The speeding motorcycle is like a charging knight, and the unstoppable momentum is amazing.

The canyon is like a barrier, the gap in the entrance is only less than two meters, it may enter vertically, horizontally... It won't come out.

A broken wooden board hung on it, crookedly writing the words "The living do not enter, the dead will not return", and a somewhat tattered red cloth was nailed underneath.

The ground began to rugged, large and small lumpy crystals protruded, and spikes stood upright nearby like minions, as if blocking something.

Slowly, the scenery near the canyon appeared in front of Gu Cheng's eyes, and he found that many natural barriers isolated the means of transportation, and if he continued to ride, a car accident might occur.

After thinking about it, he still has some broken energy, and he can use the defensive function on the body to break through, and then rest and supply when he gets inside.

Replenishing the Avalanche Energy, which is relatively simple for him, after all....

The collapse energy outside the wall is like a child who has seen his mother, and he doesn't want to pour into his body all the time, if it weren't for Gu Cheng's slight control, I'm afraid he would have been supported by the collapse energy a long time ago.

Now he doesn't have the extra mind to control the Honkai energy, and if it gets out of control, Inazuma may not be able to go.

Cautious as he was, the third life was a man, and he always learned a little meticulousness.

Gu Cheng did not reduce his recoil, and a purple barrier wrapped him and the body, rushing towards the canyon.

But he did not notice that the closer to the canyon, the deeper the protruding crystals became, as if they were suppressing something, and at the entrance of the canyon, something shone slightly, like a thin silk thread, and like solidified teardrops.

"The target has entered the marked site and is still accelerating, and it is time to start the first option. "

It's still the blond man, this time he wears a mask of ghost fangs, looks like a fierce ghost who broke through the abyss, and his gloomy aura seems to have killed many people.

Passer-by A, his code name and a failure in human experiments, was one of the people who were jointly banished by humans.

"The action begins..."

came the leader's voice from A's headset, like a wild beast roaring, like a brewing earthquake.


Although Gu Cheng was still accelerating, using the barrier to break through the barrier, he also slowed down on this bumpy road.

Like a dancing butterfly falling into a trap arranged with cobwebs, the more it struggles, the deeper it falls.

"Something is wrong... Not good!" Gu

Cheng saw more and more crystals on the ground, and there was a faint feeling of bad premonition in his heart.

Suddenly, when Gu Cheng passed through a crystal, the deep crystal instantly expanded, bursting open in an instant like explosives, spewing out a large amount of flames.

The motorcycle was directly swept away by the impact of the center of gravity, and the whole car body turned sideways, and the friction generally fell to the side of more crystals.


Flames burst into flames, pushing the motorcycle through the entrance.

"Mad, there is an old six..." The

collapse energy in Gu Cheng's body was all used to mobilize the protection of the barrier, and he was already a little embarrassed at this time.

He suddenly saw the crystal silk thread at the entrance again, and the alarm bell in his heart was loud, gritted his teeth, and jumped up from the car.


Gu Cheng crossed over the silk thread, but the motorcycle was divided into multiple pieces of scrap iron.

Like a cutting machine, it breaks the motorcycle apart in an instant.

"Gan, the car is gone!" Gu

Cheng's head was full of cold sweat, his breathing was a little tight, and he looked at the wreckage of the body with a palpitation.

The entrance to the canyon was suddenly blocked by rising sharp cones, like a natural cage, trapping Gu Cheng.

Gu Cheng adjusted his breathing while urgently mobilizing the nearby collapse energy.

He scanned the surroundings, the more inside, the wider the space, the two almost right angles of the canyon, and the height of the sky also dispelled Gu Cheng's idea of climbing out.

He also had some guesses in his heart that there would be nothing else that could take advantage of the collapse reaction in this way except the scavengers who lived here all year round.

After a while, the feet began to vibrate, as if something was about to grow.

As if he was inviting, a large number of profound crystals appeared behind him, forcing Gu Cheng to walk inside.

