Chen Feng passed between the white freshman teaching building and the yellow second- and third-year teaching buildings. The dormitory building was already in front of him.

The dormitory building covers a very large area. Although it is only one building, it is also available in four colors: white, yellow, purple and black. Obviously it represents the area where students of different grades live. There are six floors in total, which are the six grades of the outer courtyard of the Wuhun Department.

Arriving at the door of the dormitory building, an old man who looked very old was sitting here. The old man was dressed in gray cloth, and the wrinkles on his face were enough to kill more than two digits of flies at the same time. His eyes were dim and his eyelids were drooped, looking like he was in his twilight years. The sunlight between the buildings was just enough to fall on him, so he looked very comfortable while half-lying on the seat.

The old man said weakly, "The fourth floor is the girls' dormitory. You can't go up there. If you find out, you will be expelled."

Chen Feng said to the old man: "I know." After saying that, he walked towards the dormitory.

This person is Shrek Academy, the master of the Poseidon Pavilion, a level 99 ultimate Douluo, the titled Dragon God, and the pinnacle of the Douluo Continent, Mu En.

Mu En remained in his original posture, but after Chen Feng left, his cloudy eyes revealed a gap and he murmured something.

"Eleven years old, thirty-third level soul power, and a strong will. Has he found his own path? He is a formidable young man... I just don't know if he has created his own soul skills." (Similar to Junlin. world)

The student dormitory is a tube building. There are dormitory doors on both sides of the long corridor, and there are numbers on the doors.

The number on Chen Feng's dormitory key was 162. Chen Feng quickly found his dormitory by following the numbers on the dormitory door.


When I came to the dormitory door, I pushed the door open and walked in. The dormitory door was open.

The dormitory was very small, only about ten square meters, with two beds taking up most of the area. Other than that, there was only a table and two metal wardrobes.

The soul guide lamp on the roof illuminated this small dormitory extremely brightly.

A handsome young man with black hair and blue eyes, who was about the same age as Chen Feng, was sitting comfortably on the cushions on the bed, eating snacks bought from Shrek City.

Then he placed his belongings messily on another bed, which was Chen Feng's bed. The ground was full of rubbish, and there was no place to even put a foot down.

When the boy saw Chen Feng at the door, he realized that his roommate was more handsome than him. He curled his lips in displeasure and continued eating his snacks.

Chen Feng walked into the dormitory and threw all the belongings belonging to another boy on his bed to the ground.

"Damn, you dared to throw all my things on the ground. I think you want to be beaten!!!" At this time, the young man didn't care about eating anymore and threw the snacks directly on the ground.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and said disdainfully: "You are not worthy yet!"

Seeing Chen Feng's disdainful look, the young man suddenly became furious. He raised his hand and hit that jealous face with an uppercut.

Chen Feng slapped the young man's left face first, then whipped him around in a circle, and then he fell to the ground. The young man's delicate face suddenly became red and swollen.

The young man who was very arrogant just now felt dizzy, then his cheeks went numb, and then he felt his cheeks were swollen and painful.

How could a young man who had been pampered and spoiled by his elders since childhood endure this grievance? His anger rose, as if he did not recognize the difference in strength. He continued to yell at Chen Feng, "If you dare to hit me, I will kill you." you."

As he spoke, the two yellow soul rings on his body lit up, his blue pupils transformed into feline vertical pupils, a pair of cat ears appeared on his head, his hands turned into cat claws, and sharp claws like knives popped out. , the two soul rings lit up, there was an extra layer of wind on his body, his claws flashed brightly, and he rushed towards Chen Feng with his teeth and claws open.


Chen Feng's soul power gathered in his hand, and he slapped the boy's right face with another loud backhand.

Now the boy's left and right faces were directly symmetrical, and his cheeks were red and swollen, looking extremely funny.

The young man was stunned all of a sudden. He collapsed on the ground and touched his red and swollen cheek. The slap just now short-circuited the young man and his mind went blank.

After a while, he came back to his senses and looked up at Chen Feng, who looked indifferent. He was about to curse, but when he thought of the two slaps just now, he immediately suppressed the dirty words in his mouth.

Chen Feng's eyes were cold. The young man used the power of martial arts just now, and his attack was neither light nor heavy. If someone with less strength had been here, he would have been seriously injured by now.

This kind of boy looks like a spoiled brat at first glance. Apart from his decent talent, there is nothing lovable about him.

