That's why Xi'er was afraid.

She hoped for Ren Yu's praise, but at the same time she was afraid of the other party's criticism.

This kind of entanglement and anticipation kept lingering in her heart.

Chapter 177 Reward

But will he agree?

Thinking of this, Xi'er's eyes became extraordinarily heavy.

As if this is a very important thing.

A matter that concerns a certain qualification.


Ren Yu helplessly rubbed the latter's little head, and nodded under Xi'er's expectant eyes.

"As long as it is made by you, I will eat it."

After a few minutes.

Living room, dining table.

Xi'er carefully placed a few discs of her results on the table, waiting for someone's criticism.

Ren Yu just glanced at it, and he had a general idea in his heart.

- The appearance is okay, it should be pretty good

— Anyway, you can't eat people to death

Thinking of this, he took the chopsticks that Xi'er handed over with both hands, and picked up a traditional Chinese dish, the most common home-cooked dish.

— Tomato scrambled eggs.

After putting the bright yellow egg into his mouth, Ren Yu closed his eyes, pretended to be inscrutable, and began to savor it carefully.

On the side, Xier felt that her beating heart seemed to be about to jump into her throat.

She looked very nervous, as if facing a big enemy.

I saw Xi'er clutching the corner of her skirt tightly, her small face tensed up, looking very serious, even her watery eyes were fixed on Ren Yu without blinking.

Will he like it?

What if he doesn't like it?

Not only her, but at this time, the "other me" inside Xi'er's body was also watching closely from her perspective.

I saw Ren Yu chewing the food in his mouth slowly.

His expression didn't change either.

But it was this indifferent expression that made the two Xi'er even more nervous.

Does it taste good, or does it taste bad?

I can't see it at all!

"Not bad, it's unexpectedly to my taste."

At this moment, Ren Yu suddenly opened his eyes and said this with a smile.


Xier was stunned.

"Xier, is this your first time trying to cook this dish?"

Ren Yu asked again.

"Yes, it is."

Xier nodded as if pecking rice.

"Then you are very talented."

Ren Yu suddenly smiled, and under the latter's puzzled eyes, he tried several other dishes again.

"Sure enough, as I thought, they are all delicious. It's a pity that you don't become a chef, Xi'er."

He originally thought that Xi'er's cooking would be difficult for the first time.

It even happens like on TV, all kinds of burning and making indescribable things.

Who knows, the accident is okay.

It's not bad, and it's not delicious.

The tomato scrambled eggs were a bit bland.

The lotus root fried meat is a bit salty.

But they are all within the acceptable range of Ren Yu.

Appearance... Forget it, since you are a novice, you don't need to ask for appearance.

"Really, really?"

Although Xi'er repeatedly warned herself not to get carried away, it is very likely that Ren Yu made up these words in order to please her.

Available at this time.

She still couldn't help giggling.

Sure enough, she still couldn't resist the other party's compliment.

With just a simple sentence from Ren Yu, Xier made up countless things in his brain, and his psychological defense line gradually collapsed like dominoes.

"Is it really suitable for you, let me have a taste?"

Xi'er took out another pair of chopsticks and ate a piece quickly.

Immediately, she frowned slightly, and looked at Ren Yu in confusion.

It doesn't seem to be as delicious as expected.

Compared with the one he brought back before, the one made by Ms. Mei is still far behind.

No, it's just one day and one place.

There is no comparison at all.

But at this time, Ren Yu also saw the latter's doubts, and explained with a smile: "Don't compare yourself with Mei, she is a fan...she is in charge of a dormitory dinner, and she has honed her cooking skills for more than ten years old hand."


Seeing Xier want to say something.

Ren Yu spoke again.

I saw him staring closely at the latter's eyes, and comforted him impartially:

"Don't you believe what I say?"

"No, that's not the case..."

"So what? Since you trust me, you have to trust my judgment. If I say that the dishes you cook are suitable for me, they must be suitable."

"Besides, your food taste is not as good as Mei, but there are other ways."

"What way to add points?"

Hillary was a little confused.

Shenzhou is amazing, is there such a saying?

"Of course it is..."

Ren Yu stared at the latter's face, body, and thighs without any concealment, wandering back and forth for a week.


In an instant, Xi'er also tensed her waist, blushing like blood, and vaguely guessed in her heart what he wanted to say next.


Until I feel a little embarrassed.

Ren Yu stopped his gaze, stretched out his hand to pull the defenseless Xier, and hugged her into his arms.

"Of course it's you. Xi'er, you're so pretty and have a good personality. As long as you're around, even if I'm asked to eat plain rice, I can swallow several bowls."

The voice just fell.

Ren Yu suddenly felt that the skirt of his clothes was being tightened.

Seele kept trembling.

Listening to Ren Yu's clumsy, low-level love stories copied from a street stall, he fell into a state of confusion.


He's complimenting me on how pretty I am...

Xi'er had always had a great affection for Ren Yu, and the latter was already very happy as long as he chatted with her.

Who knew that Ren Yu would say such words.

Due to her inexperience in the world and the fact that she has been immersed in the Quantum Sea for two years, Xier has never heard of such things since she was a child.

Now I hear my sweetheart praise her for being beautiful.

In an instant, a sweet feeling gushed out from Xi'er's heart, and even her body felt light, as if she was flying up to the clouds.

Now that he said that, does that mean he likes me too?

So I don't need to continue to hide my true thoughts, so I can have a good chat with him?

Various emotions swirled in Xier's mind.

As everyone knows, her so-called "concealment" is actually like the emperor's new clothes. Anyone with a little emotional intelligence will see through her.

On the side, Ren Yu also blushed, a little embarrassed.

He knows his love story is old fashioned.

But there was no way, that was all he could remember.

Taking a look at Xi'er, who buried her head deeply in her arms, with a happy expression on her face, Ren Yu suddenly felt a little relieved.


Fortunately, it worked.

It was not in vain that he had the audacity to say such things.

For a while, both sides were silent, quietly enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

Xi'er lay in Ren Yu's arms, feeling that his chest was so wide that she could rely on her forever.

Reminiscing about how I met him.

Xi'er couldn't help but giggled again.

It was great to meet him.

This must be the reward given by God to compensate him for staying in the chaotic and distorted sea of ​​quantum, where there is nothing, and sometimes even his own existence will gradually be forgotten for several years.

Chapter 178

Time passed slowly.

Soon, the sky outside gradually darkened.

Ren Yu had already eaten up the pitifully small dishes on the table, leaving a few dishes empty.

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