The bathroom was filled with water vapor, and it was as if I could see two figures close together...

The sound of water splashed everywhere, and the two stretched out their palms to stroke each other's bodies...

Chen Feng caressed the smooth jade skin, from the slender swan neck, the delicate collarbone, to the chest, beautiful legs, and jade feet...

Ling Luochen immersed herself in Chen Feng's warm hands and closed her eyes comfortably.

Chen Feng stopped on Ling Luochen's feet.

Ling Luochen's jade feet were slender and white, like delicate porcelain. They were soft and glowing when held, with a faint blush. The small bones at the ankles were like exquisite jewelry, subtly curved, showing a unique elegance.

The toes are like jade, slender and round, and each toenail is like a small pearl oyster, shining with the light of health and vitality, which is extremely attractive.

Chen Feng's breathing became rapid. In the bathtub, Chen Feng and Ling Luochen sat opposite each other, with their legs crossed. Chen Feng held the pair of feet and played with them. They were soft and tender...

Ling Luochen felt the big hand leave her body and couldn't help but open her eyes. She saw the junior boy staring at his feet, then holding them and stroking them.

Ling Luochen's white and tender feet couldn't help but curl up. She looked at Chen Feng and said with a sweet smile, "Chen Feng, you little pervert, why are your hobbies so weird?"

When Chen Feng heard Ling Luochen's words, he put down Ling Luochen's feet and whispered softly into Ling Luochen's ear.

Ling Luochen blushed, rolled her eyes shyly, and looked at Chen Feng angrily, "You little bastard, you have so many tricks..."

After saying that, Ling Luochen stretched out his jade feet...

"Why can't it work? My feet are sore." Ling Luochen was so tired that he immediately prepared to go on strike. Chen Feng was also overwhelmed and decided to discuss and learn more with Ling Luochen in the future.

Chen Feng picked up Ling Luochen from the bathtub and walked towards the bedroom...

At the same time, a large bandit group gathered in a mountain range in the eastern part of the Tianhun Empire.

Three figures wearing dark green costumes, dark green masks, dark green cloaks, and tight-fitting leather armor were on a killing spree.

This outfit is exactly that of the Shrek Academy Supervisory Team.

Three Shrek Supervisor-specific flares hung on their waists, and their hands wore rings exclusive to members of the Shrek Supervisory Team. This ring was a storage soul guide.

The ring holder is made of silver-white metal, and is inlaid with a turquoise gem the size of a fingernail. The gemstone is bright in color, and the green is full of life. The surface of the ring is carved into the shape of Shrek's head, which is unforgettable at first sight.

The most eye-catching among the three is a female member of the Shrek Academy Supervisory Team with an exaggerated figure under the influence of a tight leather jacket.

Although she couldn't see her appearance clearly, she could guess that she was a beauty just by looking at her impressive and perfect body curves.

This person was none other than Ma Xiaotao, who was sent on a mission by Poseidon Pavilion Elder.

Ma Xiaotao's target for this mission is a gang of bandits headed by several soul masters. Among them, the two soul kings have the highest cultivation level, which is naturally easy for Ma Xiaotao.

At this time, a purple soul ring flickered on Ma Xiaotao's body, and her third soul skill, Phoenix Wings, flew to the sky. The dazzling huge fire wings and phoenix tail appeared behind Ma Xiaotao. The fire wings behind Ma Xiaotao vibrated, and the entire figure flew into the air.

Ma Xiaotao's third soul skill, Wing Tianxiang, not only gains the ability to fly, but also increases the flame temperature by 100% and the attack range by 50%.

At the same time, a yellow soul ring flashed, and Ma Xiaotao's whole body burst into blazing flames. An indescribable powerful aura burst out from her whole body. The second soul skill, Phoenix in Fire.

A phoenix bathed in fire, with its whole body burning with flames. The power of the phoenix fire increases all attributes, and increases the flying speed of the third soul skill.

Bathed in the flames, Ma Xiaotao spread her phoenix wings behind her like a fire goddess, flying in the air and overlooking everything.

The six best matched soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and two black, surrounded Ma Xiaotao's body.

Ma Xiaotao's legs lit up at the same time, and circles of golden-red light streaks instantly flowed backwards. Then, two golden-red flame beams shot out from the soles of her feet.

These are Ma Xiaotao's two leg soul bone skills.

Because the speed increased so quickly in a short period of time, wherever Ma Xiaotao passed, a series of explosions and screams burst out in the air.

Ma Xiaotao, who was carrying a sharp roar and an air blast, was like a cannonball that blasted into the bandit group below.

Target the two strongest soul kings among the bandits and kill them.