Chen Feng looked at the young man and said, "What's your name?"

The young man snorted coldly without saying anything, "Humph!"

Chen Feng blew on his palms. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he slapped him condescendingly.


Chen Feng looked calm and continued to ask: "What is your name."

Chen Feng slapped the young man with stars in his eyes. He immediately stopped speaking harshly, covered his face, and said quickly, "Wu Yue, my name is Wu Yue, stop hitting me, wu wu wu!"

Chen Feng watched Wu Yue cry after being beaten by him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, teaching the naughty child that this big mouth was more useful than anything else.

Chen Feng sat on the bed and said: "Stand up and clean up the garbage on the floor. The good dormitory is almost turning into a pig's nest."

Wu Yue pointed at herself and said, "Me? I can't!"

Chen Feng raised his palm.

Wu Yue said quickly: "Don't fight, don't fight, I know how to do it."

Wu Yue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Chen Feng retracting his palm. Then he picked up the broom in the dormitory and began to sweep the garbage on the ground into the dustpan, and then walked out of the dormitory with the dustpan.

Wu Yue cursed in her heart, "How dare you hit me on horseback? Just wait for me."

Chen Feng watched Wu Yue walk out of the dormitory, with a smile on his lips, and secretly said, "Let me see what other tricks you can do."

As for his roommate, Chen Feng planned to conquer him all at once so that he would not have him buzzing in his ears every three days.

"Yueyue, what's wrong with your face?"

"Brothers, I was bullied by my roommate! Woohoo!!"

"What, this can't be tolerated!"

"Let's go! Brothers, I will avenge you now."

Several young people who were familiar with Wu Yue (young people of the same age group who were descendants of nobles came to Shrek Academy to get gold), saw that their good brother was beaten, and they immediately wanted to avenge Wu Yue.

Some more mature people couldn't help but frown when they saw this scene, worried that things would get serious.

Half an hour later.

Five people broke into Chen Feng's dormitory and said, "You are the only one who dares to bully our brothers! Come on, brothers, teach him a lesson!"

After a few breaths, five people were lying on the ground in Chen Feng's small dormitory, wailing.

Chen Feng grabbed Wu Yue's neck and lifted him up, and said to the other four: "You can get out if you are not in this dormitory. If you don't get out yourself, I will help you get out."

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, the four people on the ground ran out of Chen Feng's dormitory, leaving Wu Yue alone to face Chen Feng.

Wu Yue looked at the expressionless Chen Feng and burst into tears, "You guys with no loyalty, don't leave, woo woo woo..."

Chen Feng closed the bedroom door, and a wail sounded. After a while, there was no movement in Chen Feng's bedroom.

The four people outside the door swallowed their saliva and said, "Wu Yue won't be beaten to death!"

"I can't say for sure."

"Let's go find the teacher quickly."

Half a quarter of an hour later, a soul emperor-level teacher came to Chen Feng's dormitory, pushed open the door and said, "I've got the courage of a leopard. I didn't know that Shrek Academy..."

Just when the teacher was about to say something, he noticed that the dormitory was very lively and the two people were sitting together in a friendly manner. The teacher walked out of the dormitory and looked at the house number, "You're right, it's 162."

After saying that, he walked in, looked at Wu Yue, and then at Chen Feng. Adhering to the principle of being foolproof, he checked again and found that nothing happened to the two of them and they were in good health.

Before leaving, he warned the two of them, "Go to the Soul Fighting Arena to avoid getting into trouble. If anything happens, we will both be expelled from Shrek Academy."

"I understand, teacher."

After the teacher left, Chen Feng stopped using the third soul skill, Virtual Knife. Wu Yue, who was originally unscathed in the eyes of the teacher, suddenly changed her appearance. Her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, and she looked quite miserable. However, Chen Feng was very measured in his actions, and it was just a skin injury.

"Wu Yue, are you convinced?" Chen Feng said to Wu Yue.

"I'm convinced, you will be my big brother from now on. Oh, big brother, you were so handsome and domineering when you punched just now!" After saying that, Wu Yue looked at Chen Feng with admiration.

Chen Feng looked at Wu Yue and thought to himself: "This child... won't be beaten stupid by him."

At the same time, there is another dormitory.

Wang Dong raised his head and looked at the angry Huo Yuhao with disdain...

Two chapters sent

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