Early mornings are always pleasant.

However, it is urgent for "students".

"Gan! Late again!

A roar sounded from a room on the second floor, and then a violent collapse energy erupted, and soon, I saw Gu Cheng's figure break out of the window, fly straight out, and go straight to Mebius's motorcycle.

It can be seen that Gu Cheng is very anxious, and even his own energy gushes out.

(Don't ask why you don't just fly over...) The picture turned

, on the dining table on the first floor, Gu Shaoqing and Eleanor calmly drank morning tea, while Mebius was virtuously cooking noodles in the kitchen, a happy family scene.


Suddenly it feels like being in this home... Gu Cheng is so redundant.

"What... Wife, didn't you tell him to rest today?

Gu Shaoqing slowly questioned after being entangled for a while, and he didn't have the slightest way to deal with this stupid son.

"Eh, I forgot~ suddenly many sons have not adapted to it..."

Eleanor spat out her tongue when she heard this, looking cute, and indeed cute?

"Obviously, when the mother and son met yesterday, it was quite touching... Reveal your nature today.

Gu Shaoqing complained softly, denouncing Eleanor's image of not having any motherly behavior.

"What did you say?"

Eleanor heard Gu Shaoqing's nagging, and Old Gu wanted to regain his strength and planned to say it again, but he shrunk back under the kind eyes of his wife.

This is called from the heart.

"Didn't... I mean, even the teacher has not passed, what is his student in a half-bottle in a hurry? It's true, I didn't care about the school before..."

a certain dad sighed and complained, looking at a certain cooking snake with resentment in his eyes, as if she was the source of everything.

Although Gu Shaoqing was very careful, Mebius still noticed this line of sight.

"Huh, blame me? There are classes at school every day, but 'our family' is a bit privileged... Besides, isn't it a good thing that Gu Cheng is willing to take the initiative to attend class?

After Mebius turned off the fire, she rolled her eyes and said very unconcernedly, indicating her attitude towards Gu Cheng.

It's just that Gu Shaoqing is still dissatisfied and still expresses his protest with his eyes. Of course, Mebius is not used to it, and the two are as hostile as their respective father-killers.

In the morning, Gu Shaoqing seemed to be fighting in the palace, and at the same time engaged in a silent struggle with Eleanor and Mebius.

Full of silent war.

"Okay, okay, you two have to argue for a while every time you meet, I really don't know what to think..."

Xiao Chengzi probably hadn't had enough wine last night, and he didn't react for a while. But then again, Mebius is also right, is it not good that Gu Cheng is willing to take the initiative to learn? The old Gu family can't be all single-celled creatures, right?

Eleanor put down the teacup and sighed before slowly speaking, and the whole person was a little helpless.

However, she can understand it.

The classmates of the same generation suddenly become your father, and no one can accept it, maybe this is the reason why this pair of "father and daughter" fight when they meet, right?


Gu Shaoqing sighed, he would never refute Eleanor, even if Mebius was present, he still had no status.

"That's it, who let me be this stupid son, no way... Huh? A son? "

Hehe~ wife~ look... Do you want to create another trumpet~" Of

course, although Gu Shaoqing will not refute it, in terms of astringency, this father and son are similar, with skin in the low, and do not repent.


Eleanor didn't react for a moment to what it meant to create a trumpet, and stayed for a second before she blushed and shook her head in Gu Shaoqing's malicious eyes and refused.


The refusal was crisp, without the slightest hesitation, as if he had been deceived by similar means a long time ago.

Old Gu smiled slightly, but did not continue to entangle himself on this topic, but turned his face and looked at Mebius with some gloom.

"Daughter-in-law, do you guess if the content of last night's party got out~

" "Ottota... How will you get along with Gu Cheng~"

The words did not reveal too much, but the people present were not fools, and naturally understood the meaning.

Eleanor only glanced at Gu Shaoqing, which was regarded as acquiescing to his behavior and did not stop it.


"Mebius, it's time for you to confirm your location."

Gu Shaoqing's flat voice came, like a breeze fluctuating on the surface of the lake, blowing into Mebius's heart, stirring up ripples.

Own... Location?

Mebius did not make a sound, lowered his head a little depressed, and his ears were full of Gu Shaoqing's words.

"Don't blur the sight of others by standing on Gu Cheng's side, no one will believe that the dignified Mebius will give up his status because of a man."

Gu Shaoqing cocked his legs, drank all the remaining tea in his hand in one sip, and then stood up and said.

"It's a mess, let's do it again."

The calm words came out of Gu Shaoqing's mouth again, but it was a magical influence that affected Mebius.


She replied softly.

There are always trade-offs along the way of life, right?

While Mebius was meditating, Gu Shaoqing had already served Eleanor a bowl of fairly good noodles.

The old two are very sweet, and the appearance of you and my non unconsciously attracts the attention of Mebius.

Suddenly, the bits and pieces of the past and Gu Cheng came to his heart, and the same burst of sweetness appeared on Mebius's face.

Throughout her life, all the honors and achievements that proved to her never seemed to bring such satisfaction.

"Mebius... I like you. "

That mean face was rare in Mebius' memory... but completely let Mebius fall into it.

