When I opened my eyes, there was a light of dawn outside the window, like a drizzle of moisturizing things, carrying the power of life.

Gu Cheng opened his eyes, only feeling refreshed, he completely digested the small stove that Xiao Hei gave him, not to mention how strong he became, at least he could control more collapse energy.

Accumulate a small amount into a lot, slowly accumulate the quantity, as long as the amount is enough, he can also change qualitatively.

Gu Cheng wanted to sit up, but found that his body was a little weak, and on his left was the sleeping Klein, and the little guy was holding his arm like a sloth.

On the other side, it's a big kid.

The beauty was full of arms, she hugged half of her body with both hands, pillowed on her arms, and looked like a sleeping beauty in a fairy tale.

The fragrance is full of fragrance, like the fragrance of lavender mixed with the elegant fragrance of seasonal flowers, melodious and fresh, lingering around, making people slightly obsessed.

There are beautiful people who are like wine, just admiring Mebius's sleeping face, Gu Cheng is slightly drunk.

This reminded Gu Cheng of the life of the ancients, although there were no rich entertainment facilities, but....

Wife and children are hot, that kind of life is also easy to satisfy.

Opening your eyes to see your lover close to you is a sense of accomplishment, full of unspeakable love.

Gu Cheng gently moved his left hand, broke Klein free, turned over and hugged Mebius.

The warm breath hit Gu Cheng's chest, the soft feeling and comfortable temperature.

Shouldn't snakes be cold-blooded animals?

Gu Cheng lowered his head, put their foreheads opposite each other, and gently pasted them together, just the gap between the tip of his nose.

Snapping, several sounds of stepping on slippers came from behind.

Gu Cheng knew that it was Klein, he should have gone to the toilet, right?

He ignored it and still enjoyed the gift of nature in the early morning.

At this time, Klein took out a cardboard box from the study opposite the door of the bedroom, which contained many books that Gu's father had privately collected.

However, the inside of the study was a mess, as if he had suffered theft, it should be Gu Shaoqing to pack up his things and leave.

Klein placed the cardboard box in front of the sink and jumped lightly, barely able to see the mirror.


Klein pulled his face as if he was a little irritable, looking really like a doll, very cute.

After a few days of recuperation, Klein's complexion was much more normal, his green hair was not so old, he looked a lot smoother, and the emerald green color was like a branch and leaf in the jungle.


It should look pretty eye-catching.

Eye-catching in all aspects.

Klein likes to be around Gu Cheng and Mebius, but...

I don't want to show up when they are intimate.

It always feels... The stomach is bloated.

"Where are your hands?"

In the bedroom, Mebius opened his eyes, looking confused like a ripe apple.

Gu Cheng's hand behind her reluctantly left, but before leaving, she pressed it fiercely.


Mebius's eyes were wide open, and his pink little mouth was also slightly open, looking like he was a little unbelievable about Gu Cheng's operation.

Gu Cheng smiled slightly, hugged Mebius tightly into his arms, and printed his lips.

Soft, fragrant, warm and a little sweet at the same time.

Mebius squinted, and his hands unconsciously held Gu Cheng.

The spring light is watery, the breeze is floating, and the talented and beautiful people hug each other tightly, enjoying the gift from nature in the morning.

Although Gu Cheng has the habit of collapsing to quench the body, the progress is not high, and the difference in strength between him and Mebius is too great.

Therefore, the position that was originally parallel between the two became condescending, and Gu Cheng could only be slaughtered by the snake.

Naturally, Mebius took the initiative.

Where did Gu Cheng understand that real hunters often appear in the way of prey?

The snake on the hunt grabbed her feast, entangled her guinea pig, ready to taste her food.

The skin is smooth and supple like water, and the breath is empty.

The collapse energy in the two people's bodies became a little restless, and they all gushed out from the body, constantly echoing each other, from near and far, slowly forming a circle of blending closed circuits, like yin and yang helping each other, and as if water and soil symbiosis.

However, the energy storage skill required too much energy, even if it was as strong as Mebius, it still couldn't inject all the energy into Gu Cheng's body.

The energy slowly formed a small vortex, which continued to pour into Gu Cheng's body.

Click, like something shattering.

It is Gu Cheng's bottleneck.

If Gu Cheng's combat power level was probably B before, now he can almost open with A level four or six. (The Avalanche Fang is stronger than the Human Fang at the same level)

When encountering the five Honkai Beasts before, it is estimated that it will not be so embarrassing, at least....

Except the emperor can kill.

Mebius was condescending, looking at Gu Cheng with interest on his sideways.

The good-looking Danfeng eyes are like hooking fox spirits, and the slightly upturned red lips are very crystalline, looking like an extremely rich rose, delicate, and like a blooming peach blossom, like a pear rain as Anya, people can't help but want to stop and admire.

She leaned down, and her jade hand gently brushed over Gu Cheng's chest, as if she wanted to hook his heart.

It's just that she doesn't need to tick it.

"That personality of yours..."

Mebius thought for a moment, hesitating to ask something.

Gu Cheng smiled slightly, put his hands around her waist, and hugged her.

