Peninsula Asteroid

Chapter 589 I don't want to

"What’s wrong with you?"

Chi Jingyuan's voice came together with his gaze, but Pei Zhuxuan unnaturally avoided it after looking up, squeezed out a smile and looked away.

She is really in a mess right now, it started last night.

Just now when I was in business on the way to work, it took a lot of effort just to manage the expressions. Although I really wanted to devote myself to the work all morning, I was always unnatural and occasionally dazed.

A lot of complicated thoughts gathered in my mind and jumped around randomly, like entangled threads, tied tightly, making people breathless.

After her debut, she thought she had fulfilled the responsibilities of the captain and sister. When the group was blackmailed, even if she felt uncomfortable, she could still comfort each other with the members. When her grades were not good, she cheered them up. Who has any problems? I will take the initiative to find someone to talk to, and I will try my best to communicate what the company has conveyed.

The most important thing is that she has someone she likes, but because of these, she has never established a relationship,

Originally, she always thought that the relationship between herself and Chi Jingyuan was quite good, and she had an ambiguous relationship with each other, but she was not really sure. She used to enjoy this kind of relationship.

It's just that Park Xiurong's casual remarks yesterday woke her up. From the perspective of the members and onlookers, she and Chi Jingyuan have actually started dating a long time ago, and the so-called relationship mode is just deceiving themselves.

After hearing it at the time, she even felt a sense of awkwardness spontaneously. With the addition of some other aspects, she even impulsively thought about whether she should take the initiative to stay away from Chi Jingyuan.

But how is it possible?

When a man and a woman get along, the more tempted the person who pays more, the higher the sunk cost. After a few years, it has been impossible for her to simply withdraw and leave.

When encountering interesting things, it has become a habit to send text messages to share with him.

When encountering Meimei's appearance, it has become a habit to take out a mobile phone to take a picture and send it to him.

Listening to "Let It Be Natural" when she is in a bad mood has become another habit that she will always keep in mind.

There are other things like...

Take the initiative to stay away? how can that be possible.

Moreover, Park Soo-young mentioned the names of the female idols that Chi Jingyuan had dated with. She has actually heard of them all. When Li said it, she was still very irritable.

Pei Zhuxuan is very clear about how popular Chi Jingyuan is with the opposite sex in the industry. If he is not so demanding and can take the initiative, the names that Park Xiurong said yesterday can be multiplied by countless times.

Both of them have reached this point, give up by themselves? Throwing such an excellent object to others?

Who would be so stupid?

She didn't believe that Chi Jingyuan would guard his body like a jade and wait for her unswervingly.

But if you don't talk about giving up or something, should you continue to maintain the original model? Don't make any changes at all, and continue to get along with the "self-deception" that my sister said...

I didn't feel that much before, but now I suddenly feel a little awkward in my heart.

Oh, by the way, today is the last issue of "Music Bank". When I think of Pei Zhuxuan, my heart feels empty, and I always feel that something is about to be missing.

All kinds of thoughts were mixed, her mind was chaotic, and she couldn't sort out all kinds of emotions, whether clear or dark, maybe Pei Zhuxuan actually wanted to talk to Chi Jingyuan, but she didn't know how to say it at this time.

After all, they are just 'close friends...'

Although Chi Jingyuan could see that Pei Zhuxuan had a lot of thoughts in his heart and was not in a good state, he didn't ask after seeing that she didn't have the desire to speak or confide.

In his mind, it should be because of today's last episode of the program and the matter of getting off the car. The eight-month regular MC career ended here. It's not very good to feel a little regretful, and it's understandable that Pei Zhuxuan feels uncomfortable.

He didn't say anything anymore, kept quiet, just sat quietly aside.

In preparation for today's last show, the two still kept bright smiles in front of the staff, but they were uncharacteristically silent when they got along in private.

There was no sound during the meal, and even the manager who followed felt that the atmosphere was inexplicably dignified. He looked at the two people in surprise but didn't know what happened, and his own voice couldn't help but lowered a lot.

The state is not right, the mood is not good, but the work still needs to be done, and the two of them continue to be busy after eating and taking a break, trying their best not to leave any regrets in the last period as a regular MC.

The live broadcast of "Music Bank" started at 6 o'clock in the evening. After the opening stage, Chi Jingyuan and Pei Zhuxuan appeared in front of the camera as usual, and began to host with iconic poses, introducing the next guests and welcoming the start of today's show. The two looked at each other with smiles, and the initial tacit interaction caused a burst of cheers from the fans in the audience.

