People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 173·The Soul Of The Fourth Natural Disaster Is Burning

For a long time, in Bai Yu's eyes, the fighting style of the Alliance's Yunqi Army resembled the mythical heavenly soldiers and generals.

Relying on a variety of weapons that look very traditional but are actually explosive in technology, the Yunqi Army can exert a combat effectiveness that exceeds that of other individual soldiers of the same level.

Of course, during exchanges with other civilizations, especially after joining the Xinghai Network built by the Interstellar Peace Company, the combat mode of the Cloud Cavalry Army will inevitably change due to external influences.

At least when Bai Yu began to take control of the military, the Yunqi Army had already attached great importance to long-range fire strikes compared with the past.

——But Bai Yu thinks it’s not enough, far from enough!

The influence of the previous life was like an instinct engraved in DNA. From the moment Baiyu took military power, he continued to reform the Yunqi Army.

Sometimes the ideas he came up with frantically made even the craziest craftsmen in the engineering department find them outrageous——

For example, think of a way to build an energy-concentrating platform, directly use a star as ammunition, absorb the energy of the star, and launch a light-year-long super-space-time strike against targets on the other side of the distant star sea.

Or, is it possible for each individual Yunqi Army soldier on the front line to have weapons similar to the technology of Xianzhou Shangdongtian, so that he can turn a soldier into a war fortress anytime and anywhere?

-The kind that can wash the floor.

Or simply transform the Luofu Immortal Boat itself into a super fort...

Zhu Lun, the director of the Engineering Department, listened to Bai Yu's many ideas with almost gleaming eyes, and he was also the person who supported him the most.

In order to help Bai Yu get out those big killer weapons, Zhu Lun left the Luofu Immortal Boat and went to inspect other immortal boats.

In his opinion, other ideas are too difficult, but allowing a single Cloud Knight soldier to carry a bunch of weapons with him using micro cave technology is the goal that is most likely to be achieved in the short term.

This requires quite sophisticated energy technology. Looking at the entire alliance, Zhu Ming Xianzhou, who imprisoned Suiyang's leader "Sui Huang", naturally has the most experience in this regard.

The "Liuxia Tianguang Formation" that is now installed in the Luo Fuyun Cavalry is the first batch of trial-produced weapons based on the inspection report sent back by Zhu Lun.

......But in other respects, Major General, our progress is very difficult!||

In a top-secret cave of the Engineering and Construction Department, Bai Yu, who was being inspected by a master of public transport, saw the old man looking troubled.

"You also know that even for normal jumps, everyone can only use the channel opened up by Youyun Tianjun. If we want to achieve the goal of sending firepower across galaxies as you said, we really can't find it. What a great idea - we can't just set up a relay station in every galaxy, and then let the attack be passed along the waterway by the relay station to the front line.


"If the hyper-space strike proposed by you, Major General, cannot be realized, then all other subsequent ultimate weapons will become empty talk.

Bai Yu can also understand this matter. After Luofu creates a big treasure that destroys the world, he can't drag it to the front line every time he fights?

——In the last lifetime, humans on Earth would not have done such a stupid thing as launching an intercontinental missile at the enemy’s doorstep.

"But... it's not completely hopeless.'

Having said this, Master Gongshu suddenly looked at Bai Yu.

"Look at me? Hope I'm here?"

"Of course!" Master Gongshu nodded, looked around, and then came up and whispered, "Master Major General, I am also cooperating with Ms. Heita in research. The concept of the sentry array is simply amazing."

"The underlying principle design of the sentinel array is based on your "magic skills", Major General. Therefore, I thought that maybe we can start from this aspect and find a channel that does not rely on Youyun Tianjun to achieve some form of interoperability. method."

"If it can really be realized, hehe! The Major General will definitely become the number one general in Luofu throughout the ages, and he will aspire to be the marshal of the alliance. The day is waiting for you!"

And his participation in this miraculous project will definitely leave a mark in the history of Luofu.

At the end of the sentence, the old master couldn't control himself and started singing again.

"Very good." Bai Yu patted Master Gongshu on the shoulder, "If you need my cooperation, please send me a message directly without submitting official documents."

"Thank you, Young General!" Master Gongshu patted his chest confidently.

"Then, take me to see the good things you mentioned."

"Please come with me."

Following Master Gongshu, after going through several twists and turns and passing through several security inspection channels, Bai Yu finally arrived at a scene that had never been shown in the game.

Starship Dockyard.

Although all the starships that go inside and outside the Immortal Boat come from the starship incubation place of the Starship Port, but if you think about it, you will know how the Huixingport, which is accessible to outsiders, can be used to manufacture military starships that require a high degree of confidentiality and as carrier-based aircraft. Fighting ship?

Luofu is not stupid enough to put his arms manufacturing workshop out in the open for anyone to come in and out.

The starship shipyard in front of us belongs to the Engineering and Manufacturing Department, and even within the Engineering and Manufacturing Department, it is a highly confidential department. Some craftsmen who are only responsible for the research, development and manufacturing of civilian crafts are not qualified to enter its interior.

And here, Bai Yu also truly saw the "good treasure" that Master Gongshu said.

~So big...Pong!"

Lifting his head, Bai Yu tried hard to see clearly that he was currently docked in the dock star port, had just been assembled, and was suspended in mid-air - he could be described as a city.

"We didn't have any need in this area before, but now, Major General, you have reformed the Yunqi Army, so we old guys have to keep up with the pace of the young people!"

Master Gongshu stood in front of Bai Yu (Zhao), with his back to the huge starship, and proudly said with his hands on his waist.

"The Canglong class, according to my design, is only a medium-sized starship. The standard crew is 40,000 cloud cavalry soldiers and 25,000 battleship pilots. Because it fully utilizes the cave technology, its internal space is larger than it looks. It is even bigger, and its powerful defense and offensive capabilities will ensure that the future Cloud Cavalry Army can quickly break through enemy defense lines at long distances and open gaps on the interstellar battlefield. At the same time, the built-in ejection system not only allows the battleship pilots to reach the target faster Outside the combat area, Yunqi infantry can also be ejected to the designated area unexpectedly..."

Master Gongshu was still there endlessly introducing the proud work he led the team to design, but Bai Yu's entire mind had been completely captured by this gorgeous and huge starship in front of him!

His fourth natural disaster soul is burning!

"This is what I want..."

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