People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 112·Xing: I Am Quite Wealthy!

Otto... No, that guy has already knelt down, so it's Void Manzo!?

Walter, who had a vision for a moment, shook his head hard, took off his glasses and wiped them, put them back on and stared at Rakshasa who was already entangled with silver branches.

No, it’s not Kōku Manzo. Although that face made him very concerned, but if he thought about it carefully, he could see Himeko who was exactly the same as his student back then on the Star Dome Train. In Luofu, he could see a girl with a face that made him It doesn't seem to be a strange thing for a blond man with a very concerned face.

Having said that, Walter, who was still a little concerned in his heart, stepped forward.

.....I see, is this Mr. Rakshasa? I'm very sorry to disturb such a beautiful creature like you. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Silver Branch. "

"Hello, Mr. Silver Branch."

Although he felt that the person in front of him was a bit strange, Rakshasa still responded with a polite smile, without any sign of impatience on his face.

"Besides, who is this gentleman?" He looked at Walter, who was approaching.

04 "Excuse me, my name is Walter, Walter Young." Pushing up his glasses, Walter said his name, and was always observing Rakshasa's expression.

Unfortunately, he didn't see anything strange.

"Another beautiful gentleman." Yin Zhi looked at Walter with the same smile, "Mr. Walter, please allow me to praise your "beauty like aged wine" that has accumulated after the vicissitudes of life.


You are really complimenting me, aren't you calling us old? Walter's expression was a little stiff.

"Gentlemen, could you lend me a moment of your time? I would like to invite you to have a chat at a tea shop not far away."

"Will this.........will cost you money?" Walter hesitated.

"It doesn't matter." Yinzhi shook his head and patted his chest, "At this time, I need to say what my best friend said to me.

After a moment of pause, Yin Zhi raised his chin: "I am quite wealthy!"

.....……Dividing line..…….

"I am quite wealthy!!!"

Faced with the suggestion from the person who introduced the secret biography of King of Medicine that he and March Qi should be tested, Xing slapped his chest loudly.

"Tell me! How much does it cost?"

"Master! I'm rich!"

(Does that money belong to you? Does Tian feel bad for betraying his father... No, the young general and Xing are not related in this way. That's bad! I was confused by Xing!)

In March Qi's heart, there were already villains rolling all over the floor, but on his face, he could only look at the members of the Secret Medicine King who met yesterday with a smile on the opposite side.

"This is not a matter of money..."

Seeing this, Xing snorted: "This means you have never seen a real amount of money. Is there a credit card machine here? I'll let you see the balance!"

Maybe Xing's momentum was so great that the confused man actually found her a credit card machine.

Then, he was so frightened by the long series of zeros displayed above that he sat down on the ground.

"This, this, much money...can't be exchanged for immortality!" The man sitting on the ground stared blankly.

Hearing this, Xing Liu raised his eyebrows and put his hands on his hips: "Okay! You are not loyal to the King of Mercy Medicine! I will accept you traitor now!"

Medicine King member: "?"

Brother... No, sister, who is the bad guy in the secret story of King of Medicine?

The man got up from the ground in twos and twos, and said with a strange expression: "I'm not telling you, two friends, this immortality is really hard to find, so this test really cannot be accommodated.

"Thousands of gold?" Xing looked disdainfully and flicked his bank card, "But I have 20 billion."

"However, the test is set by the leader-_

"I have twenty billion."

“I can’t make the decision in this matter——

"I have 20 billion."

"Please! Stop talking! You said you have so much money, why don't you come to us...ah! OK, OK! I'll take you to see the leader!"

Seeing that the man actually planned to take them to the depths of Danding Division, March 7 was dumbfounded.

She grabbed Xing's sleeves with trembling hands and whispered: "Just, is it that simple?"

Xing raised his head: "I have 20 billion!"

"No! I know! I mean, are you really going to give him a lot of money?" March Qi looked at the bank card in Xing's hand with a look of reluctance.

They haven't even swiped their cards yet! It's so distressing!

Xing put the card away, raised his eyebrows slightly, and gave a toothy smile: "Are you stupid? When the time comes, they will be served in a pot and they will all be vomited back to me no matter how much they eat. No, they will be vomited back twice as much, hum!"

"Ms. Heita and the Major General are right." March 7 nodded repeatedly to Xing, "You are really very financially savvy."

Not long after, the man actually brought two girls to the door of an alchemy room.

"You guys stay here later, I'll go in first."

After saying these words, the man got into the alchemy room.

When she saw him, Danshu, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, slowly inhaling the dew in the room from his nose into his body, moved his ears and turned his eyes, which could not see anyone, around.

"Black Grape, what's going on? Who is that outside?"

"Chief, two of the three foreigners I mentioned to you yesterday want to join us."

"At this time?" Danshu frowned unconsciously, "I feel vaguely uneasy in my heart, and the plan is about to be launched. The envoy has given me the ability to deceive others, bypass the seal, enter Jianmu Xuangan, and plant a star core for Jianmu. With so much power, why are there still people joining in at this time?"

After thinking about it, Danshu shook his head: "No, Black Grape, you go and refuse."

"But, leader." Black Grape swallowed, "They have 20 billion..."

Danshu's expression didn't change for the first time: "Seize the young master!???"

"Twenty billion!" Black Grape even forgot that her leader could not see anyone. He stretched out two fingers in front of her, his tongue trembling, "Too much! The balance displayed on a card swiping machine, that long The string of zeros made me stupid, Chief."

"I thought, even if we succeed, overthrowing the demon bow and restoring the ancient system, we will still need funds and wealth in a short period of time, so..."

Danshu hesitated.

To be able to spend so much money, the power behind it is obviously not to be underestimated.

Danshu doesn't think that fat sheep... No, it's a sincere seeker who would be stupid enough to give away all his wealth. Didn't Black Grape also say that a daily card only costs so much.

How can a rich person only have one card?

There must be more wealth behind that person!

Even if you become immortal and become a living being, you still need material wealth to live comfortably, right?

Spending all your energy refining these elixirs is very expensive, isn't it?

Moreover, these two people are foreigners, not members of the Luofu Immortal Boat, let alone the Yunqi Army, so there is basically no danger.

" you?"

"The leader is wise!" Black Grape immediately gave a thumbs up, and then realized that his leader couldn't see him at all. .

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