It took Ren Yu no more than ten seconds from the moment he drew his gun to the time when the Skyfire Great Sword was condensed.

The rose-red flame rose, and even though it hadn't been completely liberated, the surrounding temperature had already risen quite a bit.

Feeling the slight heat from his skin, Raiden Ryoma couldn't help frowning.

He knew the weapon.

The Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, passed down from generation to generation by Kaslana, is a clan treasure that only the patriarch can use.

But after the second Honkai happened, this weapon disappeared with a guy called a "traitor" by the Mandate of Heaven.

"Why is the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment in your hands?"

Leiden Ryoma asked out the doubts in his heart.

Hearing this, Ren Yu replied indifferently:

"Someone promised to lend it to me."


"Siegfried, the previous patriarch of the Kaslana family, because of some special events, this weapon is still in my hands."

Feeling the strength of resistance coming from inside the Skyfire Great Sword, Ren Yu frowned slightly.

Sure enough, since he was not a member of the Kaslana family, he would be repelled to a certain extent when using this weapon.

Now it is a little difficult for him to even maintain the form of the Skyfire Great Sword.

However, members of the Kaslana family?

A bold idea suddenly popped up in Ren Yu's mind.

If I give Qiyana to...

As soon as this idea came up, it was quickly suppressed by Ren Yu.

It seems a bit unreliable!

Even if he really did that kind of thing, it's not him who changed the bloodline!

But future generations!

Shaking his head, after throwing these horrifying thoughts out of his mind, Ren Yu glanced over the endless beast horde, and stared at the newly appeared in the distance, tens of meters high, like a skyscraper-like emperor-level Houkai beast .

I saw it floating in the air at this time, its hard wings were constantly flying and spinning.

And every time the flying nails are sprayed out, they can always easily penetrate the armored vehicle it is targeting, and turn into fireballs in the explosion together with the weapons loaded on it.

This is the strength of the superior Honkai Beast.

To deal with this kind of monster, ordinary thermal weapons, armor-piercing bullets and the like can no longer cause any effective damage to it.

Only by relying on high-yield high explosives, or heavy armor-piercing shells equipped with tanks, and some special weapons can penetrate that layer of hardened skin.

Usually, only one "Honkai Emperor" can entangle a division-level or larger marine unit. Even if it will eventually die under artillery fire, it can still cause very serious losses to the opponent.

"Since an emperor-level Honkai beast has already appeared, will there be new ones?"

Ren Yu muttered softly.

Next to him, Raiden Ryoma's face suddenly turned black.

What are you thinking.

Does this kid still want to touch the emperor-level Honkai Beast? !

It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

Although the names of the Honkai Emperor and the Emperor-level Honkai Beast sound similar, the actual gap is very different.

You know, ten Honkai emperors are not necessarily comparable to one emperor-level Honkai beast.

Just facing this behemoth that is close to ten meters high, Thunder Ryoma already felt suffocating.

If it is facing the emperor-level Honkai beast that is tens of meters in size.

He felt that this battle was unnecessary.

Honestly wait for support.

Just as they were thinking, a mercenary leader suddenly came up behind the two of them, and he squeezed out a smile and said, "Both executors, are you here to reinforce the situation in Siberia this time?"

Hearing this, Leiden Ryoma and Ren Yu looked at each other and agreed.

"Yes, we are here this time to end this small collapse."

"That would be great..."

The mercenary leader kept looking behind the two of them, and said tentatively: "Your Excellency, the two executors, the current situation in Siberia is very dangerous. Our army alone cannot guarantee the safety of the two of you. I wonder if your mechanical corps... "

There was something in his words, and he wanted to ask the two if they had brought a batch of anti-entropy mech troops.

As long as there are mecha troops coming to support, the pressure on their mercenaries will be reduced, and the number of casualties will be greatly reduced.

But the two executors were empty-handed.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you are accompanied by mecha troops.

Then why do they say that they came to end the Houkai incident?

Amuse them?

Thinking about it, the face of the mercenary leader became more and more ugly.


He wanted to say something else, but Ren Yu interrupted him impatiently.