The explosions were endless, the fire was radiant, Gu Cheng changed from walking to running, and then to the deadly rush, and finally, his vision was cheerful.

"Sure enough, I have some skills, and it is not in vain that I have laid so many traps here. The

leader walked out, followed by two equally strong men.

There was also a sound around Gu Cheng, and more than a dozen big men wearing red scarves on their heads who were almost decorated slowly surrounded Gu Cheng.

In the shadows, more than ten people slowly emerged, like ninja costumes, and seemed to be the temperament of assassins, but there was no doubt that they all had the idea of killing Gu Cheng.

Gu Cheng looked at the strength of the other party, and his body was still constantly mobilizing the collapse energy.

The two Bs in front of them and an A, most of them are C, and the few rats on the edge are almost all B, and it seems that there is one that has not appeared.

It is impossible to break through head-on, and there are all crystals behind you, and going back is also an explosion, a way to break the game....

"Guys, what are you doing, blowing up my motorcycle, and welcoming me so grandly, it's really flattering~"

Gu Cheng pulled his face, looking like a two-five-year-old.

"Hehe, it's quite good, boy, if it were before, maybe I would really let you go, but today, I'm sorry, take out all the useful things on you." The

leader stroked his bald head, and the intricate scars on his face were held up by his smile.

"I'll take out everything that is valuable, spare me a little life, big brother!" Gu

Cheng quickly nodded his head and bowed, rummaging something from his satchel in a panic.

When these people saw this kid so intimidated, they all let down their guard one after another, watching with interest how their boss tortured him, making him fall in hope and despair.

After all, it is a scavenger, and the existence of miscellaneous is common.

The leader also felt a little funny, and the smile on his face deepened, which was a fool.


Cheng lowered his head and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

Gu Cheng quickly took out four walnut-sized "glass beads" from his satchel and smashed them to the ground, and red smoke swept in instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Cheng took out some gadgets and threw them around indiscriminately, they were impact bombs one by one, and inside were compressed collapse energy.

There were several screams around him, and the leader also reacted, and quickly shouted: "Quick! shrink to the middle, that kid is playing tricks, don't let him run!" Gu

Cheng smiled slightly, threw out a few traps and grid clamps behind him, and threw a few tentative stones towards the entrance behind him.

As if it was clearing a mine, the crystal that was touched exploded instantly, making a deafening sound.

"Grandma's, he ran back, go after the side!" The

leader's limited IQ is easily disturbed, or even if he knows that this is fraud, he has to disperse his manpower, because he does not dare to gamble.

Gu Cheng was just able to mobilize some collapse energy during this time, quickly transformed into thunder, tried to cover his body, and broke through towards the weaker place on the side.

The sound of the crystal explosion is very loud, which can cover the sound of Gu Cheng's action, and the smoke is specially made, lasts for a long time, and can also interfere with some instruments, and hallucinations will occur when inhaled for a long time.

Why is Gu Cheng okay?

Maybe he is special.

This period of special training allowed Gu Cheng to master a new technique - to transform collapse energy into thunder and attach it to the surface of his body, so that he could elementalize himself and dodge some physical attacks.

Of course, you can also cross obstacles, but it consumes more collapse energy.

Under the interference of the smoke, no one found Gu Cheng's figure.

His left hand mobilized the collapse energy, and the thunder and lightning condensed like a sharp blade and converged on his hand.

Two small minions appeared in front of him, and Gu Cheng was like a ghost, and with a wave and a stab, he easily solved two lives.

Sealing the throat and piercing the heart, the two little brothers didn't even have a chance to react.

Gu Cheng did not love the battle, nor did he take advantage of the situation to pursue, his collapse energy and strength were not enough to support his willfulness, taking advantage of the current elemental state and the time disturbed by smoke, he quickly passed through the obstacle, almost a thunder He was indeed not found.

In addition to meeting him in person, no one could find Gu Cheng's figure.

After solving a few unlucky little brothers again, Gu Cheng penetrated into the canyon from the side, and there were three forks inside, and Gu Cheng went straight to the jungle under the mountain on the left without thinking.