It's just that after the stage, when the two of them stood waiting at the entrance of the backstage passageway, they would return to the same appearance as when they returned to the practice room, and they became abnormally quiet.

When the stage was on and off, the time soon came to the penultimate stage, which is their farewell special stage today.


The two of them had just stepped onto the stage, and before the camera cut to the scene, the audience in the arena erupted into extremely strong screams. Most of the audience today were directed at the two of them.

"Slow down..." When Pei Zhuxuan walked onto the stage, she staggered because she was wearing high-heeled platform shoes. Chi Jingyuan quickly reached out to touch her naturally, and after supporting her all the way up, the two walked together Came to the center of the stage and sat on the stools that had been placed.

At this time, the two of them had changed into a new set of clothes. Chi Jingyuan was wearing a light-colored casual suit and a white shirt, while Pei Zhuxuan was wearing a white top with a pink wrap-around skirt, and his curly hair was dyed a dark color. From the sides of the cheeks down to stay on the shoulders obediently, it seems that there is a gentleness all over the body, holding the hand microphone, sitting there is very demure.

After they sat down, they glanced at each other, smelling the smell coming from close at hand, they all smiled lightly, and entered the state of performing on stage.

Soon, the soft music sounded, and the prelude had already attracted the strong interest of the audience at the scene and in front of the TV.

It has been secretive and not announced before, but when they saw the narration, song title, and melody at this time, many people could tell that this special stage is a new song.

"It's so beautiful..."

Chi Jingyuan looked at Pei Zhuxuan in front of him with gentle eyes, raised the microphone and sang the first sentence following the melody: "Today is the same as yesterday."

"No, today is more beautiful."

"Ahh..." The heart-pounding lines at the opening immediately made the people below cheer. Many CP fans like to watch this, but they quickly quieted down. The extremely melodious music and singing made them completely uncomfortable. Like disturbing, I don't want to let go of every note, every expression.

For some reason, after Pei Zhuxuan came to the stage, the complicated thoughts she had just had when she was waiting for the stage suddenly dissipated a lot. At this moment, she looked at Chi Jingyuan's face in front of her and listened to his familiar voice, smiling shyly but calmly. Appearing on his own face, his bright eyes looked at the other person's eyes, suppressed his heartbeat that started to accelerate, picked up the hand microphone, and chanted softly:

"I had a wonderful dream recently."

"It's embarrassing to tell you now..."

"So I don't want to say it."

"Also... the words spoken by the dream will become invalid."

A melodious and sweet song is like a dreamy story, narrated by two people one by one.

Every sentence seems to be telling and pouring out a little thought.

There is no blood-swelling confession, and there is no too greasy interaction. Some are just two people sitting quietly on the stage, looking at each other's face, looking at each other's lips, looking at each other's eyes, from the heart Singing softly in my heart, speaking out those simple but mouth-turning giving, and laughing cleverly from time to time with the melodious melody.

There was no violent drumbeat, strong melody, or any choreography. They just sat there, but many audience members looked at the performance on the stage with a smile on their lips, as if it was heart-pounding and meaningful.

After the end of the second chorus, the melody of the accompaniment changed, and the tone was much higher than before, and the sound of some other electronic instruments was added. At this time, the big screen at the rear suddenly started to play out of the VCR.

Chi Jingyuan and Pei Zhuxuan put down the microphones in their hands, turned their heads and looked behind together.

This VCR was specially produced by the program group, and it contained some selected clips of the two MCs in the eight months after they took office.

""Pei Zhuxuan! "Chi Jingyuan suddenly called out Pei Zhuxuan's real name with a serious face while talking, and she was so scared that she didn't react.

In Pei Zhuxuan's hurried smile, Chi Jingyuan took out a coat and put it on her with a serious face: "It's been so cold recently, why do you wear so little?"

Pei Zhuxuan reacted, felt a thick coat on her body, suddenly laughed, her face wrinkled together, a bit ugly. "

""Watching the stage just now really made me feel very beautiful, we also have to promise to work hard to show a beautiful face together in the future! Tick! As soon as Pei Zhuxuan showed her little white teeth, she stretched out her little finger and shook it, smiling very happily.

