The door opened.

Yae Sakura experimented back and forth.

so amazing!

The previous "electric light" that released a stable light source without burning was amazing enough.

Now there is such a thing called "fingerprint recognition"!

With this, I heard that you don't need to bring a key when you go out!

Looking at Yae Sakura who looked like a child playing with a toy, Ren Yu couldn't help being speechless again.

This woman is more playful than her two younger sisters.

However, the thinking is not very fixed, and it can barely be saved.

"Let your two younger sisters teach you the rest. I'll leave first if I have something to do."

Without hesitation, he pushed the task of teaching Yae Sakura to Yae Rin and Hiyumaru.

Fei Yuwan may have a little memory of the last era, and many things can be learned at once, and it doesn't look like a person hundreds of years ago.

"and many more."

But just when Ren Yu wanted to turn around and leave.

Yae Sakura's voice came from behind.

"Is there anything else, Miss Yae Sakura?"

Ren Yu asked with a smile.


Yae Sakura hesitated, and finally said this sentence:

"Thank you, whether it's the resurrection of Rin, or the resurrection of me and Higyomaru..."

Although I don't know how Ren Yu did it.

But Yae Sakura always feels.

Ren Yu must have paid a heavy price for bringing the three of them back to life.

After all, this is something that crosses the boundary between life and death and goes against the sky.

And the other side.

But he only asked her for a handful of "Ksitigarbha Yuhun" that was broken in two.

Although the Ksitigarbha Yuhun is also very precious, it is far from resurrecting people out of thin air.

The costs of the two are clearly unequal.

Yae Sakura didn't say much about this before, thinking that Ren Yu must have other plans for herself.

But in the real world, after the dust settled.

It turned out that the latter really had no other conspiracy.

At most, it is just to make yourself a "super thug".

Thinking of this, Yae Sakura suddenly knelt down on one knee and apologized to Ren Yu with a guilty face.

"I misunderstood what you meant, Lord God, and Sakura felt very regretful."

"To be honest, I was a priestess before this, belonging to the Yae Shrine, serving a certain god."

"But over time,

I gradually realized that the so-called 'gods' were nothing but illusory things that didn't exist at all. "

At this time, Yae Sakura suddenly raised her head and looked at Ren Yu very solemnly.

"But until I met you."

"You really...really pulled Xiao Lin back from the underworld, just like the legend, and you were so generous and kind."

"If you need it, Sakura is willing to be your miko."

At the end, Yae Sakura suddenly blushed, felt that something was wrong, and there was some ambiguity in her words, so she hurriedly added: "I am willing to spread your will."


Ren Yu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

It seems that Yae Sakura really took Xilin's nonsense seriously!

I completely resurrected Yae Rin, Yae Sakura and Bell with the help of Jizo Yuhun and badge energy.

So she really considers herself a god?

Chapter 144 Too Little, More

After being silent for a long time, Ren Yu choked out such a sentence:

"My will does not need you to spread it."

"Is it because I'm not qualified?"

Yae Sakura looked a little depressed.

She thought of what the girl named 'Qiana' said.

—There is no shortage of followers around God.

now think of it.

It seems to be the case.

Previously, she thought that she was strong enough, and the core in her body was the only one in the world.

But who would have thought.

Yae Sakura met 'Qiana' who also had an aura similar to her own.

Then I ran into Vadrin who was called the 'Leader'.

None of this is the point.

What really frightened Yae Sakura was actually Ren Yu herself.

Powerful, brought back from the dead, and surrounded by a bunch of followers who are similar to him.

The title of **** seems to be no problem for him.


Ren Yu shook his head and said lightly:

"The reason why I rejected you is not because you are not qualified."

"It's because I have more important things for you to do."

"What is it?"

Hearing this, Yae Sakura's heart skipped a beat.

Do you value her so much?

After seven o'clock in the evening.

Three hours have passed since the Sakura reincarnation incident ended.

At this time, St. Freya College has almost restored order.

The lights are bright, and countless people are coming and going.

The students who were drawn into the stigmata space had more and more blurred memories about the stigmata space. In the end, they didn't remember what happened at all.

Only the stomach that has been hungry for a day is growling.

The same is true for teachers.

Only a very small number of people retain a part of their memories.

Of course, this also includes a certain white-haired nun.

When Teresa woke up and found herself lying in the temporary base of anti-entropy, she was shocked.

Recalling what she had encountered in the stigmata space, a dreamlike illusion, a feeling of being half awake lingered in her heart.

It can be next second.

She thought about being manipulated by that fox and taking out Judas to attack Rita.

Teresa got up in a hurry, put on the clothes next to her indiscriminately, and rushed to the academy quickly!

Something big happened!

She secretly prayed.

Those innocent students in the academy, please don't get involved!

After thinking of the niece with two long white braids who was happy all day long, the speed of her feet increased a little.

Wait for me, Kiyana!


The door of the dormitory was pushed open violently.

I saw Teresa appearing at the door panting.

She scanned the dormitory anxiously.

But in the next second, Theresa suddenly froze.

Because the few people in Jizi's dormitory all seemed to have nothing to do.

Especially Kiana.

At this time, she was accepting Mei's care and service with a smile on her face, waiting for the latter's food with her mouth open.

"Ah, Auntie, you are finally back!"

After Kiyana spotted Teresa at the door, she even waved at the latter.

Teresa looked a little confused.

This is how the same thing?

Didn't the things you were worried about happen at all?

Ten minutes later, Ren Yu's dormitory ushered in two unexpected guests.

"That is to say, in fact, the matter has already happened, but you settled it with special means?"

After learning the truth from Mei and Fu Hua.

Teresa rushed to Ren Yu's dormitory non-stop, wanting to ask what happened.

Fu Hua followed because she was worried that she would be too impulsive.

"Yes, I'm ashamed, I just did something I should do."

Ren Yu admitted it unabashedly.

"How did you kill that big fox?"

Teresa asked again.

That weird thing, the teachers of their entire academy discussed it all night, but they couldn't find any effective preventive measures.

As a result, he was taken advantage of the next day, and such a bad thing happened.

Fu Hua also pricked up his ears.

She is also curious.

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