"Welcome to today's morning news."

"Recently, the Ministry of Defense found a fallen armed helicopter in the coastal belt of our border, the cause of its crash is unknown, according to reliable sources, the helicopter's power plant has suffered a strong collapse energy impact

..." "This matter is confusing, whether it is a conspiracy of unscrupulous elements or an accident with a cause, our reporter will continue to report for you..." On

a table in a hall, a television is playing news. The video footage inside also shows the details of the crash.

On the potholed ground was a "gunship" stuck straight in, with no propellers, no tail, and the center compartment was also tattered.

Battle-damaged wind aircraft.

The television is still running, reporting on the specifics of this matter.


As if deliberately avoiding it, and as if unwilling to look back, a jade hand firmly pressed the remote control to turn it off.

Adhering to the meaning of out of sight, out of mind, several people hung their heads in the hall and pondered.


The soft sigh was very obvious in the quiet room, which seemed to carry a deep helplessness and sorrow.


was a different sigh, but the meaning was exactly the same.

Two people, in different voices, made the same sound.

The source of the sound is Mebius and Gu Shaoqing.

Mebius wore his usual turquoise shirt, an old white coat, and the stockings on his legs were also crystal clear.

Opposite her was Gu Shaoqing, who was holding Erlang's legs and whistling like an uncle. It is also not afraid to look at the girl with a forked waist in the middle.

"Sigh what? I haven't said anything else? The

girl's soft voice was like a trickling stream, moist and humidified.

"Teacher... Gu Cheng really has nothing to do... It's just that... There was a slight surprise.

Mebius's Danfeng eyes were erratic, and Joan's nose was playful.

After all... It can't be said that your son destroyed the plane because he released the energy of the lawyer, and the falling helicopter blew up the protected area surrounded by the human union, right?

Not a lawyer, but a lawyer power....

The devil knows the teacher, if she finds out that her son is not a ghost or a ghost, will she go crazy!


Gu Shaoqing's thing used private money to help compensate for it, so that Gu Cheng was only taken away for interrogation, instead of being arrested and sliced.

On the one hand, Gu Cheng's body is special, and on the other hand, Gu Shaoqing's private money is not easy to save for thousands of years.

What does this make her say!

"Accident? So... Can anyone tell me what happened? The

girl's long blonde hair swayed faintly, and the brilliance that belonged to the Shanyat family bloomed in this white room.

This girl is Gu Cheng's mother and the successor of the Shanyat family - Eleanor Shanyat.

Eleanor, who had just worked overtime from Destiny to arrange Angelil, was already physically and mentally exhausted, and wanted to relieve the pressure through the smile of her son who had not been seen for many years, but...

Not only did she not see her son's figure, but she was also confused by the sighs of the two victims.

The bright lights flickered back and forth from top to bottom, and no one replied except for the empty flow back to the wind.

The soft sigh and apprehensive heartbeat broke the silence, but it made the atmosphere of the whole scene even more wrong

, "I said, what are you two feeling?" Mebius, what exactly is going on that makes you so sad? How do I usually teach you? Why did I get so out of shape after kidnapping my son?

Eleanor's series of questions caused Mebius's brain to shut down for a moment.

It would be fine if you asked her to answer some questions about the experiment, but... This aspect is really not professional!

Therefore, Mebius, who was already at a disadvantage in rank, and under the double suppression of the household registration, she completely became an ignorant girl who did not know anything.

"Teacher, this matter... Well... What to say..."

"It's just... "Alas~


Mebius thought about it, and finally just sighed back.


You just answer me with a sigh?

Eleanor was itching now, desperate to know what had happened.

I thought that the reliable Mebius would be as reliable as ever, but....

Shaking her head, Eleanor moved her gaze to Gu Shaoqing, who was sitting on the other side.

Come to think of it, this matter may be a little difficult for Mebius to cut teeth? Then the faceless Gu Shaoqing should have no problem, right?

"Honey, then why are you sighing? Can you tell me, where is my dear son? "

Eleanor's body size is more girly, but it is much more mature, just a little shorter than Gu Shaoqing.

