What to say about it?

Looking at the Collapsed Emperor crawling on the ground, Gu Cheng and Pa Duo looked at each other.


"Big Brother Gu? If you had released the Avalanche Energy earlier, wouldn't we have to run so far?

Paduo looked at Gu Cheng resentfully while rubbing his stomach.

This road idiot carried her for not knowing how long the bumps lasted, and only decided to strike after hitting a wall.

And guess what?

Gu Cheng had just released the Avalanche Energy, and then conjured a Tai Dao with lightning, and that Avalanche Emperor slipped and fell to the ground like a speeding car drifting.

Then, as if some loyal courtier had seen the emperor, the diamond-shaped body actually took a kneeling posture.

"I... I don't know..."

"This guy was not dead just now, and suddenly I didn't have any ideas~"

Gu Cheng held up the seven thunder and looked at the ground, motionless like a dead emperor with some doubt, and stabbed it with seven thunders with some puzzlement.

The emperor actually didn't react at all, and he still looked like he was being slaughtered.

"Brother Gu... What should we do? The Mandate of Heaven has not yet sent a signal to end, let's go to find the source of the ancient collapse first or first..."

Phyllis carefully hid behind Gu Cheng, and his eyes changed when he looked at the emperor.

That emperor didn't know what it was affected by, and it felt an inexplicable affinity for the energy emitted by Gu Cheng, which made it irresistible.

Intimately, it even put away the temperature on the body.

"Hmm... Do you want to keep it? I feel like Mebius will love this little thing.

Gu Chengmo said with his chin clenched.

But what to do with it? Or rather... How to pack and take away?

Gu Cheng stretched out his hand and put it on the emperor's "head", because it was not high enough, Gu Cheng even condensed a step under his feet to support him.

Ordinary energies converged in his hand, forming a complicated magic array, light blue mixed with light pink, as novel as smoke covered by streamers.

The emperor did not have the slightest movement of resistance, allowing Gu Cheng to move on it.

No, it can't be said that there is no movement, it can only be said that it also lowered its head to facilitate Gu Cheng's touch.

A force from the depths of the soul suddenly operated, and the collapse energy that fused with the divine power began to circulate, absorbing the restless collapse energy on the emperor's body little by little.

"Big Brother Gu?"

Pado looked at Gu Cheng's movements in amazement, and she found that Gu Cheng was actually devouring the energy on the Broken Beast.

Slightly set off waves of qi, with Gu Cheng as the center, a fairyland-like ice mist surged up, as if a dragon groan came out of it.

After a while, the size of the Collapsed Emperor shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, floating in the air like a small elf.

Gu Cheng stopped his hand, he looked at the emperor thoughtfully, and he felt a feeling in his heart.

Between Gu Cheng raised his hand again, a crystal blue light flashed, and the emperor's body turned into a streamer in an instant and disappeared into the distance, gradually integrating into Gu Cheng's body.


" "Done, almost about to start..." Gu

Cheng wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, looked at Paduo with a sunny face, and showed it domineeringly with that aggressive smile.

"Big Brother Gu, you are... What was done? "

Padeau witnessed everything and was amazed by it.

"Such a big emperor, all of a sudden, it's gone!"

"Brother Gu, did you learn magic tricks with Sister Weiwei?"

Phyllis's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered something surprising.

If she learns this magic, it will be much more convenient to buy goods in the future.

"Eh... "

It's not magic, it's a spatial transfer method that is exclusive to me."

"I probably can't teach you."

Gu Cheng rubbed Pado's head softly, staring at the pair of cat ears with a little curiosity.

Sure enough, the ears that had just been erected from excitement shrugged down at this moment.

"Well, is that so..."

Pado tilted his head and his eyes flashed.

"Ah, by the way, Brother Gu, this is for you, I forgot about it when I ran just now."

Suddenly, as if remembering something, Pado took out a tube of potion from his waist pocket.

"Sister Snake said that this potion can temporarily increase your cell activity to facilitate the next action."

Phyllis's white-clad hand set off the dark green tube with a particularly crystalline color.

"This is..." Gu

Cheng held the reagent, there was some strange light in his eyes, he didn't expect that Mebius would actually prepare so well.

"Fortifying potions? Special Edition? The

cold reagent in his hand seemed to carry a bit of temperature from Mebius, and Gu Cheng simply ignored Pado.