"Then you promise me too, and you will only look at me from now on!" Chi Jingyuan said quickly that he would stretch out his hand to tick off after the meeting, but Pei Zhuxuan turned away in disgust while smiling happily. "

""The weather is really cold recently. If you are not careful outside, you will be frozen. You need to listen to nice songs or voices to relieve it...So today we..." Chi Jingyuan said seriously After a pass, the card owner suddenly stopped moving and made a frozen appearance.

Pei Zhuxuan understood in an instant, and immediately began to suppress a smile on his face. After gouging him out, he stretched out his hand and tapped him lightly: "Ding, thaw!"



The clips are constantly switching, and the screen is constantly scrolling. Among them, two people are reading the host speech together, some are joking together, and some are interacting with each other tacitly and sweetly...

Sometimes they wear formal suits, sometimes couples in the same hue, and sometimes weird traditional folk or festival clothes to fit the mood of the time...

The two of them kept appearing in front of the camera, each time wearing different clothes, each time their movements were also different, and even the background of the interview stand was different.

But the same thing is that there are two of them in each clip, and no matter what the two of them say in each clip, there will be bright smiles from the heart on their faces.

Memories of the past appeared in front of her eyes, Pei Zhuxuan was stunned when she looked at it, and her eyes turned red at some point.

This VCR has no sound, and only the elongated variation of "dream" is used to match it, but every time the scene appears, and the change of her and Chi Jingyuan's mouth shape in every clip, Pei Zhuxuan can immediately recall what the two said at that time The words, even the eyes are clearly engraved in the bottom of my heart.

It turns out that so many things have happened to us.

It turns out...we look so good.

very nice.

"Yo Robin! You're not going anywhere, are you? We are the same, please stay with us all the time! ""

When Pei Zhuxuan saw the end of the VCR on the screen, he was smiling all over his face, or he and Chi Jingyuan stretched out their hands to the camera, and the last two people looked at each other tacitly at the same time, and the slow-motion clip with a brighter smile just felt brewing Emotions seemed to be gushing out, and the red eyes were extremely sour, and the tears could not be stopped.

But the idol's instinct still made her try her best to control her expression, and after sucking her nose twice, she forcibly slowed down the tears.

It's just that the throbbing heartbeat and strong emotional fluctuations in my heart at the same time are inadvertently like the warm sun melting snow, diluting the complicated and bad emotions that have been lingering in my heart before. It seemed less important and less annoying.

She glanced at Chi Jingyuan, who was pursing his lips and staring at the screen, who was also a bit out of control, the corners of his mouth quivered twice, but he laughed.

Chi Jingyuan seemed to have sensed something. When the VCR ended, he turned his head and looked over. The two looked at each other. While staring at each other, a reminder came from the headset, a smile appeared, and they picked up the microphone and sang together. The last paragraph of "dream":

"Even if your sweetness is lying."

"I don't mind at all."

"A pleasant dream..."

"that is you."


At the end, Chi Jingyuan and Pei Zhuxuan stood up together, walked to the front of the stage, one gently took the other's arm, and sang the last line.

Then, in the wild and excited shouts of the audience, the two bowed and thanked the audience continuously and then walked off the stage.

They didn't go far, because they were already the second-to-last show, and after the final stage, they were about to enter the first place, and there was no time for them to change their clothes and make preparations.

The two stood at the entrance, still a little silent as before, and no one spoke, but one of them scratched their cheeks casually, and the other turned their backs and wiped their eyes.

The surrounding atmosphere changed obviously. No one cared about the explosive music coming from the front stage at this time. Both of them were thinking about something quietly, but they were standing closer.

The last stage of "Music Bank" today is Turbo's performance, Kim Jong Kook's group, the two reunited at the end of last year and made a comeback after an unknown number of years.

"Did you like today's performance?"

All the artists stood on the stage again. Chi Jingyuan stood at the front and began to give the host speech with a smile, while Pei Zhuxuan stood next to him with his legs together. It seemed that he had adjusted his mentality at this time.


"Ha, I'm really excited and happy to be able to spend time with such a wonderful stage and such an excellent singer... Now let's take a look at today's one."

"Today's honorable one is XO's "sing for you", Chu Kamida! I will definitely hand over the trophy to the members." Chi Jingyuan announced with a smile. One by one can be regarded as relatively complete.

Today's two nominees, EXO and K.will, did not come, so there was no acceptance speech and encore stage, and after the award ceremony for the first place, soon came the final farewell link of the two MCs.

