At this time, Wu Ming felt that she was greatly tempted. The bait was fragrant, sweet, and very tender...

Two villains were fighting in Wu Ming's heart.

White Wu Ming: Wu Ming, you can't think like that. Stop it quickly. You've gone too far in practicing with Chen Feng this time. How can you think of trying to pry Xiaotao's corner? Xiao Tao is your good sister?

Black Wuming: Good sisters? Ma Xiaotao shows off every day, sprinkles dog food, and hurts me, a leftover woman, which is unbearable, so I have to pry her off! Pry her off! !

Bai Wuming: How can you be the third party? How bad is this.

Black Wu Ming: If Chen Feng is so good, isn't it possible that Ma Xiaotao's teacher, Cai Mei'er, the wife of Yan Shaozhe, the dean of the Soul Guidance Department, is also the mistress who took advantage of Xian Lin'er, the dean of the Soul Guidance Department? If that's the case, why can't I pry.

In the end, White Wu Ming defeated Black Wu Ming with a slight advantage. Wu Ming calmed down and began to practice.

Chen Feng has a pure mind and practices quietly. Wu Ming's soul power cultivation is better than Ma Xiaotao, and his daily practice is slightly faster than Ma Xiaotao. However, both Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao practice deeply. This in-depth practice is better than daily practice. Cultivation is much faster.

As the two people's soul power circulates, the power of Yin Yang Jue slowly spreads in Wu Ming's body, which will make Wu Ming more attracted to Chen Feng.

Before practicing together, Wu Ming might have been able to resist with self-control, but after practicing together, Wu Ming's fall was doomed...

Soon the next day came.

Jiang Shuiyun, Jiang Nannan, Sun Jian, and Zhang Yan slept all night. After waking up, they said goodbye to Zhang Lexuan, Chen Feng, and Wu Ming, and walked towards Shrek Academy.

The Star Dou Forest is very close to Shrek Academy, and the road is very safe. The surrounding forces are all closely related to Shrek Academy or are under the command of Shrek Academy. Naturally, there is no danger, and the four soul sects are not in danger either. Weak, there are only a few soul masters in the Douluo Continent, and the Soul Sect's cultivation level has exceeded 90% of the soul masters.

Therefore, Zhang Lexuan will naturally not worry about the safety of Jiang Nannan and others.

But what surprised Zhang Lexuan was Wu Ming. When Zhang Lexuan woke up this morning, she found that Wu Ming looked a little weird, but Zhang Lexuan couldn't tell what was weird.

After a night of practice, Wu Ming looked at the beautiful sunshine in the morning, and began to blame himself in his heart, thinking to himself, "I can't do this next time, although... but but... it's all because of Chen Feng's fault, who made him too tempting?" I am an older leftover girl, how can I resist the temptation? Ahem, Xiaotao, I’m sorry for you, don’t worry, I swear in my heart that I won’t do this next time, I will be a dog again.”

After Wu Ming apologized and swore in her heart, her guilt for Ma Xiaotao disappeared, and she turned back into the carefree saint.

But Wu Ming would inadvertently set his sights on Chen Feng...

Chen Feng noticed Wu Ming's gaze and turned his head to look at her. Looking at Wu Ming's fair cheeks and slim figure, Chen Feng smiled inadvertently.

Wu Ming was directly stung by the smile on Chen Feng's handsome face and lowered her head, thinking, "Xiao Tao, if one day I can't bear it anymore, please forgive me."

Zhang Lexuan, Chen Feng and Wu Ming ate some dry food together and continued towards the Star Forest.

Without four soul sects, Zhang Lexuan, Wu Ming, and Chen Feng were advancing very quickly.

Originally, Zhang Lexuan planned to slow down, but seeing Chen Feng's ease, she picked up the pace.

The surrounding vegetation passed quickly, and soon the vegetation became taller and denser. Towering ancient trees blocked the sky and blocked the sun, making the entire environment slightly dim.

