People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 14·Esta: Black Tower, Is Your Account Frozen Again?

Room in the Goethe Grand Hotel, Mondstadt, Teyvat.

"Hey! Hey! Bai Yu!"

"Are you here?"

"Stinky Baiyu? A pervert? A bad guy who likes girls' feet?"

After shouting with all kinds of weird and bad names but getting no response from Bai Yu, Ying finally believed that Bai Yu's consciousness had left her body.

While breathing a sigh of relief, the girl felt an inexplicable sense of loss.

It was as if a piece of my heart had suddenly been taken away.

"No, no! There's something wrong with this mentality! It must be the body's natural reaction after the guy's possession is released!"

Shaking her head hard and slapping her little face, Ying finally convinced herself, blushed slightly, and walked into the bathroom.

As Bai Yu said before, Feng Dian had been sleeping in the open for many days, and Ying couldn't help but want to take a good bath.

"Pamon! Come take a shower!"


Paimon, who was still observing the decoration in the room, heard this and followed Yingfei into the bathroom.

There was a hint of hesitation on the little guy's face: "Ying, has Bai Yu really left?"

"Probably...right?" Ying nodded.

The feeling of loss that a piece of your heart was suddenly taken away cannot be deceived. This feeling comes for no reason, and Ying Ye can only judge it as a normal reaction after Bai Yu loses consciousness.

This is also the real reason why the girl is convinced that Bai Yu left.

"Huh! That's good, that's good!" Paimeng patted his ordinary little chest with confidence, "Although Bai Yu seems to be a nice person, and he has helped you so much, but if he sees We took a shower, and sure enough it was still...still..."

Seeing Paimon's blushing face, Ying smiled and bent down to pinch her tender face: "Little Paimon, I can't tell you are so small, but you have very complicated thoughts!"

"I-I-I-I-I'm not thinking about anything weird!"

Pai was so embarrassed that he broke away from Ying's hand and quickly hid aside.

Yingya stopped teasing her and took off her clothes while filling the bathtub with hot water.

The Goethe Hotel, the best hotel in Mondstadt, naturally provides hot water to guests anytime and anywhere.

In a magical world like Teyvat with elemental power and alchemy, people have many ways to do many things using local unique technologies.

Ying hummed happily and raised her hand to untie the ribbon tied around her neck.

As the ribbon was untied, the pure white dress with blue edges and gold decorations instantly lost its support and slid smoothly to the ground along the girl's mutton-fat jade-like skin.

She untied the lining with her hands behind her back, took off her tight-fitting clothes, and took off the Intivat on her head. Then she bent down, her slender waist instantly bent into an exaggerated S shape.

Picking up the clothes on the floor and throwing them aside, when Ying turned her head, she found that Paimon had stripped naked and got into the bathtub.

The girl dug her waist in dissatisfaction: "Paimon! Come out, wash yourself first and then soak!"


Turning on the shower head, Ying held Paimon and sat on a small bench in the splashing hot water.

A hazy heat mist quickly rose in the bathroom, which was not very large.

First, she rinsed Paimon carefully. When Paimon was clean, she jumped into the bathtub with a cheer, and then Ying continued to rinse her body.

Under the shower, her fair and jade-like skin was quickly soaked by the warm water.

The beautiful figure that has just begun to appear is undulating under the wash of the water, and the girl's slender and well-proportioned legs are even more eye-catching.

Unconsciously, the girl's eyes fell on the pair of white jade feet stepping on the floor tiles.

Paimon, who was already taking a bath, suddenly noticed that Ying started to strangely apply shower gel to his feet, and then started rubbing them fiercely.


"What are you looking at!"

When Ying raised her eyes and glared at him, Paimon subconsciously shrank his neck, buried the lower half of his face in the hot water and started blowing bubbles.

"Asshole! Asshole! How dare you say that to me!"

"If that guy dares to appear directly in front of me, I will trample him to death!"

"Tread on him with your boots! And tie horse tacks on the heels!"

Paimon: "…………"

It’s over! Something is completely wrong!

Frankly speaking, even though he lives in the open air, as long as he finds a clean water source in the wild, he will wash himself easily.

The reason why she rolled directly to the ground just now was entirely because she was scared.

Feeling that he should try to distract his traveling companions, Paimon tentatively asked:

"Ying, are you sure this is punishment, not reward?"

Ying made a movement on her hands, raised her head, and extended her voice with a smile:

"Wow Paimon! You really know it! And you said you don't know martial arts!?"

Paimon: "——!!"

Again, Paimon is a young boy and knows a lot!

……Dividing line……

Azure Star.

As a living planet, it is mediocre among the stars and does not have much fame.

Until a certain year, a talented scholar from the Azure Star gained great fame in the starry sky.

That scholar's name is Black Tower.

On this day, in the Black Tower Space Station in the synchronous orbit of the Azure Star, on the stationmaster's workbench in the main control module, Esta, who rarely had any free time, was doing her favorite spare time activity.

"The observation team calls the Nuel-Iman telescope in the No. 2 equipment bay, sets it to 100 times the astronomical unit, and observes the 'prestar cloud core' ahead."

"When turning on the light speed compensation system, pay special attention to the particle density. Once an ultra-dense structure is discovered, immediately start recording the splitting process of the 'stellar embryo'."

Sitting in her seat, Esta held a cup of coffee in her hand and hummed happily. Not long after, the 3D projection equipment in front of her showed a picture of a bright nebula that was giving birth to stars.

The girl's beautiful eyes were full of joy. For her, nothing was more joyful than watching the stars.

Esta, who was immersed in stargazing, did not notice that a figure that did not often appear in the main control cabin came behind her at some point.

"You seem to be in a good mood."


The sudden voice of Heita surprised Esta for a while, and she stood up from her chair. Esta looked at the doll girl next to her who was more than a head shorter than herself, tilted her head and asked : "Heita, what's the matter?"

After a pause, her expression suddenly changed: "Could it be that your account has been frozen by the company because the bill has not been settled?"

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