"Irene xi." Chi Jingyuan glanced at Pei Zhuxuan next to him,


"Actually, today is the last time we host Music Bank, and it's coming to an end, how do you feel now?"

" do you feel, um, because we come here every week..." Pei Zhuxuan had a bright smile on his face, but something was revealed as soon as he opened his mouth. Although he must have prepared beforehand, he could hear it as soon as he opened his mouth. She spoke a little intermittently.

However, what she said at this time should be her true thoughts at this time.

"Ha..." She might also feel that what she said was a bit bad, forced a smile, and pursed her lips: "Next week, um, it should be very empty, after all, I'm used to coming here every week... Also, I am really happy to be able to act as the MC of "Music Bank" with Yuan Xi this year, it is a very precious time."

She had a lot of thoughts, but she didn't say much.

Because she was afraid that she would lose control of her expression if she spoke again.

Chi Jingyuan, who was closest to her, also obviously felt some changes in her tone of voice, and the emotions that had just recovered began to surge again, and he couldn't maintain his forced composure, and his tone became choked up.

She said and bowed slightly in the direction of Chi Jingyuan next to her: "Thank you very much...then what do Yuan Xi think?"

"Hmm..." Chi Jingyuan glanced at Pei Zhuxuan and then looked down the stage. After pondering for a few seconds, he said, "I was actually quite nervous when I first became an MC. In the past eight months, being able to work with Irene as an MC The MC of "Music Bank" really feels very honored, and it is indeed a very precious memory."

"Time flies really fast, and with the cooperation of irene xi, today is the day without knowing it... I have always regarded "Music Bank" as a very important itinerary, and I have won the love and support of many audiences , I am really grateful to have received so many honors and such precious memories."

The regulations that Chi Jingyuan spoke at this time also became a little confusing, but what he said was very serious.

He glanced at the auditorium below the stage. Most of the audience who came to the studio today were aimed at him and Pei Zhuxuan. At this moment, at a glance, almost all the audience in the audience held his and Pei Zhuxuan's photos in their hands. The handband, with his and Pei Zhuxuan's names written on it.

At this time, everyone was waving the banners in their hands, and looked at him seriously, with serious expectations and some reluctance.

Chi Jingyuan felt a surge of emotion in his heart. He exhaled lightly, pursed his lips, and then said: "I feel that through this journey, I have learned a lot and made me understand a lot. The growth and help we have gained so far is difficult to express in words in just two minutes...but we will definitely work harder."

"My heartfelt thanks to the staff who worked hard behind the scenes and gave us a lot of help."

"Thank you for choosing us to be the representatives of the program group, PD Han Jin Chul, PD Kim Mok Sang, PD Sang Min, PD Seul Ye, PD Min Jin..."

"Thanks to the fans and viewers who warmly welcome us every time we come to the TV station and give us unlimited support..."

When Chi Jingyuan was a little touched and said his final farewell speech, listening to his words, listening to the cheers of the fans in the audience, recalling the memories of the past scenes, Pei Zhuxuan obviously also felt that she was unable to use the most Looking at the camera with a good demeanor, his eyes sparkled, he bit his lip, and tried hard to control his expression.

In the eight months of her MC career, she has come into contact with many people and things, which has increased her popularity and popularity. At the same time, she has also won many honors and titles with Chi Jingyuan.

Friday couple, Yinyin CP, agency CP, the most boarded pair MC...

Each title is an acknowledgment of the effectiveness of her partnership with Chi Jingyuan, and it is also the best compliment she has received outside of the group since her debut.

After eight months, the music bank, which is recorded once a week, is no longer an ordinary itinerary for her. A song playing program is as simple as that.

For her, this is one of the few and only solo itineraries she does that contributes significantly to her popularity.

It is a chance to meet Chi Jingyuan once a week.

No matter how bad some black fans on the Internet scold her, no matter how harsh the scolding is, no matter how hard the practice is, how much pressure to return, you can have the opportunity to spend a day of fun and relaxation with the person you look forward to during the hard week.

But, finally, it's time to end.

At this time, Chi Jingyuan looked over and said, "Finally, it is Irene xi who has been helping me at work. During the journey of MC, she really helped me a lot."

Even though the familiar expression management was still ineffective after all, as Chi Jingyuan's words were intertwined with various feelings, she still couldn't control it in the end, a tear slipped from her eye socket, Pei Zhuxuan hurriedly turned her head and used her hands Vigorously erasing it, people's hearts trembled at this scene, and they suddenly felt pity. .