Although the leader was stupid, he was not a fool, and when he rushed to the entrance, he saw the corpse at his feet, and he also reacted slowly.

"Hmph, play this with me? You're still too tender. "

He has already blocked the canyon, and it is a matter of time to catch Gu Cheng, and if he wants to escape, it is impossible.

"A few of you hold the entrance, be sure to hold it, a few of you stay where you are and wait for orders, and the rest divide into three squads and go to the front to search."

"Remember, see that kid take the medicine directly, don't keep your hands, the adult's plan does not allow us to miss!"

"Is it at the exit to the west?"

Passer-by A told Big Tiger Gu Cheng's whereabouts in the headset.

"Oh, I like catching mice the most, let me see how you run out of my palm~"

All three roads lead to one exit, he is ready to wait for the rabbit, there is a chase before and there is a blockade, I don't know what kind of fun this kid can bring....

The hideous face of the big tiger made me dare not sleep for three days.

"Such an active life energy, adults will be satisfied after seeing it, hehe~"

On the other side, Gu Cheng, who was hiding in the jungle, was half-squatting his body, the collapse energy in his body was almost exhausted, only a pitiful trace was still running tenaciously, and the energy stored in the crystals became a little chaotic, like a riot caused by too much complexity.

Now, Gu Cheng can only rely on his physical body to store energy, but fortunately, the collapse energy activity here is quite high.

Treadling... Treading....

It's like the sound of high heels stepping on, but it's like slippers rubbing the ground.

Made, the ghost lingers....

Gu Cheng squinted, holding Silence with one hand, and mobilizing the fishing net and some small things in the ring with the other.

The sound stopped abruptly, but the location was very close to Gu Cheng.

Plopping ~

is Gu Cheng's heartbeat, he is faintly excited, this is the excitement that he has not felt for a long time?

"Come out. An

indifferent voice came from behind Gu Cheng, startling Gu Cheng into a cold sweat, and he subconsciously pulled out the silence and stabbed behind him, but it was empty.

Gu Cheng's eyes widened, and his breathing was a little tight.

Damn, this is at least an existence above the A level.

"Lay down your weapons, I have no malice. The

voice seemed to be right next to Gu Cheng, but he couldn't detect the location.

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes, the situation was a little dangerous.

Suddenly, as if someone had put his hand on his shoulder, Gu Cheng turned around and stabbed him almost instantly.

Sure enough, a blond man with a silver ghost-faced fangs mask appeared behind him, and he leaned back slightly to avoid the sword.

Gu Cheng took advantage of the situation to pursue, and one step up was a fierce slash, mixed with the ancient martial arts learned from Hua.

The mask man was very relaxed, turned sideways and dodged a knife again, and then strangely flashed to Gu Cheng's side, and with a grip, he blocked Gu Cheng's elbow blow and whip.

Gu Cheng still wanted to make a move, but the mask man only moved slightly, and Gu Cheng lost his center of gravity, was fiercely caught and pressed to the ground.

"Take it easy, if I try to kill you, you won't even have a chance to run here." "

The Mask Man is indeed telling the truth.

"He has no malice, otherwise I would have done it a long time ago, but seriously, why is your kid so yin in this life, smoke bombs plus tear gas bombs, and also dissolved psychedelic mushrooms, which used the yin legs and the two dragon play pearls

, gee~" Xiao Hei's voice came out of his mind, which also proved the words of the mask man.

After hearing this, Gu Cheng also directly swung up, relieved his strength, and lay motionless on the ground, just absorbing the collapse energy around him, and looked like he was at your mercy.

After the mask man saw that Gu Cheng gave up the struggle, he also let go of Gu Cheng, flashed around, and sat down cross-legged in front of Gu Cheng.

He took off his mask and revealed a cold and beautiful face, like a depressed scholar, and as if he was a swordsman who could not go further in his life.

"My code name is Passer-by A, you can call me A, and if you know the third joint trial, you should understand what this code name means."

The man said slowly.

Gu Cheng was just a little puzzled, how do I know this kind of experiment?

