Who exactly does the Bat Prince want to sell?

Is it a fairy-like beauty, or a loyal woman?

Beauty and loyalty are two things that are difficult to find in the same woman.

Maybe he wants to sell a man. What kind of man is he?

A wise man who can come up with thousands of strategies for you.

Or a warrior who can fight for you?

Everyone is guessing and curious.

The more curious, the more interesting it is.

Ding Feng said,"The first person is called Gou Zichang, and the lowest price is 100,000 taels."

There was silence for a long while.

Someone asked,"Who is Gou Zichang? I haven't even heard of his name. How can he be worth 100,000 taels?"

Ding Feng said,"A tribute theft occurred a few months ago. I believe you all still remember it clearly, right?"

Someone said,"Was it General Xiong's tribute that was stolen?"

Ding Feng said,"Yes, Gou Zichang is the one who committed the crime."

"That is, the murderer who killed more than 70 people overnight."

"Whoever can capture him will immediately become famous throughout the nine cities, and will also receive a huge reward."

So some people started to bid.

"One hundred and five thousand taels"


""One hundred and twenty thousand."

The bids were not enthusiastic.

Because this matter must be very hot, and it must deal with the government.

No matter what the matter is, as long as it deals with the government, it will be more troublesome.

The final winner bid"One hundred and twenty-five thousand taels."

Ding Feng said:"Okay, Shi Wanwu Ren taels"

"After you pay the money, you can take the person away at any time."

The winner suddenly asked:"Do I have to send him to the police?"

Ding Feng said:"No, you can do whatever you want with him."

Bat Master suddenly said:"Captain Hook can commit such a big crime alone, it's a pity to kill him."

The winner also laughed and said:"It's a pity"

"To be honest, I am planning to work with him to do a few things."

"Even if someone offers a higher price, I will never give in."

The person who did not bid just now was secretly regretting why he did not think of this.

Ding Feng said again:"The second one is Ying Wanli, known as the Divine Eagle, and was originally a famous detective in the Nine Cities. The reserve price is also 100,000 taels."

This time, as soon as he finished speaking, someone had already made a bid.

And the price jumped very quickly, it was very high!




Ying Wanli had captured countless thieves in his life. He had made countless enemies.

These people wanted not his people, but his life!

The final winner bid"two hundred and five thousand taels".

Ding Feng said:"The third person is called Zhang...."

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Bat suddenly said,"The third person is Hu Tiehua, with a starting price of 500,000 taels."

"When the name"Hu Tiehua" was mentioned, there was a burst of exclamations in the darkness.

""Five hundred thousand taels." When this number was spoken, there were even louder exclamations.

Someone said,"Hu Tiehua? I wonder if it's the Hu Tiehua known as the Butterfly?"

Ding Feng said,"It's this person."

Everyone suddenly fell silent.

Ding Feng said,"Why don't you bid yet?"

Still no one spoke.

Hu Tiehua didn't have many enemies.

Five hundred thousand taels was too high.

Besides, Hu Tiehua was certainly much hotter than a hook.

Ding Feng said,"Mr. Zhu doesn't dare to bid either?"

Mr. Zhu coughed twice and said,"It's not that I don't dare, it's just that....What's the point of me buying him?"

Bat Prince suddenly said:"Perhaps you think the price is too high, why don't we reduce the price!"

Ding Feng said:"Yes, no matter how much we can sell, it's better than not selling it at all."

Bat Prince said:"The price of a dead person is much cheaper than that of a living person, you should kill him first."

Ding Feng said:"Do it now?"

Bat Prince said:"Do it immediately!"

Ding Feng said:"Yes....."

Suddenly someone said,"I want him alive. I'll pay one million taels!"

Chu Liuxiang!

The voice was deep and steady, with a strange attraction. It was Chu Liuxiang.

Chu Liuxiang had come without knowing when.

Bat Prince suddenly laughed loudly and said,"I guessed right. No matter how high the price is, someone will bid."

His laughter suddenly stopped again, and he said slowly,"But there is no credit for transactions here. Do you have one million taels of silver on you?"

Chu Liuxiang said,"No."

Bat Prince said sternly,"If you don't have it, why are you bidding?"

Chu Liuxiang said,"Only me."

Bat Prince said,"You?"

Chu Liuxiang said,"You want me, not Hu Tiehua."

Bat Prince said,"Do you want to exchange your life for his?"

Chu Liuxiang said,"Yes!"

Bat Prince said,"How do I know who you are?"

Chu Liuxiang said,"Of course you already know who I am."

Bat Prince suddenly laughed again and said,"Okay! I don't suffer any loss in this deal."

Chu Liuxiang said,"No one would make a deal that would result in a loss."

Bat Prince said,"But you suffer a loss."

Chu Liuxiang said,"Oh?"

