But Mei didn't say anything, and it was not easy for him to ask, so he had to continue to maintain his free and easy appearance.


At this time, Mei shook her head lightly, showed a sweet smile, and changed the subject: "Father, to celebrate your release from prison, let me cook you a traditional Far Eastern dish tonight."

"Do not bother…"

Raiden Ryoma originally wanted to shirk, not wanting Mei to be tired.

But his daughter's next words made him freeze in place again.

"Ah, by the way, let Yang...Assistant Ren come along. I just want to take this opportunity to thank him."

In a certain silver-white laboratory.

Ren Yu looked up and looked at the big red sword floating in the air.

It seems to be empty but not real, and it seems real but not real. Due to the addition of the core of erosion, the orange blade has been dyed red, and the whole body is surrounded by blazing flames, as if it is an ominous thing picked up from hell.

Even if it is still some distance away from this weapon.

But the researchers around them all fell into an illusion, as if some negative emotions in their hearts were infinitely magnified.

"Didn't you say that the construction is complete? What the **** are you doing?"

Ren Yu frowned, pointed at the Tianqi machete above and said.

Although he was also standing in the room, he was completely unaffected.

"This is the last step. I have a hunch that as long as the Herrscher's core is fully integrated, this weapon will condense from the illusory state."

Aside, Tesla frowned and said.

"However, we don't know what will happen after the erosion core is integrated, so we will bring you here, and it will be easy to deal with it if something happens."

She looked at Ren Yu, who had a normal face, and thought that it was so.

"I guessed right, but you are like a normal person, buzzing in our minds, and those voices that make people feel irritated have no effect on you at all."

"Is that so?"

Ren Yu smiled irrefutably.

The reason why he is not affected is very likely because of the shield.

The energy shield that Huaniao Fengyue brought him is almost unstoppable.

Physical shock, high temperature burning, low temperature freezing...

These are the types of damage that Ren Yu has encountered and tested, and can be completely immune to.

And now there is another mental shock.

"I always feel that this thing is ridiculously strong. I'm afraid that as long as it has enough badge energy, it can block anything..."

Ren Yu shook his head and muttered.

But badge energy is also a headache for him.

Currently, the only sources of energy for the badge he knew were the slow recovery every day and squeezing Ricier.

Although Ricier is not opposed to distributing the inexplicable energy she absorbed from the Quantum Sea to Ren Yu, but Ren Yu can still understand the principle of sitting and eating.

"Open source and reduce expenditure, open source and reduce expenditure, the flow will definitely not be reduced, the problem is how to open source..."

"Do you want to enter the quantum sea?"

Ren Yu looked up at the ceiling in a daze.

"What are you whispering about?"

On the side, after hearing what Ren Yu said, Tesla turned his gaze over strangely.


Ren Yu shook his head, but instead urged:

"While I'm still here, hurry up and synthesize the great sword. The longer you delay, the worse it will be for you."


In the room, except for Ren Yu, all the scientific researchers staying in this area were all frowning, fighting against the will that disturbed the mind.

"Crush the remaining Herrscher's core, follow the steps on the design drawing, and inject it into the mold."

Tesla instructed the researchers below.

Soon, a design drawing about the weather machete was taken out.

"It's your turn."

At this time, Tesla turned back and said to Ren Yu.

As soon as the latter raised his hand, he mobilized the energy of the badge in his body. In an instant, crystal-blue silk-like things spread from Ren Yu's body and connected to the top of the translucent design drawing.

The next moment, the design drawing suddenly changed, the paper slowly deformed, and turned into a weapon mold between virtual and real, and finally wrapped the entire Apocalypse Machete in it, like a rough embryo, fell to the bottom of the already prepared within the instrument.

It's just the last step.

—Integrate the damaged Herrscher core into it.

I saw the corroded core taken out from the hilt of Ksitigarbha's soul-controlling knife, which was shining with a coquettish red light.

It seemed to know what was going to happen next, struggling and protesting frantically, unwilling to be wiped out.

At the same time, the mental fluctuations in the house became more intense.

The scientific research staff was sweating profusely, but they could barely hold on.

"Hurry up! Hold on for a while, and quickly melt the core into it. Where are the prepared ingredients? Don't worry about time, put them all together inside the mold!"

"Come on, it will be ready soon!"

"I can't move anymore! This thing is so evil, it can even control our consciousness!"

