It was approaching noon.

In the Qunyu Pavilion.

In the luxuriously decorated and splendid main hall, an elegant space is isolated with exquisite silk screens, various precious antique ornaments, and potted gardening. The chefs who were specially invited by Ning Guang to prepare a feast in the Qunyu Pavilion are arriving one after another. Continuing to serve portions of dishes that are full of color, flavor and flavor.

Keqing sat aside, her eyes unable to stop looking at the golden shrimp balls on the table.

After hearing Ningguang's chuckle, she came back to her senses, only to see Ningguang say seriously: "Keqing, the proposals you submitted today really impressed me a bit.

What Ning Guang was referring to was naturally the report that Ke Qing had made overnight after being pointed out by Bai Yu last night.

Seeing Ningguang's recognition at this time, Ke Qing felt a little proud - not for herself, but for a strange feeling, unlike the proud student who was praised by others for being a great teacher.

After coughing, Ke Qing did not take any credit and said frankly: "You have misunderstood this, Ning Guang."

He gave a general explanation of what happened last night, except that he concealed Bai Yu's existence and put all the credit on Ying's head, and told the rest of the matter truthfully.

A look of surprise flashed across Ningguang's face, obviously he was shocked that the traveler could still have such an insight.

"In this case, this traveler needs to be at ease. Not everyone has this kind of foresight.

"It's a pity that judging from her words and deeds, she won't stay in one place for a long time. Otherwise, I will definitely hire her as my Tianquan consultant."

Keqing snickered, and then saw Baiwen walking into the inner room with silent steps, saluting Ningguang and himself in turn, and said with a respectful look: "Lord Ningguang, Lord Keqing, Miss Traveler and Paimon have arrived. Qunyu Pavilion, in addition, Miss Traveler also brought a guest."

There's another one?

Ning Guang frowned. Her eyes were all over Liyue. She basically knew many of Ying's actions after entering Liyue, but she couldn't think of anyone who would be brought along by her on such an occasion.

However, Ke Qing had a vague guess - could it be Teacher Bai?

But isn’t Teacher Bai and Ying in the same body?

Seeing that Ning Guang had stood up, Ke Qing hurriedly followed. The two of them walked out of the main hall of the Jade Pavilion one after another. At a glance, they saw Ying and Paimeng looking left and right.

And the silver-haired boy standing next to Ying.

"Ningguang! Keqing! Here we come ||!"

Paimon waved his little hand in mid-air. Seeing that both of their eyes were on Bai Yu, he smiled sweetly and flew behind Bai Yu.

"Welcome two...three travelers, Paimon, who is this gentleman?"

Suppressing the surprise rising in his eyes, Ning Guang observed Bai Yu calmly.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Ning Guang was a little confused: Why did he blurt out the title "Sir" unconsciously?

With her status and wealth, she wouldn't be able to call any young man "sir" whenever she meets him.

But Bai Yu gave her a very contradictory feeling, with the vigor of a young man and the maturity of an older man. At first glance, Yuanting looked like a tall mountain, but when she met his eyes, she could clearly feel that they were like sharp swords. Such determination.

Ke Qing naturally had the same feeling. The two of them didn't know that Bai Yu's complicated state was not only due to being a Luofu immortal species in this life, looking young but actually having many years of life experience, he was also taught by Jing Yuan all the year round, and was invisibly Somewhat imitating the result of Jing Yuan.

The master's teachings to his disciples naturally have an all-round influence on them. Bai Yu unknowingly, and even he himself did not notice, some of his words and actions looked more and more like General Shence in the eyes of unfamiliar people.

Only those who are familiar with it to a certain extent will see Bai Yu's own side under this appearance.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Ningguang, my name is Bai Yu." Bai Yu first nodded to Ningguang and then looked at Ke Qing, who had widened his eyes. "We meet again, Ke Qing. No, this should be our first time. First official meeting."

"Teacher Bai!!!"

Keqing exclaimed and stepped forward quickly on her high heels.

Ningguang's brows twitched, Teacher Bai?

"Hmph, Keqing, are you scared too?" Ying raised her chin at Keqing as if she was declaring her sovereignty, "Xiaobai only officially came out today!"

This little appearance is like a little girlfriend proudly showing off her perfect boyfriend in front of her friends.

"Really, is it really you, Teacher Bai!?"

Keqing was so excited that her cheeks turned red. She wanted to ask more questions, but then she realized that the situation was not right. She had to suppress her chaotic emotions, turned around and said to Ningguang: "Ningguang, this is Teacher Bai Yubai, and Yingying." Is it...uh?"

"No need to explain, you can tell at a glance."

Catching the flash of shame on Ying's face, Ningguang waved her hand empathetically.

"`~The visitor is both a guest and a friend of the traveler. I will treat you well. Please invite me."

During the dinner, Yingying did not hide anything and told the truth that Baiyu was the real hero in the battle against Aohan'er.

Seeing this, Keqing simply told Ningguang that last night's advice actually came from Baiyu.

Hearing this, Ningguang became more and more enthusiastic about Bai Yu, but he did not lose sight of her during the conversation. Even Paimeng took care of his words. The manner of his conversation made Bai Yu feel like he saw Ting Yun walking around in the mall. sister.

After learning that Bai Yu could still stay in Liyue for a few days, and that Ying and Paimon planned to take him to have fun, Ning Guang thought about it and issued an invitation: "In this case, these days are not as good as travelers, Paimon and Mr. Bai, how about you stay here in my group of jade pavilions and let me show my friendship as a landlord?"

Keqing: "?"

Damn it! Ningguang! You are so shameless!

After realizing that Bai Yuju (Nuo Dehao) could come out of Ying's body, she had already made plans in her mind to quickly finish all the work during the day and go to Bai Yu for advice!

Feeling anxious, Ke Qing hurriedly said: "That's not necessary, I have already prepared a room for Teacher Bai and Ying in Yuheng Mansion.

"Teacher Bai, can I still ask you for advice tonight?" After interrupting Ning Guang, Ke Qing looked at Bai Yu diligently.

Ying squinted her eyes, her gaze wandered around Ningguang and Keqing, and suddenly took out the Chenge pot that had shrunk from her waist to less than the size of a palm: "Dangdang! There's no need for this. Grandma Ping gave me one today. There is a cave inside the Chenge Pot. Xiaobai wants to follow me into the pot at night!"

"Ah?" Paimon's eyes widened immediately, "But Ying, there isn't even a cave in our ambition right now?"


Got it, let Paimon dig a hole later!

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