Bat Prince said,"You are worth much more than him."

Chu Liuxiang said,"If you don't want my life, what do you want?"

Bat Prince said,"I just want your two eyes!"

He continued coldly,"The knife is here, you just have to come over and dig out your two eyeballs, and I will release Hu Tiehua immediately."

Chu Liuxiang said,"Okay, it's a deal."

Bat Prince said,"Don't forget, the knife is in my hand, if you want to play any tricks, I will kill him first!"

Chu Liuxiang said,"I'm going over there, just get ready!"

Footsteps suddenly sounded in the darkness.

Chu Liuxiang seemed to deliberately make his footsteps very heavy, walking slowly step by step....

The air seemed to���A strong aroma of wine was emitted.

But everyone seemed to have stopped breathing, and no one felt it at all.

The footsteps became slower and heavier.

Yunluo's pretty face was full of doubts.

Is Chu Liuxiang so tired that he can't even walk?

Is he really willing to die?

The Bat Prince suddenly shouted:"You are so brave, you dare to play tricks! Come on!"

As he shouted, there was a"bang".

Sparks flashed, and then flashed again.

Suddenly, a dazzling flame flashed!


The fire is burning!

A flame suddenly burned on the edge of the third layer of the stone wall.

The whole cave was illuminated!

No one knew where the fire came from, and everyone seemed to be stunned.

I saw countless black-clothed figures rushing over from all directions like bats.

But when they approached the flames, they screamed and retreated.

Some of their clothes were burned, and they screamed and rolled on the ground.

They seemed to be completely unable to see the flames.

It was like a group of bats suddenly pounced on the flames.

The panic and fear were indescribable.

Where was the Bat Prince?

A huge tiger-skin chair was placed in the center of the third-level stone platform.

The voice he spoke just now came from here.

But now, there was no one on the chair!

Only Ding Feng stood there like a stone statue, staring at Chu Liuxiang blankly.

Everyone was looking at Chu Liuxiang!

These people were all dressed gorgeously and had great manners.

But now they were like a group of idiots. Only one person sitting far away looked calm and peaceful. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

This person was Yuan Suiyun.

Hu Tiehua fell in front of the tiger-skin chair.

Now the acupuncture points have been unblocked.

Hu Tiehua's eyes were staring at Ding Feng fiercely.

Chu Liuxiang's eyes were moving.

Slowly moving across everyone's face.

Chu Liuxiang suddenly smiled and said,"You are all celebrities. There are many celebrities here."

Hu Tiehua gritted his teeth and said,"But I don't know where the Bat Prince has escaped to."

Chu Liuxiang smiled again and said,"Maybe he didn't escape, but you just can't see him."

Hu Tiehua was stunned and said,"If he is here, how can I not see him?"

Chu Liuxiang said,"Because you don't even know who the Bat Prince is......"

He scanned everyone's face again, and then continued slowly:"Everyone here could be the Bat Prince."

Suddenly, a man stood up and shouted:"It's not me. I'm definitely not the Bat Prince."

This man was dark and strong, with pockmarks all over his face.

Chu Liuxiang glanced at him, just a glance, and said lightly:"Of course you are not, you are just the murderer of the Lincheng blood case." The pockmarked man's face immediately turned red, and he said:"Who are you? How dare you slander me?"

Chu Liuxiang said:"If you are not the murderer of the blood case, why did you breathe a sigh of relief when the Bat Prince promised to keep the secret for the customers just now?" Chu Liuxiang continued leisurely:"Of course you didn't expect that I happened to be standing near you at that time.

" The pockmarked man's face immediately turned red, and he said:"Who are you? How dare you slander me?" Chu Liuxiang said:"If you are not the murderer of the blood case, why did you breathe a sigh of relief when the Bat Prince promised to keep the secret for the customers just now?" Chu

Liuxiang continued leisurely:"Of course you didn't expect that I happened to be standing near you at that time."

���There was a sudden look of fear in his eyes.

He glanced around. He suddenly jumped into the air.

But just as he jumped up, he suddenly fell down with a scream and could not get up again.

Yuan Suiyun had retracted the sleeves of his robe that he had swung out.

Chu Liuxiang smiled and said,"Mr. Yuan's moves are indeed beyond the reach of others. Thank you very much."

Yuan Suiyun also smiled and said,"You are too kind, Mr. Chu Xiangshuai!"

Everyone had already guessed that this person was Chu Liuxiang.

But they could not be sure until now, and their eyes widened even more.

Chu Liuxiang pointed at the pockmarked man lying on the ground and said,"You may not know who this person is."

A pale middle-aged man in a brocade robe said,"I know him. He is Qian Lao San who scatters gold coins all over the ground."[]

Chu Liuxiang said:"Yes, Mr. Bat invited him here this time just to buy the secret himself."