"His name is Xiao Hei, you have already met him, he can be said to be my solid backing in this world."

(Blackie: I'm ™ not called Blackie!)

Gu Cheng was quite proud.

Mebius didn't answer, but kept drawing circles around the position of Gu Cheng's heart.

"It's so cunning, hide from me."

Gu Cheng knew what Mebius meant.

With a forceful thrust, he lifted Mebius up and placed it beside him.

"We are not lawyers."

Gu Cheng thought for a while, and then asked, "Mebius, do you believe in past and present lives?" He

was serious, but with a bit of a smile on his face, as if he was trying his best to show his tenderness.


Mebius suddenly hid his smile.


Mebius looked very happy, as if he had untied some knot.

"I'm a scientist, I don't believe in this."

She hugged Gu Cheng and said in a soft tone, and she slowly approached Gu Cheng's ears.

"I only believe in you and don't care about anything else, in this life, you can only be mine."

It seemed to be responding to Gu Cheng, and it seemed to be admonishing something.

She, she didn't care, and she didn't ask for anything.


It's good to have each other in sight.

Finally, the two came out of the bedroom.

As soon as I went out, there was a burst of fragrance in the living room, it was the smell of evaporated milk heating, and there was also the soft and sweet smell of cake.

Klein stepped on two cardboard boxes under his feet and wore an ill-fitting apron, looking like a child pretending to be an adult.

The pink-purple apron is very large, and it looks more like a costume on Klein, she is wearing Gu Cheng's shirt, which looks like she is wearing water sleeves, and the wide clothes just cover her body, tightly exposing her tender little feet.

She turned sideways to look at Mebius, because she tilted her head, and the ill-fitting shirt slowly loosened, revealing his white shoulders again, as if it were a piece of jade, faintly shining with light.

Soft cute little loli, home, and obedient.

She jumped lightly and pressed the "cloth" on her body with both hands to prevent it from falling off and turning into a disfigured appearance.

She is not in the habit of meeting her family naked.

Clay got up to make a table of breakfast because he didn't eat their dog food.

The solidified evaporated milk flowers look like a combination of jelly and soy milk, and when you taste it, you find that the egg custard is fused with milk, sweet and salty, soft and sticky, and mouthful.

The cookies I bought yesterday were also warmed by the child, accompanied by a plate of jam, and posed as a small tower, which looked appetizing.

It's just....

Isn't it inappropriate to eat cream cake early in the morning?

The little one is really fond of sweets.

Okay, I have raised a big snake, and adding a small one is nothing, it is nothing more than money to buy more coffee and milk tea.

Besides, it's really not okay to have a soft rice card of snakes and snakes, which is not reduced to begging on the street.

(Mebius countered Gu Shaoqing's first step: report Gu Shaoqing to Gu's mother for withholding Gu Cheng's pocket money.)

Gu Cheng stroked Klein's head while thinking about what else was needed at home.

Snake snake and himself live together eh ~

fun ... Ah, no, it's bedding plus a few sets, toiletries, cosmetics....

Buy Mebius a new motorcycle!

Oh yes, and a few small stools for Klein.

Then discuss getting Mebius to change into the clothes he bought earlier....


Buy another wardrobe and put clothes for snakes and snakes, women ~ where is there no dressing?

Show me, of course.

Anyway, the father can't stay and has already left, so he directly transformed the study room into a cloakroom for Mebius.

Well, that's it.

Gu Cheng leaned back in his chair, turned on the smart TV, and asked Prometheus to broadcast last night's events.

"According to statistics, there were no deaths last night, thirty-two people were lightly injured, two people were seriously injured, and the estimated loss of property in the building was about 60 million..."

"This is all the result of the timely handling of the Mandate of Heaven Organization, and it is reported that the invasion of this collapse was organized and premeditated, please pay attention to travel safety."

There is nothing to pay attention to, it is nothing more than to report the damage and then pay attention to the situation.

Mebius looked disdainful, as if thinking about something, Gu Cheng was also thoughtful, and

Klein looked at it with relish.

On the TV, the picture turned, and Gu Cheng, who was named South F District, came from the side of the disaster area.

It was good luck that it was not close to Gu Cheng's house, and it did not let Gu Cheng lose anything.

Of course, this is also the credit of a certain wife's strict management.

It's just that what makes Gu Cheng a little interested is still close to the middle place.

The damage there was devastated, basically in ruins, the walls of the alleys were dilapidated, and there were unending fires.

In the midst of the wreckage, a grocery store was unharmed, using it as a dot and a circular area with a radius of three meters unharmed.

A slight smile appeared on Gu Cheng's face.

He asked Mebius meaningfully, "Are you all hiding somewhere and opening shops?" When

Mebius heard this, he was also slightly stunned, and then shrugged.

"How do I know that they don't like silence as much as I do."

She paused, and then looked at Gu Cheng with interest.

"Knowing too much is not good for you, I can only tell you that in addition to Ellie and me, you have met, there are five heroes, well... Maybe six, right?

She tilted her head with chopsticks and said, looking playful, where is the figure of a witch?

Gu Cheng is sure.