"Snake sister said..." Seeing

Gu Cheng's excited look, Pado didn't know what to say, but stiffly repeated what Snake Sister said.

"Taking it in advance before meeting the origin can enhance the gene activity in the body and facilitate stimulation... Well... The rest didn't remember, hehe~"

Padot said seriously, but when it came to the key, he couldn't remember the specific situation.

"It's okay, I already know it in my heart."

Gu Cheng held this potion, and his face became more firm.

Her figure was infinitely magnified in Gu Cheng's mind, and the countless choices for the future seemed to have all been placed in front of him.

"Okay Pado... It's time for us to get down to business.

Gu Cheng put the reagent into his pocket, his eyes burning, as if he saw something in the depths through the infinite block.

One... Enormous... Void creatures.

"Huh? Brother Gu, do you know how to go?

Pado looked surprised, it was incredible.

Snake sister is so powerful? The potion cured Big Brother Gu's road dementia before it was used?

"Huh? I don't know..." Gu

Cheng was also surprised when he heard Pado's speech.

Get down to business? He was really doing business, but there was a little accident in the middle....


The wind blew the battlefield like a purple cloud, and the characteristic smell of blood mixed with the putrid smell made people sick.

The wind blowing from the ground up seems to be whose snoring, accompanied by bad breath and the special environment, it is really spicy eyes and choking noses, making people afraid before fighting.

"Hmm! It stinks! Stepping

into the last floating petrified steps, Pado twisted his little man's waist as if he was stressed.

The tail behind her is also very in line with the owner's mind and exploded.

Gu Cheng did not react unfavorably, on the contrary, he actually found that the energy in his body was actually restless here.

The collapse of the surrounding area replenishes its empty core all the time.

That less complete and less reliable core.

Although the speed was slow, it also made Gu Cheng feel satisfied for a long time.

"Pado, your physical fitness should already be the limit here, right?"

Just when Paduo was about to go inside with a cigarette, Gu Cheng grabbed her by the back collar and dragged her back.

He used his long-lost insight to observe Pado's situation at this time.

Although it did not have much impact, the gradually decreasing physical and mental strength already showed that Pado could not act for a long time at the moment.

"Ahhh... Hahaha, I didn't expect to be seen by Big Brother Gu

..." "Actually, we just want to see if there is any other information..."

Pado scratched his head slightly weakly.

She promised Mebius to take care of Gu Cheng's state, but it was clear that her physical fitness was not enough to carry out the next action.

Gu Cheng shook his head, sent his hand away, and then mobilized the nearby collapse energy from the air around him, condensed an object similar to an eyeball, and handed it to Paduo.

"This is my condensed 'eye', you can use it to temporarily resist erosion, if you want, just follow me, don't feel sorry, everyone has their own value."

"Although there was a lot of time to go around along the way, but it was just in time for the most critical moment, Pado, you only need to record the next battle, and quit as soon as I detect that something is wrong, I have the ability to protect myself, no need to worry."

Looking at Pado's shining eyes, Gu Cheng smiled slightly and put that eyeball on top of her head.

Soon, the eyeball also quickly functioned, and Pado's body values quickly stabilized.

"Brother Gu..."

Paduo's eyes showed a somewhat meaningful look.

The favorability of the column detected by the Eye of Insight actually soared to more than sixty.

Gu Cheng just smiled and rubbed her head again.

As if this action is addictive.

"Okay, next... It's really about to begin..." Gu

Cheng narrowed his eyes and stared at the road leading to the underground, as if the naturally formed staircase seemed to be an invitation from the abyss, seducing people to fall step by step.

Taking out the medicine from his pocket, Gu Cheng peeled off the syringe, held the needle and hid it in his back hand, and very cautiously walked down first.

The medicine was also slowly injected into the blood with Gu Cheng's movements.

Step by step....


Underground operations are on track, and above-ground warfare has shifted.

Although the human side is exhausted, it has still reaped a lot of victories.

Because of Gu Cheng underground, those Collapsed Beasts that came into being at the time had the mind of protecting the lord, and they all began to retreat, trying to return to the cave to encircle.

But it is a pity that the army led by Cecilia took advantage of this opportunity to charge even more fiercely, not intending to make them proud.