And the fans in the audience also cried out in distress.

"It's a pity that I didn't become the longest-lived MC, and I can't be with you all the time." Speaking of this, Chi Jingyuan breathed out again, blinked his eyes lightly, and smiled sincerely: "It's a little sad...but we can still come back anytime, anywhere , anytime, anywhere for "Music Bank" and for the singers standing here."

"I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who loves me and Irene xi. As singers, idols, MCs and actors, we will continue to work hard with our best faces in the future. I hope everyone will continue to support and bless us. "

"So far, this is Yuan..."

After Pei Zhuxuan bowed to the audience together, the most familiar smile appeared on Chi Jingyuan's face, and he looked at Pei Zhuxuan next to him.

"Irene!" Pei Zhuxuan also understood immediately, the bright smile that had appeared countless times on the show was also on the face, even though the tears on the eyebrows and eyes were still faintly visible.

The two bodies approached each other at the same time, using their hands to intimately perform signature movements.

"When you need music..."

Look at each other for the last time, move closer for the last time, and say goodbye for the last time:

"Submission, Music, Bank!"

Amidst the cheers, the staff list appeared on the TV, and the final picture was frozen on the faces of the two of them. Although the eyes were sparkling, their smiles were still so bright, and their movements were still so tacit.

It's just that while many viewers were smiling at the corners of their mouths, they sighed with great regret in their hearts.

It's a pity that I won't be able to see it later.

After saying goodbye to the staff, the two of them returned to the waiting room of MC after a busy conversation. This room has been used for eight months and left a strong imprint, and it should be the last time they used it.

After coming back, as the door was actively closed, although I could still hear the faint voices outside, a lot of hustle and bustle was isolated from the door, and the inside was much quieter.

"That's the end of the last issue..."

The manager was not there, and the two sat on the sofa. After a little silence, Pei Zhuxuan took the initiative to speak, and seemed to be still a little immersed in the farewell atmosphere just now.

"Well, time flies by so fast." Chi Jingyuan nodded, and then smiled wryly: "The testimonial I said just now was upside down, I lost my composure..."

"Ha, um, me too..." Pei Zhuxuan smiled, looked at him and asked, "I was speechless just now."

At this time, the young lady changed her silence and gloom during the day, but she looked no different from usual, and at the same time she was still trying to find something to say.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I don't need to go to the production team for these two days, and I should go back to the company to compose the song after the variety show is finished tomorrow."

"Don't you need to film?"

"The pre-broadcast portion is about the same."


Although the communication continued, the atmosphere seemed a little weird.

Pei Zhuxuan tried her best to find the topic, but her heart was like a storm,

Just now on the "dream" stage, the infinite emotion brought by the song and the VCR and the trembling of her heart, the regret and loss at the last farewell, and the complicated emotions left in her heart made her keep making the final consideration, weighing, Impulse, consider.

But those negative thoughts, before the surge of emotions just now, seemed to suddenly become a little worthless.

If she considers the company, the portfolio, these, and those, she needs to consider too many things.

But if you think about yourself more... In fact, there is no need to hesitate.

Many things were decided in a split second.

She saw Chi Jingyuan standing up from the sofa, facing towards the bag next to him, as if he was about to walk over and pack up his things to leave, Pei Zhuxuan reached out and grabbed Chi Jingyuan's hand.

Chi Jingyuan turned his head and looked at her expression, as if he understood something.

"Today is over..."

The two people looked at each other, and Pei Zhuxuan's eyelashes visibly trembled twice, then paused for a second before making a sound.

Before Chi Jingyuan could reply, she gently stroked the hair that had been naughty in front of her forehead, raised her head and poked her neck, but her generous expression couldn't hide her trembling and nervous voice, as well as her tentative tone: " Couples get off on Friday, can't do it later, but can...can we, the other days, be the same as Friday?"

Chi Jingyuan felt the deepest, because the young lady held his hand very hard and tightly.

"Be a couple like Friday, fall in love..."

Looking at Pei Zhuxuan's unavoidable eyes at this time, Chi Jingyuan first asked a question, then blinked his eyes, and shook his head slightly, as if he was refusing.

Feeling that the little sister's holding his hand suddenly became weak, Chi Jingyuan directly shook it back, smiled lightly, looked at the other's moist and flowing eyes, and asked suspiciously : "Why exclude Friday? Why exclude Friday when there are seven days in a week?"

"One day less? I don't want to."

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