Fusion Warriors....

There is no Chimera plan in this world.


Just a few ordinary people trying to change despair.

The operation of human experiments is very laborious, and the collapse energy cannot be operated when the collapse gene is fused, otherwise it will be out of control, which also means that the experimenter must be dexterous, otherwise there is no way to complete the operation.

Without the support of Honkai, Mebius is not much different from the physical fitness of normal people.

After a whole night of concentration, how could that weak body be able to carry it?

In Gu Cheng's warm embrace, Mebius slept peacefully, which was the most natural barrier and an inseparable bond.

It is the trust between each other, and it is also the love for Gu Cheng.

Mebius was lying in Gu Cheng's arms, his little head resting on that firm chest, and he was meek and unspeakable.

Qingxiao's face was slightly pale, but it was much better than before. The pink skin looks crystal clear, like a lychee in a water dew, attractive and smooth.

Gu Cheng was very satisfied and hugged Mebius and maintained Mebius's posture.

"It's really... Test the old cadre~"

Mebius's sleeping face is very idyllic, the long eyelashes are like a flower stamen, and the small Qiong nose moves slightly from time to time, which is extremely cute.

Gu Cheng felt very sorry for the girl in his arms, it was still early, so let the overworked snake take a rest, and...

It seems that it is himself who takes advantage.

Feel the slightly vibrating chest, inside is the hot heart, loaded with each other's love.

Everything, it's fine.

The world has you, things and people that I cherish.

Two hearts are happy and love each other.

Is there anything more satisfying for Gu Cheng than this?

Gu Cheng gently stroked the silky long hair, and his careful look was as if he was holding a piece of peerless beautiful jade, and the pampering and gentleness in his eyes seemed to overflow.

"Hmm~" The

snake snake made a lazy sound, she turned around, and the whole person straddled Gu Cheng's legs, and gently wrapped her arms around the latter's neck.

"It's very comfortable in your arms..."

Mebius revealed those glass-like eyes, and his eyelashes like flower stamen gently trembled, as if the beauty inherited from nature.

She seemed to be born so charming, slowly raised her upper body, and her beautiful eyes were close to Gu Cheng.

Qi Ruolan, this word Gu Cheng originally did not know its meaning, but...

He knows now.

Before crossing over, Gu Cheng never thought that green could be so beautiful.

At that time, when it came to green, most of them were bad things, and even if they could be said, they were mostly funny.


Green was so appropriate for Mebius, as if it had been prepared for her.

Vibrant and natural, the pink-green eyes are bright and sharp, and the icing on the cake generally sets off this special beauty to the extreme.

In his previous life, Gu Cheng had thought about this problem.


There are so many characters in the collapse, but they only recognize this snake?

Crazy, radical, tyrannical, big survivalism.

Or, if it weren't for the hanging, I might not have survived the operating table.

Neutral said, when Gu Cheng did not enter Mebius's heart, she was really cruel to the experimental subject.


This is what most people think about Mebius.

In fact... That's right.

But after all, whose fault is this?

Let a young girl who is full of expectations for the future gradually become insensitive, let the child who longs for attention seal the most true heart, and make a fool of the world.

It is said that affection is licking, and single-mindedness is staying.

Gu Cheng smiled and said nothing.

Licking and affection are not the same, the main goal is wrong.

Mebius is not a so-called "goddess", and there is no fish pond, let alone hanging still.

Gu Cheng is not without a bottom line, let alone give up his dignity.

I give you the greatest tolerance of myself, and you really feel the most sincere emotion.

Mebius is very kind, and her tragic experience makes it difficult for her to identify with others, and she will not have the heart to feel the emotions of others.

She is not out of reach.


She is also a girl who longs for love.

The fire-chasing moth in the past life is not as expressed in the plot of the game, it is not mired in contradictions in the quagmire, there is no confrontation that falls apart.

After all, all of you who chased the fire moth, and ordinary people who were once full of illusions about the future, have lost their innocence in this world known as the eighteen-layer hell. (A certain alien skips directly.)

"What are you thinking?"

I don't know if it's the girl's body fragrance or the retention of shampoo, the faint fragrance pours into the nasal cavity, like a clear spring in the jungle in the hot summer, refreshing and worth remembering.

Skull, should... It's hard, right?

But Gu Cheng felt that Mebius's head was a little soft, and it felt good to the touch, maybe the skin was good, or it could be the feeling of having a lot of hair and fluffy hair.