The Avalanche energy emitted by Cecilia was like a blooming white lotus, and she danced freely like an elf wandering on a clear spring.

The fighting posture is not as fierce as imagined, but extremely elegant and gentle, so that the spear in the hand becomes no longer an ordinary weapon, but a note for pleasure.

The sturdy and clean spear is like a flower stamen, the dense attack is like a working bee, and the white petals fall at will, not withering, better than flying snow.

Her weak body erupted with unimaginable strength, as if she only raised her hand slightly, as if she was just gracefully performing her own dance steps.

But those broken beasts lost their lives because of this.

The cannon fodder squad of the Human United Army played a big role, at least allowing Cecilia to wait for the opportunity.

She felt the signal transmitted by Gu Cheng, pressed the headset to send the message to Inazuma, and then recovered her energy, and the spear in her hand flew again.

"Stay and dance with me!"

It is the blade dancer and the dawn of the battlefield.


Another round of attacks.

The number of collapsed beasts on the battlefield decreased at a rate visible to the naked eye, perhaps the underground "origin" felt the danger, no longer diffused the energy, chose to abandon the car to protect the marshal, and all flowed back, ready to resist the last to support its recovery.


Above the battlefield, the last few armed helicopters are also slowly coming, and a beautiful girl like a flower stands in the wide open hatch.

It looks like cherry blossoms in full bloom in the middle of the season, and they shine brightly during the spring season when the dead trees are dead, like a fresh breeze falling in the air, and they are even more happy to bloom in spring.

"Really, cute girls like me don't like to work overtime~"

Alicia was dressed in a pink and white intertwined combat dress, decent and convenient for large-scale movements, the long pink cherry blossom-like hair was slightly tied up, naturally hanging down, allowing the aura to blow her face, blooming with her own brilliance.

"Mebius guessed well, this is preparing for the final counterattack, I have to pay attention to the situation, otherwise I will be hated if I accidentally hurt Cecilia~"

Alicia casually picked up the longbow beside her and aimed it at the edge of the cave in the battlefield, like an unknown prophet, and galloped straight away.


I couldn't see Ellie's movements clearly, her delicate face was extremely serious, and she only heard a deafening sonic boom from the bowstring, and a long arrow flew across a large space in an instant, directly penetrating a chariot crash beast that had just poked its head out.

It's not over yet, this is just the first time....

Then there was another sound explosion, and the pink energy turned into thousands of sharp arrows, densely packed like a downpour all attacking the enemy's lair.

"It's so beautiful, how about a blooming rose?"

As if talking to herself, the girl gently ruffled the broken hair on her forehead, and her eyes were particularly attractive.

With that innocent face and such childlike words, it was hard to imagine that the speed of the bow and arrow comparable to Gatling came from her.

While talking and laughing, Ellie's attack accurately penetrated all the visible Avalanche Beasts on the battlefield, and although some of the Avalanche Beasts with higher strength were not killed by one blow, they were also nailed to the ground and could not move.

Cecilia easily ended their lives with one shot.

The swords in the sky that are reflected by the sunlight as amethyst seem to be falling cherry blossoms that surround Inazuma, and Cecilia's blooming white lotus is particularly beautiful under such embellishments.

Her way of attacking has also become more and more beautiful and moving, and her appearance like cardamom does not show that she is the mother of two children.

Envy of the Nth day of Ziggy Fly.

The battle on the ground ushered in a turning point with the joint efforts of the three forces, no longer waiting for Gu Cheng to create an opportunity, on the ground, Cecilia had already won a great opportunity for them.


"It seems that their actions are even hidden by me~"

Cecilia looked at Ellie, who was waving on the helicopter, and smiled helplessly, while talking to herself, she waved to the lively girl as well.

"I don't know if Bianca is in danger now..." When Bianca

was mentioned, Cecilia's face was much happier.

"That's it, maybe that's the only way to get rid of that irreversible past..."

she smiled slightly, and then clenched the spear in her hand hard.

"Otto, you have to start faster..."

Cecilia's tone at this moment seemed to show the momentum of the Shanyat family.

Because I trust you, I will choose to let you create a Kiana by copying it, but....

If at the time of that collapse comes, there is no law who plans to fight for mankind...

It's not just Shanyat and Kaslanna's dispute over Apocalis.

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