Saturdays are supposed to be a holiday, aren't they?

Gu Cheng lay comfortably on the bed, squinting and taking a nap, constantly recalling the bits and pieces with Mebius in his mind, laughing to death, not tired at all.

Gu Cheng was not all relaxed, and his body was still running on its own.

According to the characterization of this world, or in other words, according to Mebius's notes, unless it has been inscribed with stigmata or has undergone human modification, there is a substance in the body that can act as a medium to directly operate the collapse energy.

The flesh body is not unable to operate directly, but it is inefficient and the risk of infection is also high, so it is generally not recommended to use the flesh body to condense the collapse energy.

However, Gu Cheng obviously felt that although he was not as casually able to control the collapse energy as in his previous life, he could also feel it easily.

Gu Cheng's body is different from that of a normal person, which is the conclusion he recently reached.

The human body is normally unable to accept the collapse energy, and there will generally be a rejection reaction, and the amount of rejection depends on the person's collapse energy adaptability.

Gu Cheng is 100% adapted, or rather....

This body is like being born from the collapse energy, not only does not reject, but also very easily accepts, and even controls the collapse energy.

Gu Cheng looked inside his body, this body seemed to be a treasure, all the meridians were sparsely passed, wide and tough, and the various acupuncture points were also bottomless.

Avalanche energy nourishes his body all the time.

This is something that has never been done in a previous life.

What was even more strange was that he could vaguely feel the collapsed space of this world, as well as the faint power of the lawyer.

"Is this a legacy from a previous life?"

Gu Cheng said to himself.

There is no lawyer core in his body, or in other words, he who has fused the divine position can condense a substance that is no different from the core at any time to act as this medium.

Gu Cheng once jokingly called it the Heart of God.

The cold and lonely god also smiled and did not refute it.

"Do you feel like you've forgotten something?"

Gu Cheng sat up, feeling as if he missed something, and Mebius didn't ask him out?

(System: I took this love brain.) [


"What is it?"

Gu Cheng was still thinking about what he had forgotten, and he couldn't hear the prompt sound of the system in his mind at all.

Can't hear, can't hear at all.

[Ding~] ☄ (◣д◢) ☄

(System: This old six was muted last time, Gan!) When

I think about it, I see the blue sky outside the window, as if something coincides with it.

"Am I... Is there a system?

Gu Cheng clenched his fist as a hammer with one hand, and gently squeezed the other hand below, as if he had a flash of inspiration.


Gu Cheng shouted in his mind, calling for the system that had been snubbed by him for a long time.

Like a scumbag with a lower head.

[Ding~] (ノಥ益ಥ) He heard eh!

"Long time no see, Tongzi, I remember that you still owe me two gift bags."

(Chat with your wife don't want a gift bag, blame me for arrears at this time?) [

Host opens the entry-level package and gets reward:

Eye of Insight] [Eye of Insight]

can see the target information, can see the target's favorability to the host, and can also detect something that others can't see.

[Congratulations to the host for opening the newbie gift package and getting rewards:

energy storage, energy conversion] [Energy storage]

can store energy for reserve, automatically replenish, and withdraw at any time.

[Energy conversion]

can double the stored energy into specific energy needed by the host.

Gu Cheng glanced at it a few times, and then it was boring.

That's it? That's it?

The Eye of Insight is still somewhat useful.

Gu Cheng picked up his mobile phone, it was already past ten o'clock.

Turning around, he felt bad at the thought that there were no snakes and snakes at home.

In the end, after all, boring defeated laziness, and Uncle Gu decided to get out of bed and wander around.

There are no entertainment facilities at home, and Mebius's notes are not to be completely memorized, and there are also seven, seven, eight, eight.

Gu Cheng, who wants to live a retirement life, thought about it, and finally decided to go to the commercial street in the city center, anyway, he is not bad money, his wife is not bad money, buy it ~

Walk downstairs, Gu Cheng surrounded him, some doubts, living here for a long time, and I haven't seen neighbors or anything, quiet and the Valley of the Dead, as if there is no breath except himself.

It's weird.

As a staunch follower of materialism, Gu Cheng only treated as a neighbor and was not at home.

The bright morning sun was comfortable, and the just right temperature and bright light made Gu Cheng feel that his life was very good.

The breeze that blows from time to time reminds of the arrival of spring, the branches on the book have magically grown many leaves, and the wildflowers under the feet are surrounded by infinite life.

"Ah, that's nice."

Gu Cheng sighed that if he didn't have culture, he would only use it if he didn't use the national essence.

The breeze is gentle, and the warm days of early spring hang high in the sky.

The days are wonderful, although the danger is potential, but still a sunny day, the beautiful world is constantly running, no matter how miserable, no matter how sad, no matter how unwilling you are, how regrettable the ending, it is always the same.

Don't stop, skip without emotion.

The world is absolutely beautiful because it thinks that we who inhabit it are still a species called humans.

We may eventually become extinct like the dinosaurs and then be remembered by future generations. It may also be like microorganisms and cells, whether dead or alive, it is difficult to detect, if it is not a person with a heart, maybe... Even traces of existence will not be found.

Gu Cheng shook his head, as a person, you always have to look forward, blindly living in the past will only increase troubles.

These are the best of times and the worst of times.

Stepping on the bus again, still that soft rice card, familiar voice, familiar gaze.

However, Gu Cheng is no longer that Gu Cheng.

He regarded everyone as nothing, straightened his chest and walked up, seeing that his expression was no longer that shy look, but there was some pride and disdain.

The driver was still the same driver before, his expression changed a lot, and from the moment he saw Gu Cheng take out the soft rice card, his expression was painful.

Then Gu Cheng became stunned when he confidently walked into the car.

Finally, seeing Gu Cheng sitting down like nothing, as if with a bit of pride, the driver realized.

Afterwards, the driver looked at Gu Cheng through the rearview mirror with Wu'er's grown expression.

The people in the car also had people who had experienced this before, and they all noticed that this young man had changed, and without exception they all showed envious expressions.


This is the charm of soft rice.

Stumbling, Gu Cheng walked out of the car with a good spirit, held the soft rice card between his fingers, posed under everyone's surprised expressions, and then left dashingly.

"This is youth!"

The driver sighed.

"I served you old sixth driver, drive quickly!"

Familiar passengers, familiar tones.

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