"There are so few powerful people, can this come out without guessing? In case I really guess a hero one day in a joke, won't it be exposed?

Gu Cheng held his chin and admired the way Mebius ate while complaining.

Well, that's cute.

"Huh? It would be too strange if you could guess, Gu Shaoqing couldn't let you step into this circle so early, and the heroes wouldn't expose their secrets, so I'll tell you. "

Impossible, it is impossible for ordinary people to know the existence of Yingyi.

Mebius said with a determined look.

"So what if I can really guess right?"

"Yes, I'll wear a set of clothes you bought."

Mebius was very confident, she was sure that Gu Cheng could not contact Yingyi.

"Not Ellie, Hugh tried to trick me into wearing those shameful clothes."

Mebius added, she felt that she had calculated everything, and Gu Cheng must have wanted to coax herself to satisfy some of his bad tastes.




"You can't guess the hell!"

Mebius is a little fried, he is so annoying, he said that he will not wear those shameful things, and he has to bully himself so much.

The fish took the bait.

Gu Cheng showed a smile of successful conspiracy.

Mebius was a little uneasy when she saw his expression, feeling as if... Going to lose?

How can it be? She Mebius jumped out of here and wouldn't wear it!

Gu Cheng looked relaxed, he leaned forward and looked at Mebius playfully.

"You're dressed!"

Although Mebius liked Gu Cheng's appearance of liking her body, but...

Those clothes really can't be worn....

Woo hoo ~

"Let me guess, isn't it... My practical teacher? As

soon as Gu Cheng said these words, Mebius's expression froze.

Damn a thousand calamities! You actually... Actually backstabbed me? You're done!

"A thousand calamities are counted as one."

Gu Cheng smiled, smiling like a fox.

Mebius squinted his eyes, his face was red, and he only felt why this man was so annoying~

"Originally, I wasn't sure, until you said it might be six, I knew that the object of your surgery that day was also Yingyi."

Mebius is helpless in his heart, why is this guy's head so good when he comes to this situation?

"Two oh~ I'll choose it for you."

Gu Cheng accepted it when he saw it, and did not get an inch.

But where is Mebius willing to do it?

"Nope! Doesn't count!

She stood up, and two small tiger teeth were exposed, looking fierce.

"You have the core of the lawyer, you must be able to see the collapse of the Thousand Tribulations, not to mention, he must have told you."

Mebius grabbed Gu Cheng's collar, just playing tricks.

"And it is said that it is only to guess one, and the thousand calamities are not counted as you guessed!" And you didn't guess who my surgery was for, and it doesn't count! "

As long as your girlfriend wants to play tricks, you don't have a chance."

"But... I really want to see you wearing a maid costume~"

Gu Cheng simply fooled through, pasted his face to Mebius's hand, and rubbed while snorting.

Seriously, in fact, he is not suitable for selling cute, but it is just a lover's eyes.

Mebius turned his head sideways not to look at him, this disciple, he wanted to see this shameful thing before he could do anything, if... What's that....

Don't play with flowers?

No, if you agree to him so easily, he will not cherish it in the future.

Right! Absolutely cannot be promised to him.

"No, manly husband, you have to count the words, guess it before I can promise you,"

Mebius picked up the text directly.

"But you're not a man..."

Gu Cheng prepared to slap his next blow.

"I speak as a word! The kind that spits and nails. "

Mebius just wants to hurry up and bring it over, who will wear a maid costume to show him?

Klein looked at the two of them in confusion, and finally simply took the cake and walked into the study.


Gu Cheng lowered his head and compromised.

It's just that Mebius didn't see Gu Cheng's hidden smile.

Mebius rubbed his head, "I want to wear it for you too, but words have to be counted." You guessed correctly to show you~"

Mebius was ready to make him die like this, and it turned out....

"Good! Words count!

Gu Cheng suddenly shook his momentum.

"I'm going to guess."

Mebius's eyes widened, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

Isn't it, are you so stubborn in the maid costume?

Forget it, guess what....

Mebius sighed.

"Thousand Calamity and Ellie don't count, right?" , Gu Cheng showed a confident smile.

Mebius nodded.

"Well, I'll guess..."

"World singer Eden, Dean of the School of Medicine of Destiny University, Aponia, former Major General Junhua of the Human Nations Union, and the manager of the grocery store just now, the antique dealer Pardophyllis."

Gu Cheng said it in one breath.

Mebius said that there were six in total besides her and Ellie, and he named four except for Thousand Calamities.

And who else? It doesn't matter.

Mebius was stunned in place.

"Eh, hey, hey~ what to wear?"

The thought of Mebius in a maid costume made him feel unbearable.

Gu Cheng's saliva was about to flow out.

Mebius's stiff face was so turned to Gu Cheng, she didn't know how Gu Cheng guessed it.

Suddenly, she remembered a sentence that Gu Cheng had asked her before.

Do you believe in past lives and present lives?

The pretty face froze slightly.

"Gu - Cheng! Are you fooling me? She

slapped it over.

When Gu Cheng flew out, she was still thinking, how did she know that she was hanging?

This home, which had not even been damaged by the Honkai Beast, was punched into a human-shaped hole by Mebius.

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