"Then we can be sure that he is the murderer, because only the murderer himself will never let the secret be bought by others."

Someone sighed,"No wonder he was trying so hard to bid just now."

Chu Liuxiang said,"After he bought the secret, he must have thought that he could sit back and relax from now on, but he didn't know that there would be more troubles in the future."

Someone said,"What troubles?"

Chu Liuxiang said,"Since Mr. Bat already knows that he is the murderer, if he wants him to do something in the future, how dare he resist?"

He sighed and continued,"No matter who buys the same goods here"

"From now on, you will always have something in the hands of Mr. Bat, and you will always be held hostage by him. Can't you understand this logic?"

After this sentence was spoken, several people's faces changed color.

A purple-faced man said in a lost voice:"But we have made it clear that the money and goods are paid in full, so there will be no trouble in the future."

Chu Liuxiang said:"In that case, you must think that Mr. Bat does this just for money?"

The purple-faced man said:"Isn't he?"

Chu Liuxiang smiled and said:"For a person like him, if he just wants money, it wouldn't be easy, why bother with so much trouble?"

The pale middle-aged man said:"If it's not for money, what is he doing it for?"

Chu Liuxiang sighed and said:"Ambition! He does this only to realize his ambition."

The purple-faced man said:"What ambition?"

Chu Liuxiang said:"He first used all kinds of means to buy all kinds of secrets, so that the people in the world would be in chaos"

"Then he can blackmail his customers and make them his tools."

Chu Liuxiang sighed again and continued,"If he does this, within a few years, he will become the most powerful person in the Ming Dynasty."

"By then, I’m afraid you will all become his slaves!"

No one spoke.

Anger was revealed on everyone’s face.

After a long time, the purple-faced man said bitterly:"It’s a pity that we don’t even know who he is, otherwise, I will teach him a lesson anyway!"

Chu Liuxiang said:"If I find him, I wonder if you are willing to promise me one thing?"

Everyone said almost in unison:"No matter what it is, Marshal Xiang, just give the orders."

Chu Liuxiang said word by word:"If I find him, I will inevitably have to fight him. By then, I just hope that you can let me fight him with peace of mind."

The heroes said one after another:"Marshal Xiang, just rest assured, we will never allow anyone to interfere"

"No matter who it is, if they want to help him, we will take that person's life first!"

Su Chen, who had been paying attention to the situation on the field, could not help but nod secretly.

Chu Liuxiang is still quite capable.

With just a few words, he has completely controlled the situation.

He has turned the tables!

Chu Liuxiang's eyes suddenly fixed on Yuan Suiyun's face and said,"I wonder if Mr. Yuan also wants me to tell you the name of Mr. Bat?"

Yuan Suiyun was still smiling and said,"Marshal Xiang, please tell me, I am all ears."

Chu Liuxiang sighed and said,"In that case, I would rather obey your order than be respectful."

Hu Tiehua could not help but said,"Just tell me quickly, do you really want to make me anxious to death?"

Chu Liuxiang said,"There is no sunlight or lights here all year round. It is always in darkness, just because Mr. Bat does not need light at all."

He continued word by word,"Because he is a blind man who cannot see the light!"

After saying this, everyone's eyes suddenly stared at Yuan Suiyun's face.

Yuan Suiyun remained calm and smiled faintly:"I am a blind man."

Chu Liuxiang said:"You are the Bat Prince!"

Yuan Suiyun remained calm and said:"Oh? Am I?"

Chu Liuxiang said:"Although you have deafened Mr. Ying's ears, you are still half a step slower."

"He finally said a word, and sometimes a word is enough to reveal many secrets."

Yuan Suiyun was silent for a long time.

Finally, he sighed and said,"It seems that I have underestimated you after all."

The Bat Prince was actually Yuan Suiyun!

Hu Tiehua couldn't believe it, and no one present could believe it.

This noble, gentle and polite son of a noble family could do such a cruel and terrible thing.

Chu Liuxiang stared at him and said slowly:"I don't have any solid evidence to prove that you are the Bat Prince. You could have denied it."

Yuan Suiyun smiled lightly and said,"I don't have to."

Although his smile was indifferent, it carried a kind of compelling arrogance.

Yuan Suiyun said,"I was wrong, and you were wrong too."

Chu Liuxiang said,"I was wrong?"

Yuan Suiyun said slowly:"I only wanted your eyes, but now I have to take your life!"

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Suiyun spread his sleeves.

The whole person suddenly floated up.

Just like a bat gliding silently, his posture was indescribably graceful.

His momentum was not fast.

But suddenly he landed in front of Chu Liuxiang.

No one had ever seen Yuan Suiyun's martial arts.

Some people didn't even know that he knew martial arts. It was not until he showed this skill that everyone was shocked.

Yuan Suiyun let his long sleeves fall to the ground and smiled,"Please."

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