People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 156·Little Sister, Do You Want To Compete With The General For A Man?

Chenge Pot, a temporary open space.

"Let the wind go!"



"The hall is full of flowers and three thousand guests are drunk, and fourteen states are frost-frozen with one sword!"

The three elements of wind, rock and thunder came out together, and the sword energy split the ground into deep ravines vertically and horizontally.

Ying, who landed on the ground, stared blankly at the destruction he had caused, and then looked at Bai Yu, who was opposite him as a sparring partner, nodding continuously. Finally, he inserted the long training sword he had picked up for testing into the ground and laughed loudly:

"Hahahaha! I'm so strong now!"


Bai Yu lifted up a small stone with his mind and hit it on Ying's head. He scolded: "Is this enough? Compared with you before, your strength has indeed increased a lot, but what about you at the beginning?"

"You mean before you met the one who maintains the "867" of Tianli?" Ying was a little angry when he mentioned this matter, but it must still be incomparable. "

"No, I suddenly feel a little thirsty."

She waved to Paimon next to her and asked the little guy to hand over a glass of water. She raised her head and drank it.

This was already the fourth largest glass she had drank since waking up.

Who made the water valve open a little too wide last night?

Ah Yuan rushed over from the side and began to smooth the messy ground with curses. Yingze ran to Bai Yu with a smile and said to his projection: "Xiao Bai, "Since you said that the fate star is lit because... ...How about we do it again?”

"Why don't you just stop playing pot today? I also want to try playing at Yujing Terrace and Liyue Pier!"

When she said this, the girl's eyes were as charming as silk, and she was scratching Bai Yu.

Before Bai Yu could reply, Paimon was shocked, shook his head and waved his hands: "No, no, no! Paimon doesn't want to wash the sheets!"

"How can such a good thing happen?" Bai Yu rolled his eyes, "Do you really expect to light up all the destiny stars with this? Besides, you haven't fully digested the strength that this first destiny star has given you.

"I estimate that you can still improve a lot."

"Ah? So it doesn't work?" The girl looked disappointed.

She also hopes that relying on the strength of "Happy Education", she can rise steadily.

The idea failed, so Ying let Bai Yu return to her body and took Paimon out of the Dust Song Pot.

The place where the two people appeared was an exquisitely decorated guest room in the castle tower.

In order to avoid unexpected interruption last night, even though Ying Meizi arranged a room, Shen still got into Zhili.

As soon as she appeared, the maid who noticed the movement outside the door said respectfully: "Master Ying, Master Paimeng, and Master General have orders. You two can go directly to the main hall of the castle tower after getting up.

When they arrived at the main hall, Ying found the Kamisato brother and sister and Kujo Sara standing respectfully below, and Kamisato Ayato was reporting something to the upper figure.

..... All the fools active in the remote islands, Narukami Island and Tatasha area have been wiped out and brought to justice. "

"All the people involved in the case in the Determined Enforcement and Tianling Enforcement have been jointly controlled by Ojiezhong and the Final Fan, but Kujo Takayuki committed suicide out of fear of crime."

"All property and food collected are being counted. After the count is completed, they will be distributed to the people in an orderly manner to help them get through this year and officially resume production next year."

After Kamisato Ayato finished his report, Kujo Sara said again: "Shogun, the war between the shogunate army and the Kaiji Island rebels is temporarily suspended. I have sent someone to convey my willingness to negotiate peace.

Coral Palace has also given a reply and is willing to negotiate with the shogunate army on Hachi Island. "

However, such a huge harvest was achieved in one night. The ability of the head of the Shenli family should not be underestimated.

Shadow looked at Ying and Paimon, nodded slightly to them, and then said to the three people below: "Convey this order, and the eye hunting order is suspended."

After receiving the general's order that was thrown down by the shadow, the three people's eyes were obviously filled with joy. Kamisato Ayato even bowed his head and said: "I respectfully respect the general's order!"

Just when Ying and Paimon were wondering why the Shadow Society suddenly terminated the eye hunting order, "The shadow of the Son of God sounded from behind:

"That's my suggestion."

The Lord Palace Secretary walked into the palace with relief in his eyes.

"Yesterday, when Ying and I were visiting outside the city, we encountered many illusions left in the earth's veins from when the shogunate army fought against the dark disaster."

"The shadow was touched, so I decided to suspend the Eye Hunting Order first, although I wanted her to also lift the chain of national orders."

"No!" The shadow above shook his head and said with a serious look, "When Dao Wife is in such chaos, she needs to make good internal adjustments and wait until everything is sorted out before she can start the country, otherwise the external impact will be too great.

On the contrary, it will make the subjects suffer...

After a pause, Ying Meizi looked at Ying again and said warmly: "Xiao Bai taught me yesterday."

The next ones, Kamisato Ayato and Kujo Sara: "??"

Kujo Sara didn't know why, but Ayato became more active.

After his sister returned home last night, she talked with him for a long time, during which she couldn't help but talk about Bai Yu. Although Ayaka picked up and talked about only some of the interactions between Bai Yu and the general, Ayato still noticed a trace of abnormal.

When talking about Bai Yu, Ayaka's tone will inevitably be higher. This has made Ayato wary. Now seeing the general like this


(Little sister, you are not only attracted to a married man, but also a married man who is also attracted to the general?)

When the worried brother saw that the report was finished, he stood up helplessly and was about to take the people away, but was suddenly stopped by Shenzi: "Young girl from the Shenzato family, please stay here for now."

"Yes, Lord Palace Secretary." Ayaka came to Yae Shenzi obediently.

Shenzi looked helplessly at Ying Meizi, who still didn't notice anything.

With her dull look, if she, a family member and old friend, doesn't help out with assists, she really won't be able to drink the soup.

It would be difficult to rely on one Kage alone, so Shenzi, who noticed Ayaka's abnormality, simply left her behind.

Two versus one, there is always some advantage, right?

And with Ayaka's temperament and identity, even if there is something 1.1 in the future, will she still be able to compete with Kage?

When Kamisato Ayato and Kujo Sara left the main hall, Ying Meizi suddenly looked at Ying strangely and asked: "Ying, you seem to have become stronger?"

"Did you see it!?"

Ying didn't expect that Ying Meizi was so sharp-eyed, and she immediately became happy.

"That's right! I'm even more powerful than yesterday!"

"Very good, come with me to the Pure Land."

The environment in front of them suddenly changed, and everyone in the hall was drawn into a fight by the shadow.

After seeing Bai Yu who left Ying's body and appeared aside, Ying Meizi's smile became obviously brighter.


——She drew her knife and slashed at Ying!

"Come, let me try the knife!"

The blade is so sharp that it contains less personal grudges...

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