From the moment Ma Xiaotao used Fire Phoenix and Phoenix Wings to accelerate, to instantly launching two soul bone skills to increase her speed, it only took two or three seconds. Even when Ma Xiaotao swooped into the bandits, the bandits didn't react at all and were completely caught off guard.

Immediately afterwards, the fourth and fifth soul rings on Ma Xiaotao's body shone, Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike, Phoenix Cloud Piercer Strike, and the two soul skills were released together.

The huge power caused the air to instantly become distorted due to the heat. Ma Xiaotao opened his arms, and a dark red flame in the form of a phoenix rushed straight towards the two soul kings.

Then there was a terrifying explosion, and the golden-red flames shot up a huge pillar of flame that was more than ten meters long. There was a faint sound of phoenix chirping, and the figure of the flaming phoenix circled around the huge pillar of fire.

When the flame beam converged. The two soul king leaders of the bandit group and the bandits around the two soul kings have been burnt to nothing.

"The boss is dead!"

"The boss is dead, run away!"

At this time, many bandits saw that their two soul king-level bosses had been killed, and they all lost their will to resist. They threw away their weapons and ran away, fearing that they would be burned by the terrifying red figure behind them if they ran too slowly. Into fly ash.

The two Soul King-level Shrek Academy inner courtyard students who were on the mission with Ma Xiaotao swallowed hard, and one of them murmured: "Oh my god, this is too violent..."

"Keep your voice down, don't let Ma Xiaotao hear you. This time when I went on a mission, I saw that Ma Xiaotao's face was dark and she was in a bad mood. The two of us must be careful not to offend her, otherwise... "

"I heard that Ma Xiaotao recently found a junior student as her boyfriend. I don't know which junior student was so unlucky that she fell in love with Ma Xiaotao. With such a female tyrannosaurus as a girlfriend, she is not allowed to be beaten three times a day, isn't it? It hurts beyond belief.”

"Shhhhhh, why are you talking more and more angrily? You really want to die, don't you?"

"Hey, it's so far away, Ma Xiaotao can't hear it."

During their brief conversation, Ma Xiaotao's figure had reappeared.

Seeing that the two strongest soul kings had been killed, Ma Xiaotao hadn't had enough of killing yet. She was sent by Poseidon Pavilion Lao to perform a mission. The day she was separated from Chen Feng made Ma Xiaotao realize what it is like not seeing each other for one day is like three autumns apart. .

Ma Xiaotao, who was passionately in love, looked at the escaping bandits bitterly and cursed, "Damn bandits, if it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't have to go out to perform the mission, they would all die for me!!"

Ma Xiaotao opened her arms, and the phoenix wings behind her opened her arms to both sides.

Ma Xiaotao's red eyes looked at the many bandits who turned around and ran away, with a hint of disdain showing at the corner of her mouth.

The wings behind Ma Xiaotao flapped again, and her delicate body rose into the air. Immediately afterwards, a loud phoenix cry sounded, and countless dazzling feathers appeared on her body.

Among all the six soul rings on Ma Xiaotao's body, the last black soul ring finally shined dazzlingly at this moment.

Ma Xiaotao released the strongest soul skill, the sixth soul skill, Phoenix Meteor Shower!

The wings behind her suddenly opened up, and the red light rose fiercely along with the black light of the sixth soul ring. In an instant, with her as the starting point, a large area of ​​the sky was illuminated red.

Of the two inner courtyard students who came with Ma Xiaotao, one released a halo-type auxiliary soul skill, and the other released a range-type control soul skill.

One enhances the power of Ma Xiaotao's soul skills, and the other prevents the bandits from escaping.

A red light merged into the red light released by Ma Xiaotao.

At this time, with the strengthening of the auxiliary soul skills, it was like the wind assisting the fire, and half of the sky was dyed red. Groups of huge golden-red fireballs with a diameter of more than one meter fell from the sky instantly, hitting the bandits who fled in panic.

The golden-red fireballs in the sky fell like flaming meteors, and each meteor seemed to have eyes.

When the flaming meteors were about to approach the bandits, they all evolved into phoenix forms and accelerated instantly amidst the high-pitched phoenix cry.

"Boom!!" Hundreds of roars sounded one after another, the flames scorched the smell of roasted bodies, and the dark ground, the phoenix flames turned the land into scorched earth.

All the bandits who wanted to escape were killed, and the mission was over.

The two inner courtyard disciples on the side looked at the corpse on the ground and gave Ma Xiaotao a thumbs up, "Sister Xiaotao is too strong. With this strength, I think ordinary soul saints may not be able to match Sister Xiaotao."

"Sister Xiaotao, the mission is over, let's go back to the academy."