If you think about it, Mebius is probably this big if he gets smaller?


In fact, the old Gu family is all lolicon?

Under the reflection of the light, Eleanor's fair and delicate face was a little more threatening, and a pair of tiger teeth were sharp and extended.

The meaning in her eyes seemed to be "If you don't tell me, you're dead."

Eleanor walked quickly to Gu Shaoqing's side, crossed her hands at her waist, and looked at him with a fierce look.

"This... That one... Ah..."

"How about we both promote and promote feelings first?" Let Mebius continue to wait for Gu Cheng? Comrade

Gu Shaoqing looked away weakly, looking at the ceiling a little flustered, and glanced at his eyes without the slightest intention of looking at Eleanor.


"If you want to sleep on the couch at night, you can continue to talk nonsense here!"

Eleanor jumped on Gu Shaoqing's body at once, and her slender legs straddled him like this, trying to crush him with that meager weight.

It's just that... This is a reward, right?

Perhaps Eleanor also realized that this behavior did not hurt Gu Shaoqing much, and then, she saw that Eleanor grabbed Gu Shaoqing's collar with both hands and shook it, as if to shake his brain pulp.

"Wait a minute... "

Son, he's really fine!"

Gu Shaoqing's shaky head couldn't explain it clearly at all, and being vigorously shaken by a "weak" girl like Eleanor with natural divine power, no one would feel good if it was replaced by anyone.


" "Very good, the mouth is very hard~

" "Mebius, come, do you want to answer now?" I'm very angry and the end is very serious~" As

if finding Mebius very relaxed, Eleanor moved the spearhead back and re-placed Mebius, the pair of narrowed peach blossom eyes were particularly dangerous, as sharp as thorns.


Mebius blinked, looking cute and ignorant, looking like the innocent girl next door, and he couldn't see that she was half a hundred years old.

Although Eleanor may be older....

"I... Forehead... It's not that hiding... Well... I... Or... Do you look at the news again? Mebius

chirped, a little clumsy, and the cold and plain face that was usually looked more like a little girl who could not face her mother-in-law alone.

She had to reach out and hand out the remote control, trying to get Eleanor to turn on the TV herself and watch the news.


"I just want to ask about my son, you actually let me watch the news? What's so good about the news!

Eleanor's voice and power were inversely proportional to her height, and it actually pressed Mebius and Gu Shaoqing's two high-end combat forces to dare not speak.

"Teacher... You degasse... It is... Gu Cheng will be back later, you... Don't worry..."

Mebius walked forward with a fawning look, learning the technique Gu Cheng used to massage her and pressing Eleanor's shoulder.

"Yes, wife, you dissipate your breath, son he... That one... Maybe write a review and come back, come back in a while, don't worry~"

Gu Shaoqing also sat up straight, wanting to hold Eleanor but not daring to make a move was very funny.

"Gas? Don't worry? "

Okay, you two actually colluded to get along with that fire-chasing moth behind my back, and now you don't even let me see Xiao Gu Cheng."

"Good, good, all grown up, don't recognize me as an old guy~"

Although Eleanor was laughing, the killing intent on her face had already materialized.

"Especially you Gu Shaoqing, not only did you not have a little filial piety, but also dared to push the old lady, now ask you something, you can't even say a word of fart!"

"One by one, I really don't have to worry about it."

She climbed down from Gu Shaoqing, but her petite body carried an infinite sense of oppression, and Eleanor stared at these two people with a gloomy face.

"Don't talk anymore? Want me to watch the news? Okay, I have to say that... It seems that the crash on the beach has a lot to do with Gu Cheng~"

Eleanor said meaningfully, her eyes shining with unclear meaning, like crystal dew dotted on the moon flowers.

"Okay, then I'll wait and see what kind of moths you can make."

Eleanor snorted softly, and then sat down in the position of Mebius just now, proudly cocking Erlang's legs, more wild than Gu Shaoqing.

One after another, the gaze was overwhelmed, but Eleanor was deliberately embarrassed.

"What to see? I'm all busy, serving tea and water, massage and relaxation, I really think I don't like you coaxing me?