Well, the third joint experiment? How do I feel as if I've heard it? Isn't this the experiment that Mebius said her teacher directed

, the century-old demon named Eleanor used Honkai energy to make some disabled people live a healthy life, but was later blackened by Manhattan, who stole the results of Klein's experiment.

(Gu Cheng didn't know that the old demon in his mouth was)

"I felt a part of that woman's collapse energy from your body, and even..." The

mask man's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he shook his head with a smile.

That woman? Which woman? Big brother, you explain what you say, the most annoying people who make people guess the meaning!"

"It's just that the only remaining gratitude is at work, I found you for only one reason, that is..." "

Kill the leader of the red scavengers, find out who is behind everything, and make all the people who threaten the city disappear." There

seemed to be endless anger in his eyes.

"Can I ask why it's me?" said

Gu Cheng weakly, he felt that he couldn't find himself in this kind of thing, or else, you let me go, I called someone over?

The man pointed to the ring on Gu Cheng's left hand.

"There are very few people who have the Destiny Special Limited Ring, and if I'm not mistaken, that snake print should be the exclusive pattern of the famous Dr. Mebius.

Gu Cheng followed his line of sight, snake pattern, why didn't I see

it, as if sensing Gu Cheng's doubts, the man said again: "You are too weak, and there is still so little collapse energy, you must not be able to detect the engraving printed on it." "

Gu Cheng: Thank you! Remind me again that I am weak.

"Being able to have this kind of ring means that your status is not low, plus I can feel that there is still a restless power in your body, if used properly, there is no problem in killing that big man." The

man continued.

"I was cursed by the people behind him, but he is not strong enough to fully use the talisman to control me, as long as you kill him, I can take you out of this encirclement."

He thought for a moment and added, "If you catch the mastermind behind the scenes, I recognize you as the Lord, and you can use me as you like." Gu

Cheng only felt that his fate was bumpy.

"I don't have the ability to refuse~"

Gu Cheng struggled up from the ground and shrugged a little helplessly.

"There's a key to God here. The

man spoke amazingly.

"Huh?" Gu

Cheng was slightly stunned, what do you think about the cabbage?"

"The energy in your body is not controlled by you, if you get the control of the God Key, those energies also have a place to decompose, and the God Key can also be integrated into the body to help you mobilize the collapse energy." The

man explained.

Isn't it possible to use the energy stored in the crystals

? Then take the time to fuse the core of the lawyer, isn't this strength

? Slowly refine the collapse can enter the gods, won't this take off?

Don't pretend, I have a showdown, what cultivation, it's all, there is no need to hang up with cerebral palsy like time to make up.

I Gu Cheng has a dream, that is, to aspire to become the strongest soft rice... Oh no, the strongest lawyer!"

This canyon was once a plateau and the highest zone, a warning waved by the woman with her raised hand. "

Gu Cheng was shocked, how strong is this, a canyon all of a sudden?"

But unfortunately, this is the gathering place of Avalanche, and the Avalanche energy inside gushes out like a tide, and that woman always does this, placing the Divine Key here as a formation eye to suppress the overflowing Avalanche energy. The

man explained.

"However, if we take it, will these spillover collapses not form large collapses?

Gu Cheng followed behind the man and voiced his doubts.

The man shook his head, "The monster that drove you into the canyon is the leader of the scavengers who stole the collapse energy here to get the result, and now the remaining collapse energy is no longer enough to form the collapse, it will only pollute the environment." "

For life, the environment becomes worthless.

In today's Honkai energy as the mainstream technology, the environment... It's just something that can appear at the wave of a hand.

"We went down the jungle to the underground, where the real eye was. The

man led Gu Cheng to continue walking.

The interior of the canyon is like an intricate labyrinth, and it is like a bottle, with a small mouth and a large capacity, except for the narrow entrance, there are holes inside.

As if gradually degrading, the environment around Gu Cheng and the two changed from jungle to desert, and as the two deepened, this change became more and more.

That is, they are approaching the goal.

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