"I come"

Seeing this, Ren Yu immediately stepped forward and pulled off the executive handbrake on the table for him.


At the same time as the hand brake was closed, a cold mechanical sound also sounded.

Final confirmation, whether to perform the fusion procedure.


Ren Yu slapped the red button next to it heavily.

Chapter 202 The Key of Corrosion

Booming and booming, the fusion machine, which took up half of the room, started to operate. The items storing various raw materials beside it were poured in, and the transmission channels lit up one by one.

"The temperature in the furnace is rising, please do not open the machine at will..."

"During the decomposition of raw materials, please do not open the machine at will..."

At this time, everyone in the room focused their eyes on the large instrument, and through the glass window, stared nervously and expectantly at the rough embryo inside.

Will it work?

The craftsmanship of making the God's Key has long been lost.

Integrating the Herrscher's core into other weapons is a crazy guess and a crazy move.

As the temperature gradually increased, the reaction furnace was also burned red, and the broken erosion core was clamped by the mechanical arm, and it was forcibly thrown into the raw material pile and mixed together.


Countless crimson rays of light burst out, passing through the special glass, making the whole room red, and the voices in everyone's minds became clearer.

All kinds of desires are also infinitely magnified at this moment.

This erosion core is crazy!

After sensing the survival crisis, the Herrscher consciousness directly chose to self-destruct, intending to completely pollute the creatures in this area.

"No, I'll take a step first, and my old bones will not be able to hold on any longer."

At this time, an older scientific researcher howled loudly and rushed out of the laboratory with his head in his arms.

But before he ran far, the group of well-equipped anti-entropy agents outside and the medical staff who had been prepared for a long time immediately surrounded him and took him to isolation.

"Doctor! How do you feel now? After leaving the laboratory, is there any reverberation in your head?"

"Don't come close to me! Stay away from me, I don't know if this evil thing is contagious or not!"

I saw the white-haired scientific researcher waving his hands, preventing these people from getting close to him.

"I'm fine. I'm much better. Don't come close to me. I'll go to the isolation room by myself and go back to my post."

But this is obviously impossible.

Even though the scientific researcher repeatedly emphasized, there were still several agents and nurses in the team to accompany him to the isolation place.

At the same time, in the laboratory.

Since the first scientific researcher who quit, there has been a second and a third one after another.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

In the end, there were only a few people left in the laboratory.

The rest are almost gritting their teeth, their eyes are red, and they are desperately holding on, wanting to see the moment of fusion.

Ren Yu glanced at these researchers who chose to stay, knowing that he could not drive them away, so he simply looked at the large fusion machine composed of countless small machines.

Under the ultra-high temperature, the soul steel and various raw materials were melted into a crimson fluid, driving the erosion core and melting into the rough embryo together.


The moment the bright red blood-like liquid touched the rough embryo, it seemed as if a chemical reaction had occurred, and bubbles kept popping out one after another.

At this moment, Ren Yu actually had a feeling that he could control the rough embryo to swallow these things.

And at the moment when this thought arises.

The rough embryo really moved.

According to Ren Yu's wishes, like a piece of brown sugar, he "swallowed" this thick liquid, which was mixed with an unknown amount of ingredients, together with the Herrscher's core that had been vaporized by a third, into his stomach .

But at this time, the mutation occurred.

The rough embryo continued to expand, as if it was about to explode, and its volume increased to three or four times.

"You're going to die, and you still want to resist?"

Ren Yu squinted his eyes, and through the connection with the rough embryo, he could feel the bursts of unwillingness from the core of the Herrscher.

But he will not be soft.

With a thought, the badge energy in the body rushed out like a tide and injected into the crude embryo.

In an instant, as if the rough embryo had been injected with hormones, its body shrank sharply, and the resistance of the Herrscher's core gradually weakened, and finally dissipated completely.

It's going to happen.

Ren Yu was overjoyed.

He vaguely had this premonition in his heart.

The subsequent reaction confirmed Ren Yu's conjecture.

I saw rough embryos flowing from the large instrument in the center of the room to the small machines on both sides. After some twists and turns, there was a loud explosion-like sound, the furnace mouth opened, and a two-meter-long sword fell out. .

"It's over?"

"This is the Apocalypse War?"

Beside, the humming in the heads of those scientific researchers had long since disappeared, and they looked excitedly at the red sword in the tray, as if they were watching their children who had worked so hard to grow up and finally become talents.

But it's also...

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