Looking at Mebius and Gu Shaoqing, who were standing on either side of him, Eleanor raised her head with a bad smile.

How? The eldest lady is not coaxing, why did she give up directly?

Eleanor tilted her head and narrowed her eyes like a refined fox.

Suddenly, Gu Shaoqing instantly fell under Eleanor's pomegranate skirt.

"Okay~ Lord wife, bring over the Longjing you like~"

Gu Shaoqing skillfully placed a pair of tea sets neatly, and then brewed tea very intimately.

It is difficult to imagine that this mercenary captain would be proficient in this skill.

"Mebius, what's wrong with you? I pinched it well just now, continue~"

Eleanor took Mebius's hand, her eyes shining with spring light with a smile.


Mebius blushed and bowed her head, she couldn't resist Eleanor's alluring eyes, so she had to avoid the edge for a while.

After all....

I really took down the teacher's son secretly... In any case, it is not easy to put on the usual appearance.

The cold snake snake is also afraid of the mother-in-law~

Compared to the dispute here, the human union on the other side is weird.

Several joint soldiers wearing azure combat uniforms held Gu Cheng's information, their faces gloomy and helpless.

"Gu Cheng, right? Don't be nervous, just ask you to truthfully report your current physical condition, and then describe the specific history of the crash. In

the dark environment, only the incandescent lamp directly shining at his eyes was flickering, which made Gu Cheng's eyes tingle, and the fan of the runner also blew a little upset him.

"Condition? I'm fine, didn't I say, the plane fell by accident, and I didn't join the moth of fire, I am an ordinary student qualified for destiny!

Gu Cheng spread his hands, his face was a little speechless.

He really didn't know what happened, and when he woke up, the plane was gone!

As for those interrogators, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they were dissatisfied but helpless for Gu Cheng's answer.

The background is sky-wide, and its own strength is difficult to control....

They were afraid that this master would be unhappy to tear down this place, but because of the above arrangement, they had to bite the bullet to carry out this job.

"Ah, what about this

..." "Forget it, let's verify the existing information first..." The

professional straightened his hat, wiped the sweat on his forehead, nervously picked up the paper that recorded the confession, and slowly read it.

"The main reason for the fall of the aircraft is the short circuit of the flight module caused by the combination of power damage and lack of maneuvering signals, and the general situation is that the aircraft has suffered a violent collapse energy impact, and this energy is the same energy source as the energy source in Gu Cheng's body."

"According to the parties, the fall of the aircraft was an accident caused by the host's body failing to converge energy fluctuations in time when it woke up, and the destruction of our military reserve was also a chain reaction caused by the accident, which is not an intentional infringement."

"This incident has nothing to do with the Mandate of Heaven or the private organization 'Moth of Fire', and the parties also clarify that they are not affiliated, but... An ordinary student. The

professional read the report brightly, and almost believed that this extremely dangerous "lawyer" was just an ordinary student.

"yes, isn't that the truth? I've said everything that should be said, let me go back!

Gu Cheng slapped the table excitedly, causing everyone to take several steps back.

"That... Please calm down, or else... Do you check this list of compensation first? Although someone has already paid the bill..." The

professional took out a list and handed it to Gu Cheng, which clearly stated various places that needed compensation, and the price was even higher....

Several zeros.


The lights dimmed and the sound became quieter.

After writing eight payment slips and guarantees, Gu Cheng finally left this prison-like place.

The sun shines gently on the face, and the breeze on the face provides warmth similar to a hug.


Gu Cheng sighed, straightened his clothes, and stood at the door of the interrogation section like this, looking at the shadow, and there was a faint coldness in his heart.

He, a little confused.

Myself, what the hell.

Just now, the main purpose of the interrogation by that group of people was to interrogate his position at the moment.

It's human, or it's Honkai.

Is it a combination of general righteousness or private will.

At the end of the day....

Gu Cheng didn't know it himself.

He, only wants Mebius, the rest... In no thoughts.

Time passed slowly, until the fierce wind swept wildly, and Gu Cheng returned to his senses.


is a dark green sports car speeding up, driving the fierce wind around.

"What are you doing stunned? Get in the car! "

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