And as Chen Feng and the others advance rapidly, the vitality of heaven and earth is getting stronger and stronger. If they can practice here for a long time, it will be of great benefit to any soul master.

Zhang Lexuan said to Chen Feng and Wu Ming: "Chen Feng, Ming'er, this time we enter the core area of ​​the Star Forest, remember to follow me closely."

With Wu Ming's physical strength and the fact that he was absorbing the crucial seventh soul ring, he would definitely need a soul beast that was about 50,000 years old.

Soul beasts of this level are difficult to find in this mixed area. Instead of wasting time looking for them in the mixed area, it is better to go directly to the core area. With Zhang Lexuan's strength comparable to that of a titled Douluo, except for hundred thousand year soul beasts, Zhang Lexuan has no one. feared.

A 50,000-year-old soul beast is nothing more than a powerful person from Soul Saint to Soul Douluo level. With Zhang Lexuan's strength, he can't handle it at will, and even if he encounters a 100,000-year-old soul beast, isn't there still Mr. Xuan?

After thinking for a while, Zhang Lexuan made the decision easily.

Zhang Lexuan said to Chen Feng, "Chen Feng, does your fourth soul ring absorb the ten thousand year soul ring?"

Zhang Lexuan could tell from Chen Feng's mobility that Chen Feng's physical fitness was very strong, definitely no worse than those Soul King students in the inner courtyard, so Zhang Lexuan asked Chen Feng about his plans.

Chen Feng said, "Senior Sister, my physical fitness is very strong. Although it is not as good as Senior Sister Wu Ming, it is not worse than the average Soul Emperor."

Zhang Lexuan couldn't help but be a little surprised when she saw it, and thought to herself, "I still underestimated this junior. He is indeed a student that the college has devoted all its efforts to cultivate and even plans to make him the heir to the master of the Poseidon Pavilion. His physical fitness is so amazing."

Wu Ming on the side also widened her eyes in surprise after hearing this. Originally, she could easily accept ten thousand years. After all, although there are very few geniuses in the Soul Sect who can absorb ten thousand year soul rings, they are not without them, but they are comparable to the Soul Emperor. , is this to absorb a soul ring that is more than 20,000 years old?

After listening to Chen Feng's words, Zhang Lexuan stopped and said cautiously to Chen Feng, "Chen Feng, you can't be too aggressive when absorbing soul rings."

After saying that, Zhang Lexuan stretched out her jade hand, squeezed Chen Feng's body, and then penetrated Chen Feng's meridians with her soul power.

After a while, Zhang Lexuan was amazed, "It's amazing. With such a powerful body, it is no problem to absorb a 30,000-year-old soul ring."

Wu Ming on the side looked at Chen Feng, looked up and down, and pinched Chen Feng twice, "Oh, Chen Feng, you are really hiding something."

Chen Feng joked, "Without this foundation, how could I defeat Teacher Soul Emperor?"

Zhang Lexuan covered her mouth and smiled, "Okay, okay, this time I go to the core area and I will definitely get you a suitable 30,000-year-old soul ring."

Zhang Lexuan has deep feelings for Shrek Academy, and she is naturally very happy to see Chen Feng's talent.

Chen Feng and the others continued to move towards the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

Along the way, Chen Feng and the others moved forward quickly, and inevitably encountered some soul beasts. For the powerful ones that were more troublesome, Chen Feng and the others took a detour, while the weak ones rushed directly towards them.

Except for a few encounters with aggressive spirit beasts that actively blocked the road, there were no disturbances along the way. We passed through the outer and mixed zones safely and arrived at the junction of the mixed zone and the core zone.

Zhang Lexuan looked at the surrounding environment. Seeing that the surrounding trees are bigger and the vegetation is denser, it is obviously more primitive than the vegetation outside. The surrounding heaven and earth vitality is also stronger than that in the mixed zone.

Zhang Lexuan sent a message to the two people behind her, "Chen Feng and Wu Ming, we are almost at the core area of ​​the Star Forest. Adjust your condition, and then we will enter the core area!"