Mebius is like a pet cat, nostalgic for the smell of its owner, showing her softness.

Gu Cheng rubbed Mebius's head, the latter rubbed very cooperatively, the red light on his face made him look cute, and his dull appearance was in sharp contrast with the usual appearance, and this contrast was even more praised by Gu Cheng.

"Will I be heavy?"

Mebius tilted her head, she slept not for a short time, and she was a little worried about whether it would numb Gu Cheng.

Gu Cheng expressed his thoughts with actions.

Raising her legs, holding Mebius with both hands and retracting her, bringing her closer to him, the two fit closely.

Mebius, who was sitting on Gu Cheng's lap, just exceeded Gu Cheng's head at this time, and it was somewhat condescending.

Mebius couldn't believe that Gu Cheng was so interested in herself, knowing that she had worked all night, and she didn't have time to clean up in the morning.


Mebius was very stunned, she very much longed for Gu Cheng's tolerance in her heart, but she felt a little embarrassed.

"I already knew that I would have packed up my makeup

..." "I should have eaten less..." "

Did he dislike himself..."

Mebius was very worried, caught in his criticism and surprise at Gu Cheng's behavior.

Gu Cheng Nephrite was full of arms, and looked at Mebius, who was a little surprised, with a smile.

"If you are heavy, no one will be light, although it is quite material to the touch, why is it so light~"

Gu Cheng was close to Mebius's ear and replied closely, as if he was teasing.

The warm air flow poured into the ears, and the slight vibration made Mebius feel a little crispy and numb, very wonderful, but also very comfortable.

"Hmm~ too close... Don't blow into my ears... Weird..."

Sure enough, it was still so sensitive.

Mebius twisted his body with some struggle, and said that it was not, it was really a snake.

This made Gu Cheng a little anxious, and quickly got serious, otherwise something might happen.

Although Mebius may not resist, but....

It's not time yet.

"Good, good, don't tease you."

Gu Cheng steadied his mind, "Don't worry, you are really light, like holding a feather."

Gu Cheng looked at those somewhat shy eyes, and her face was full of red light.

Looking at those eager and fiery eyes, Mebius did not dare to look at each other.

"Are you resting? Do you want to sleep a little longer? "

Gu Cheng is like a smiling tiger, or rather, more like a big bad wolf? Waiting for the little lamb to fall into the abyss.

Every time he shook his head, his tone was a little complaining, "I can't tell how much tofu I will be eaten if I sleep for a while..."

Looking at the resentful eyes and complaining tone, he looked like a gas bag.

Gu Cheng shook his head with a smile.

"Then do you want to go on a date with me, didn't you say to go to the park?" I came early, don't you make a point?

Gu Cheng tilted his face and turned his head sideways to look at Mebius with some malice.


Mebius's eyes were a little evasive, and he said, "I didn't let you arrive early..."

But under the gaze of Gu Cheng's deep eyes, Mebius still slowly lowered his head and attached red lips.

"Hmm? Hmm..."

Gu Cheng turned his head when Mebius was about to approach, and looked at her.

The four lips coincided, the fragrance and soft glutinous were tightly connected, Gu Cheng hugged Mebius to prevent her from escaping, and the latter also slowly fell when he felt Gu Cheng's hot love....

"You... How did you... How can you do this?

Mebius breathed heavily, his face flushed.

Attack high and defense low, this is Gu Cheng's evaluation of Mebius.

"What can I do?"

Gu Cheng smiled wickedly and approached.


Mebius shyly hammered his chest, not so much to blame, more, but to feel coquettish.

"How could you treat your teacher like that?"

Mebius tilted his head and complained.

"Do you like it then?"

Gu Cheng put his arm around Mebius's waist, learning her tone when she teased herself.


Mebius puffed up, very cute.

"Could it be... Aren't we a couple?

Gu Cheng approached Mebius's ear, and his face pretended to be aggrieved.

"Huh? Calculate... Of course... Calculate... Couple..."

Mebius couldn't bear to see Gu Cheng's aggrieved look, and said to Gu Cheng with the shame in his heart.


Gu Cheng looked at this look adopted by Ren Jun, and couldn't help but kiss the tender cheek.


Mebius red Xia Feibu, another small fist punch to the chest.

It was said that he was resisting Gu Cheng's behavior, but that weak strength was more like coquetry.


Maybe it's the fun between them, right?

Teacher-student relationship? It's a couple okay!

What's more....

Seems to be more exciting?

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