"Don't ask, we didn't bring the Godfather Legion with us this time, and we didn't intend to use that thing. You just need to order your men to leave the battlefield, and we'll do the rest."

For a moment, the mercenary leader was stunned.

Thunderbolt Ryoma was also stunned.

The former was surprised by Ren Yu's "nonsense" that he wanted to rely on two people to clean up the battlefield.

The latter was puzzled by Ren Yu's behavior of dispersing the mercenaries.

"Do you want me to repeat what I just said with your expression?"

Ren Yu looked at the mercenary leader who was standing still, and said in a cold voice.

"No, dare not!"

Although the mercenary leader had some complaints in his heart, he didn't dare to show it on the surface.

"Then why don't you hurry up and do it?"

Ren Yu gave another order.


The mercenary leader stammered and was caught in a dilemma for a while.

On one side is the mandatory order of the executor, and on the other side is the suspicion of the strength of the black-haired man.

Reason told him that the executor must have his intentions in doing so.

But his heart told him that this was an act of sending to death!

Give up fire suppression and withdraw the army?

Well said!

But once they withdraw, it will not be easy to set up a new line of defense!

The mercenary leader's eyes flickered, and he stood there gritting his teeth.

No, there is no refund!

Behind is the city, and those civilians haven't evacuated to a safe place yet!

Millions of lives are no joke!

Even if it is a mandatory order from the executor, he must not back down!

Seeing the hesitant expression of the 'head', Ren Yu suddenly understood something.

"I understand, you are doubting my strength, right?"

"Subordinates dare not!"


Ren Yu shook his head with a smile, and immediately raised the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge in his hand. At the same time, the energy of the badge continued to pour into it.

"Alright, since you refuse to let those mercenaries retreat, I'll let you see why I have the confidence to say such things."

Ren Yu said flatly.


At the moment when the energy of the badge was injected, the repulsive force on the Heavenly Fire Saint Judge was suddenly canceled out.

And a glaring bright orange light burst out from the sword in an instant.

And Ren Yu, holding the Heavenly Fire Great Sword, seemed to be in the center of the shining sun, radiating light and heat continuously.

Chapter 159 Intimidation

The scene where Ren Yu injected the energy of the badge into the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, besides attracting the Thunder Dragon Horse and the mercenary leader.

Even in the distance, a girl with lavender hair who was venting her anger at the food also noticed this side.

what is that?

Xing's heterochromatic pupils suddenly widened, and he stood up from the chair abruptly.

And at the same time.

Leiden Longma also noticed that Ren Yu beside him suddenly disappeared in place.

looked up sharply.

in the sky!

Relying on the blessing of the badge, Ren Yu grabbed the Skyfire Great Sword in his hand and rushed straight into the air.

How did he do that? !

Just when the thunder and lightning were puzzled, Ren Yu in the sky suddenly moved.

Looking at the endless, densely packed piles of small black dots below, he suddenly made a chopping movement.

Ren Yu held the Heavenly Fire Great Sword in his hand, stirred the surrounding red flames that twisted nine turns like a snake, and suddenly slashed down!


The flames soared into the sky, and Lie Yan (raging flames) was like a puddle of liquid at this moment, gaining its own weight, rushing towards the Houkai herd in the distance.

"Aw! Aw! Aw!"

For a time, an unknown number of Honkai beasts and dead men were submerged in it, and the screams could be heard endlessly. The area covered by the sea of ​​flames became the legendary purgatory on earth.

At this time, Ren Yu finally fell from the sky, and landed heavily with a bang.

"you you you!"

The mercenary leader stood there in a daze, his eyes almost popping out.

He pointed to Ren Yu in disbelief, and then pointed to the crimson "ocean" hundreds of meters away.

This scene was done by this guy?

When did anti-entropy develop this kind of individual equipment?

I saw that a vacuum had formed where the flames were. Except for the unlucky guy who was covered by the flames before, the rest of the Houkai beasts chose to go around far away, obviously very afraid of these blazing flames.

In an instant, almost everyone who noticed the changing trend of the battle situation cast their gazes over.

"Now, you can finally believe what I say."

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