Pendor Empire In Other Worlds

Vol 2 Chapter 29: Seek the enemy

Now it is 9 am on the 19th.

A group of about a hundred people, clothed in quills, walked on the muddy road and walked into Kaila Village in the continuous rain.

This is a small village less than twenty miles from Nuremberg. The village that was still lively in the past has been destroyed in two days of "repairing" by the barbarians, and the whole village has been turned into a ruined wall.

Except for a small number of people who fled, other villagers have been killed, and their bodies have been used as rations for the barbarians.

The scene in front of him didn't let Lothar, who had come to lead the department, feel any fluctuations in his heart.

Even in his reconnaissance map, the whole village has no life.

Because in his heart, these savages have long been labeled as ‘dead’.

The first step is to complete what he calls the "hero" deeds-defeat the army of barbarians.

Not wishful thinking, Lothar is sure to accomplish this feat.

Just like when everyone was desperate, he predicted the impact of the spring rain that would last for several days on the situation.

"Search the village, each group as a unit, find a rest place."

Although there was no sound, the soldiers had already received the order and dispersed.

When he came out this time, Lothar brought only his system soldiers. Even his petty followers did not participate in this operation.

62 Fieldsway light infantry, 31 Fieldsway warriors, leader of 31 light infantry, three groups of dissatisfied with 7 Mettenheim infantrymen, 8 caravan guards and promoted mercenary swordsmen, two groups of 6 Vans Kerry guards and 2 warriors.

In addition to the two groups of 8 Fieldsway guard cavalry, and the 20 scouts scattered out, it is the entire force that Lothar led in this operation.

The total force is 144, without a shooter. Because in Lothar's plan, the shooter is not a great help, but will become a weakness of the team.

The group is the most basic combat unit formulated by Lothar for system soldiers, except for individual soldiers. Team leader, Lothar can be appointed through tactical skills, the lowest level of military position.

Only the officers appointed through the system can replace Lothar in command of the soldiers. Otherwise, this group of system soldiers will only fight on their own.

As mentioned earlier, tactical skills allow Lothar to appoint a tactical level 1 officer and command the officer’s tactical level 1 soldiers or lower-level officers.

Lothar's current tactical level is level 3. In theory, he can appoint "group" and "squad" military positions to assist his command system soldiers.

But in this operation, Lothar only set up the military position of the group leader at the highest level.

The reason is that he does not have enough high-level soldiers who can serve as officers.

To truly undertake the task of commanding operations, an officer needs to have level 3 or higher tactical skills.

The only units in his hand that have this qualification are Fieldsway Warrior Archers (Level 3 tactics), Guard Cavalry (Level 4 tactics), Vanskeri Warriors (Level 4 tactics), Guards (Level 5 tactics), and Mei Tengheim infantry (level 3 tactics), mercenary swordsman (level 3 tactics).

For the other low-level arms, only the pitiful level 1 and level 2 tactics are the only level that can correctly understand the higher-level commands.

Lothar really thanked Baron Simifer. If he hadn't taken all his soldiers to Leiden Village, and let Lothar win a big battle inexplicably, he would really not have a lineup of more than forty officers.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon, when Lothar was exchanging battle plans with several captains who were good at battlefield command under his command.

A sound of horseshoes stepping on standing water appeared outside Kaila Village, and then went straight into the village.

Soon, a scout who also wore a fur coat appeared in front of Lothar.

"Master Lothar, the latest information." The scout wiped the rain off his face and continued after receiving Lothar's signal.

"After two days of siege of Nuremberg, yesterday morning, because of the increasing rain, the barbarian army had dispersed, looking for shelter from the rain.

After reconnaissance by the scout troops, these barbarians were divided into more than 30 small troops, with a number ranging from 800 to 1,000.

Except for a few troops who chose to attack the villages, most of the barbarians continued to move to the northwest without changing their temperaments. At present, 15 villages have been attacked. "

"Did the scout find out that rain has any effect on the combat effectiveness of the barbarians?"

"The impact is great. It may be due to being in the forest for a long time without direct exposure to rain. The barbarians have no experience in how to deal with heavy rain on the plains. We found in our tracking that some barbarians have been abandoned because of a severe cold. Out of the team."

"In other words, if they can't find a suitable shelter from the rain, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced?"

"From the change in their marching speed, it looks like this."

Lothar nodded and asked the question he cared most.

"So, did the scout find the barbarian's commander?"

"Basically, it is certain that it should be the largest number in a team of 3,000 people.

The other party didn't mean to conceal it. About half of the barbarian team were dressed in animal skins, and the weapons they held were metal weapons that were rare among barbarians. In addition, when the scouts approached for reconnaissance, they also found a person wearing a full body armor in this team.

By comparing the number of messengers in several barbarian teams, the scouts agreed that this team is most likely to be the team where the barbarian commander belongs. "

Lothar walked around with her arms folded and suddenly asked, "Is it possible that the barbarian has more than one commander?"

"We're not quite sure about this. But it shouldn't be possible, because the other barbarian teams that have separated did not show the known organization. Most of them gathered together and acted randomly."

"Speaking of which, the greatest weakness of the barbarian army lies in this 3,000-man team?

So, can the position of this team be determined now? "

"I'm not sure yet, I only know that they are heading to the northeast.

In the previous information, UU reading and they are already more than 30 kilometers away from here, and because they have not found a suitable rain shelter, this team is still in motion.

Due to the influence of the rain, the speed of our information transmission is greatly restricted. To get their current situation, I am afraid that we will have to wait a few hours. "

"Very good, it's hard work. You go down and rest for a while. You will start later, notify all the scouts who can be contacted, and seek the enemy from the northeast. You must determine the location of this force as soon as possible.

"Yes." The scout stepped back.

"Master Lothar, it seems that the location of the Barbarian Commander should be certain. Are we going to the northeast next?" Miles stepped forward and asked.

"hold on.

This rain has a great impact on both the enemy and the enemy. Acting rashly in such rain can easily make the scout lose our place.

We are here to wait for the exact information of that team.

Time, there are some more. "    URL ()

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