and suddenly became more curious, "What is creating gods?"

After Tianmeng Bingshen drew the god-making plan and immortality pie for the Ice Emperor, he introduced Chen Feng to meet the Ice Emperor.

Tianmeng Bingcan said, "Bingbing, have you seen it? This is the strongest genius on the continent! He is also my master, Chen Feng! If someone really becomes a god in this era, it is destined to be my master Chen Feng. !!”

The Ice Emperor looked at Chen Feng. His bone age was eleven and his soul power was level twenty-five. He was considered to be the top genius among human beings, with spiritual power! ! ! He has actually surpassed the soul master level of soul saint, which is so terrifying that people can’t believe it! The physical strength is also excellent, and it is easy to absorb soul rings beyond levels! !

"Tian Meng, is this the host you chose? What an amazing talent. I think it will definitely not be a problem to grow into an Ultimate Douluo with his qualifications, but becoming a god is too difficult..."

She also agreed that Chen Feng's talent was amazing, but that was "making a god" after all!

Tianmeng Bingcan continued to persuade the Ice Emperor earnestly: "Bingbing, my body was about to collapse at that time. You also know how rare spiritual soul masters are. I am extremely lucky to meet Chen Feng!"

"And with me helping Chen Feng to cultivate his spiritual power, and then you giving Chen Feng the ultimate ice martial spirit, the two of us joining forces, the chance of success of the plan will be much more than doubled!"

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