A trade-off?

She had already made a choice, and Gu Shaoqing's meaning was not as superficial as she thought.


It's just to gag the mouths of that group of people.


Mebius already had the answer in his heart, and Gu Cheng's face became clearer.

"Forget it, the noodles will be crumbled, anyway, the teacher can eat well, as for you... You can't die of hunger. Mebius

poured the collapse energy into the noodles in the pot, breaking them all and turning them into piece after piece of batter.

"Just think of it as pimple soup, I'll go to school to feed the dogs... Gu Cheng ate. The

girl's sweet smile already indicated her answer, and Gu Shaoqing also understood what she meant, but...

Lao Tzu's breakfast is so gone? And use these broken things to fool your son?

Eleanor didn't think as much as Gu Shaoqing, just waved her hand, and the action of sucking noodles was particularly cute, like a little hamster, soft and bulging.


quietly packed the "noodles" and then walked out the door humming an unknown song.

"So... Is it really good? As

soon as Mebius left, Eleanor swallowed the noodles in her mouth and asked with a bit of distress and concern.

Gu Shaoqing did not answer, but looked at the direction of the door thoughtfully.

"Nono, you know the character of Mebius, she is a tenacious and stubborn person... I didn't mean to make her give up everything she had.

"Gu Cheng has been caught up in it and has become a sharp knife, I just want Mebius to really unite the front with us, otherwise... What can be the previous sacrifice?

Gu Shaoqing's tone was rarely low, so heavy that it seemed to stop at any moment.


patted him lightly on the back, trying to comfort but not knowing what to say.

"I'm fine..."

Gu Shaoqing forced a smile and sighed, not wanting to shine a bad mood on Eleanor.

"Mebius is smart, she knows what I mean. I've already arranged it on Otto's side, depending on whether Mebius wants speed or quality. "

The father still paved the way for his son. Whether it was last night's overall support for Gu Cheng to establish a bright face or a power behind the scenes, in short... Gu Shaoqing, he has already fulfilled his father's responsibilities.

That broad and powerful shoulder can still support everything about Gu Cheng.

"Otto? With that Kaslana here, I believe the former bishop can't fight for anything anymore, Inazuma's time, I have already knocked him... At least in recent years, it has collapsed in peace.

Eleanor hugged Gu Shaoqing and said slowly, the murderous intent in her eyes was well hidden.

"I know... But..." Gu

Shaoqing was a little difficult to cut his teeth.

"What's wrong?"

Eleanor asked the reason with some doubt.

"Didn't you find it?"

"Mebius she... It's changed a lot~"

Looking at the position at the door, Gu Shaoqing said with some emotion.

"Change? Yes...,"

Eleanor agreed, and then the whole person was attached to Gu Shaoqing's back.

"I'm afraid Mebius is too stubborn... After this stimulation from you, I am afraid that she will directly lead Gu Cheng to register a marriage certificate... Wait a minute... Shaoqing, is Gu Cheng's household registration book in your place?

Suddenly, Eleanor seemed to have thought of something and straightened up a little nervously.

"Family register? Not there with you?

Gu Shaoqing also raised his head in bewilderment, shouldn't the wife manage this kind of thing?

Hukou? What is the family register?

Wait a minute... Broken!

Eleanor's eyes widened, and Gu Shaoqing's eyes widened.


Their own pigs were instead arched by cabbage? How is it so unrestrained!

"It's bad, this bastard must have been fooled by this laipi snake! Gan! Old cows eat tender grass!

"I just said why this turtle son suddenly changed his personality, and his feelings were sold!"

Gu Shaoqing stood up excitedly, looking indignant as if he was very dissatisfied with his son.

He knew that Gu Cheng had been dissected by Mebius, so he did not fight with this laipi snake.

You know, they're so crazy before they're married, if they really get married... He really couldn't care about Gu Cheng.

Who knows what else they're going to do to subvert our perceptions.

Gu Shaoqing here had already thought of the scene of seeing his son being made into a specimen in the future, which scared him into a panic in an instant, and his mind was full of what kind of pit father's son.

On the other side, Eleanor sensed some sensitive words, and looked gloomy like some kind of demon.

"Old cow... Eating tender grass? Gu Shaoqing, what is your opinion?

"Where did you just think someone else was old?" Am I supposed to be buried?

As if offended, Eleanor suddenly narrowed her eyes, and the fierce tiger teeth of the pair of fierce milkmen were exposed, and her smart eyes exuded a little resentment.

Oh! By the way, I am also the grass that was eaten? This sentence can also be regarded as offending the wife?

"Wait, my wife! Shouldn't you struggle with the family register now? Alas, alas! Don't do it... Yes! Wife, don't bite me! The

house that had rarely calmed down became restless again, and the sound of laughter or bitter mourning resounded in the sky.

Well, not surprisingly, Gu Shaoqing was educated for a while, and painfully and happily accepted the "adjustment" of his wife.

The outdoor sunlight is very kind and warm, and the tooth marks on Gu Shaoqing's old face are also clearly visible.

Everything seems to be returning to everyday life....

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