Ma Xiaotao said happily, "Let's go back to the academy."

Just when Ma Xiaotao was happy that the mission was over and could go back to reunite with Chen Feng immediately, Ma Xiaotao suddenly felt her heart beat suddenly several times, and a bad premonition surrounded Ma Xiaotao's heart.

Weiss Hotel.

Ling Luochen had tears in her eyes and hugged Chen Feng's neck. Although her body was in pain, Ling Luochen's beautiful eyes were filled with happiness and sweetness.

After a long while, Ling Luochen moved, with spring water in his eyes and a soft voice, "Chen Feng, I will try everything you and Ma Xiaotao have tried, and I will try it with you if you and Ma Xiaotao haven't tried it." .”

The flames lit...

Time flew by and came to the next day.

Chen Feng caressed her smooth and delicate back while thinking deeply.

Last night, yin and yang met, and a large amount of yin energy was absorbed by Chen Feng. Although Ling Luochen brought Chen Feng the ultimate enjoyment, due to his cultivation, Ling Luochen's Yin Qi was much worse than Ma Xiaotao's, only half of Ma Xiaotao's.

After a night of practice, Chen Feng's technique went from the late stage of the first level to the peak of the first level.

Driven by the skills, his soul power cultivation has also reached the peak of level 39, which is only one step away from level 40.

Ma Xiaotao raised Chen Feng's soul power to level three, and Ling Luochen raised Chen Feng's soul power to level one and a half. As for the final level 40, the soul power required is naturally more, and it cannot be broken through so quickly.

The strange energy produced by the fusion of Yin and Yang last night may be because Chen Feng's body is much stronger than before, and Ling Luochen's Yin Qi is not enough. For Chen Feng, who is now as powerful as the Soul Emperor, It is said that the tempering effect is better than nothing, and the endurance life is increased by the equivalent of one thousand years.

While practicing last night, Chen Feng quietly injected the ice-attribute essence obtained from the torso bones of the 50,000-year-old Ice Cang Wolf King into Ling Luochen's body. This ice-attribute essence could make Ling Luochen's martial soul warmer. If it is low, the soul skills released in the future will be more powerful.

Chen Feng slowly injected about one percent of the total amount into Ling Luochen's body yesterday. Ling Luochen wouldn't notice anything if he did it step by step.

Chen Feng suddenly thought of Ling Luochen's surprised expression last night. Apparently, he attributed the reason why his martial soul became stronger to his fusion with Chen Feng.

So Ling Luochen went crazy, took the initiative to the extreme, hugged Chen Feng and refused to let go, as if he wanted to die with Chen Feng, and finally fell asleep unconsciously from exhaustion.

But Ling Luochen's idea is certainly correct. Even without the ice attribute essence, together with Chen Feng, a soul master with the ultimate ice attribute, he can subtly improve the quality of the martial soul. But the key is to do it gradually, not suddenly.

What is needed is accumulation over time, and naturally it is impossible for Chen Feng to inject the ice attribute essence so quickly.

When Chen Feng integrates all the ice attribute essence sealed in his body into Ling Luochen's body, the improvement of Ling Luochen's martial soul will slow down to the normal speed.

And it is estimated that there is no need for Chen Feng to explain when the time comes. Ling Luochen can figure it out by himself. After all, the weaker the martial soul, the faster it improves, and the stronger the martial soul, the slower it improves. This is too reasonable.

Chen Feng looked at the time and patted Ling Luochen.

Ling Luochen's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and his eyes slowly opened. They were sleepy, obviously not awake.

Just a few seconds after opening his eyes, he immediately fell asleep on Chen Feng's chest.

Chen Feng said to Ling Luochen, "Sister Ling, you have returned to Shrek Academy!"

Ling Luochen's ears twitched and his octopus-like limbs wrapped around Chen Feng. It was obvious that he didn't intend to get up, and he didn't intend to let Chen Feng get up either.

Seeing Ling Luochen starting to act rogue, Chen Feng was possessed by the Bingjing Emperor Scorpion Martial Spirit, running his soul power, and placed his cold palms on Ling Luochen's body.

Although Ling Luochen is an ice attribute soul master and has strong resistance to cold, the low temperature of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Spirit is something that Ling Luochen cannot ignore, so Ling Luochen woke up instantly.

"I'm freezing to death, Chen Feng, what are you doing~" Ling Luochen lay on Chen Feng's chest, staring up at Chen Feng with big eyes.

Chen Feng withdrew his martial spirit, pinched Ling Luochen's cheek, and said, "The sun is already shining on my butt, so why don't you get up."

After saying that, he picked up Ling Luochen, put him aside, put on his clothes, and prepared to go back to the academy.

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