People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 181·Goodbye, Mother, And My Cowardice!

If the fleet wants to reach the Yaliluo system, one jump is naturally not enough.

When entering the jump state, the holographic exterior scene in the bridge is automatically turned off. Although not everyone is interested in the highly distorted scene of space during the jump, watching such a scene for a long time will always be boring or even psychologically uncomfortable.

During most of the voyage, he only had to leave the task to the fleet's navigation system. Bai Yu, who was idle, suddenly felt something moving in his chest, and then Huanhui emerged from his clothes.

There was actually curiosity on her face.

"Have you never experienced it?" Bai Yu asked.

"I rarely travel in the universe on ships." Huanhu answered truthfully, "Because I don't like to carry a large number of legion members. Most of the time, I would rather travel across the star sea alone.

As an envoy, she can certainly do this.

Bai Yu stuffed Huanlong with another honey-brewed fruit, and Huanlong took it with a weird look on his face, and then heard him ask: "When the antimatter army appeared in Yaliluo-VI, no envoys were involved. ?"

Huanhuang rolled his eyes: "If the Great Lord is really here, how can those little pawns persist until they make a wish to the star core?"


Bai Yu flicked Huanhu's forehead.

"Don't always be so complacent. Don't forget that Zhu Luo, one of your Lords of Extermination, whose grave has grass three feet high, wasn't he assassinated by the patrollers through the chaos created by the remaining insect swarms?"

"If he hadn't died, Xingxiao wouldn't have been able to ascend to the throne and become a great king."

Huan Lu wanted to refute, but thinking about his current status and treatment that was almost the same as a pet, he could only remain silent.

.…………Dividing line……….

Although she understood the truth and decided to help the pioneers, the kindness of being brought to Clipper Castle by Cocolia when she was a child still made Bronya decide to return to the upper area first and face Cocoli directly. Ya.

Before leaving, Bronya handed her identity token to Xi'er and sent an autographed letter to Xing, saying that as long as Xilua and Geppard siblings saw the token and autograph, If you believe me, you will definitely help them.

When Sambo took the people back to the upper level through the hearth passage and met the Landau siblings, they learned from Jeppard that before they appeared, Cocolia had already left Clipper Castle and took Broni with her. Ya took one step ahead and disappeared.

This time, in addition to Xing, Yue Qi Dan Heng and Xi'er, there were also Swarovski and Natasha in the team. Even the Landao siblings personally led everyone to the Everwinter Ridge in an emergency.

If it weren't for the fact that Cocolia, as the great guardian, was bewitched by the star core, which would cause the entire organization and cohesion of Belloberg to collapse instantly, Jeppard even wanted to bring a large number of silver-maned iron guards. Go together......…

When the group of people finally arrived at Everwinter Ridge despite the snow and cold, they finally saw the mother and daughter of Cocolia and Bronya in the middle of a confrontation.

"It's still here. I thought this blizzard could bury you."

Looking past Bronya and looking at the people who had arrived in a hurry, Cocolia's face showed no trace of the kindness she had when she first met the development team.

"What a beautiful idea! If we don't knock you down, we won't fall!" Xi'er put one hand on her hips and raised the sickle with the other, pointing it at the opponent.

"There are more people than expected, Jeppard... and Sylva, oh, the mech from the lower area is also here? And this..."

His eyes swept over everyone, and finally Kokolia looked at Bronya: "Bronya, my daughter, what is your decision?"

The whispers of the star core kept echoing in Bronya's mind, but the warmth that kept pouring out from deep inside her body kept her clear at all times.

(Are you...helping me?)

Putting her right hand on her chest, Bronya and Cocolia looked at each other and took a step back silently.

"It seems that you have already made your choice. What a pity. You could have been the mother of the new world."

Cocolia shook her head in disappointment.

"That's not a new world, mother." Bronya retorted firmly, "Even if the world will eventually be destroyed, we absolutely cannot leave the fate of the world to this scourge called a star core!"

In the crowd, Xing tilted his head: Sorry, I feel offended.

"What's more, we don't have no chance!"

"Wake up, mother! If you are still stubborn, then all I can say is

Raising the gun, Broni took a deep breath.

"Goodbye, mother, and my cowardice!"

Xing decisively rushed to Bronya, took out his hands, and magically handed her a square-shaped painted halberd: "What my adoptive father said! Now you can use this thing to deal with Cocolia! 11

Bronya, Cocolia: "?"

Although looking at Fang Tian's painted halberd being taken over by Bronya, she always felt cold in her heart, Cocolia slowly closed her eyes and her body gradually rose into the air.

"Bronya, Beloberg's fate has been determined, and its future will be in my...will be unfolded in our hands."

"And you will become the cornerstone of the new world!"

"You can't build a new one without destroying the old. As the Great Guardian, I order you to stand up - the Creation Engine!"

The ground began to shake, and behind Cocolia, the huge mountain-like robot slowly straightened up its body, which had been motionless for many years.

Above the track, Walter stood by the window of the observation car: "——!!!"

Yes, yes! Just play like this! This is what I want!

He was disappointed with the crooked ways in which the young general of Luofu Xianzhou used giant ships and cannons. He never expected to see such a beautiful robot here in Yaliluo-VI!

Praise you, builder!

"Walter, that thing is an enemy now."

"I...ahem, I know.

Jizi’s teasing laughter made Walter a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I have to prepare it. It's not good to let such a big thing move around casually.

Seeing Jizi's leaving figure, Walter knew that she was preparing for a railgun strike.

On the ground, Everwinter Ridge.

Looking dumbfounded at the huge creation engine in front of him, March 7 suddenly knocked on Swaro next to him: "Hey! Swaro! It's ten thousand times bigger than you! Can you become that big too? Hurry up and change. Body!"

History 5.2 Varro: "?"

It can't be done, it can't be done no matter how much you think about it!

Seeing Shivaro shaking his head, Yue Qi looked at Dan Heng again: "Dan Heng? How about you change your body?"

Dan Heng:

Does Chen feel that since he met the Major General and asked him to clear the level several times, March 7th has become easy to rely on others?

Glancing at the world-splitting creatures that were summoned by Cocolia after the Creation Engine started, Dan Heng raised his spear and said, "I'll leave this to you [I'll clean up those crack-doctor creatures."

He remembered that before departure, Ji Zi said that he would try to let Xinghe March 7 handle the problem, and he only needed to be an insurance policy.

Although in fact most of the problems have been solved by Bai Yu - so he should be fine paddling, right?

Things on the fairy boat had kept him busy for a long time!

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