This time, after a long rest, the three of them adjusted to their best condition, and then Zhang Lexuan led Chen Feng and Wu Ming to move forward.

As we continue to go deeper, the changes in the surrounding vegetation gradually become more obvious, the trees become thicker and thicker, majestic giant trees surrounded by several people can be seen everywhere, and the energy of heaven and earth becomes more intense.

The core area has arrived!

In the core area, ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts are everywhere. Thirty-thousand-year-old soul beasts are not as good as dogs. Fifty-thousand-year-old soul beasts can barely shake it off. Only seventy-thousand-year-old soul beasts are the overlord.

As for the hundred thousand year soul beast? Naturally, it is in the Great Evil Land, which is close to the Lake of Life and is also the true core of the Star Dou Forest.

Not long after Chen Feng and the others stepped into the core area, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm in Chen Feng's spiritual sea discovered a soul beast that was suitable for Chen Feng.

Tianmeng Bingsi said in Chen Feng's spiritual sea, "Chen Feng, walk one kilometer to the southeast. There is a soul beast there that is suitable for you."

Chen Feng frowned and said to Tianmeng Iceworm in the Sea of ​​Spirits, "Tianmeng, are there any dangers on the way, or any soul beasts worth noting, and what kind of soul beast you are looking for, tell me in detail. "

Tianmeng Iceworm in the sea of ​​​​spirits chuckled and said, "Chen Feng, I will investigate further."

Chen Feng: (-﹏-`;)

After Tianmeng Iceworm completed the investigation and told Chen Feng the details, Chen Feng thought it was relatively safe. There happened to be a soul beast suitable for Wu Ming in the middle, which killed two birds with one stone.

Under Chen Feng's inadvertent guidance, the three of them soon discovered an unusually beautiful bird.

The Ancestral Flame Bird is a powerful soul beast with some phoenix bloodline. Its red feathers are magnificent and gorgeous, each piece is shining with dazzling light, and the flames on the feathers are like flowing lava.

The ruby-like eyes are majestic and even a little noble.

The wings of the Ancestral Flame Bird are wide and powerful, and every time they flap, they can set off a blazing fire storm. The four red tail feathers represent forty thousand years of cultivation.

Wu Ming's mouth watered as soon as he saw this spirit beast. It was a powerful fire-attribute flying spirit beast with 40,000 years of cultivation and some phoenix blood.

This couldn't be more suitable for Wu Ming.

Wu Ming held Zhang Lexuan's arm, her slightly narrow and upward beautiful eyes filled with desire.

When Chen Feng and the others discovered it, the Ancestral Flame Bird naturally discovered Chen Feng and the others.

A flash of ferocity flashed through the ruby-like eyes, then he flapped his wings, a firebird hovered, and then fierce flames swept over him.

Zhang Lexuan watched the flames coming, the martial soul possessing her, and the full moon hanging in the sky. She saw the sixth soul ring on her body suddenly light up, and the black soul ring instantly rose into the sky and merged into the full moon.

Then the originally silver-white full moon suddenly became dim, and then it turned completely black. Only the outermost layer has a silver halo.

Immediately afterwards, a silver halo fell from the sky. The black light flashed, crushing the flames and then slammed down on the Ancestral Flame Bird.


Star Forest. The core circle is the place of great danger.

The Lake of Life is as calm as a huge emerald. Every plant growing around is full of life. Even if you just breathe here, you can feel the life energy it brings.

Unfortunately, this place is a restricted area for almost all creatures with power.

On the top of the largest tree crown, a magnificent soul beast whose whole body seemed to be made of translucent crystal opened its eyes from its deep sleep.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he discovered that in addition to the two normal golden eyes of this soul beast, at the same time, there was a vertical red pupil that exuded a somewhat eerie red color between the eyebrows.

Having just woken up, obviously a little hungry, this magnificent three-eyed soul beast jumped up and walked away from the place of great danger.

Following closely behind him was a ferocious beast that was more than five meters long, extremely majestic, had three heads, and had a terrifying aura.

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