People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 203·It’S Not Sister Kuangsan, It’S Brother Baiyu

"Mr. Alien, don't you agree? My body has been entered and exited by you many times.

"If possible, please speak in a way that won't cause misunderstanding."


Bai Yu hit Kuang San's head with his knife out of habit. Su Chang and the others were used to this action, and now they unconsciously landed on Kuang San's head.

Kuang San covered his head with strange eyes.

Being knocked on the head was an experience I had not experienced in many years.

"Besides, my name is Bai Yu, and I'm not an alien."

"It's an unexpectedly common name." Kuang San blinked, "I thought it would be some long, hard-to-pronounce name."

When she was about to ask another question, she suddenly noticed that Bai Yu frowned.

Afterwards, Bai Yu disappeared into the sea of ​​consciousness, and she herself withdrew. Although her five senses were restored, her body was no longer under control.

Bai Yu turned his head and looked in a certain direction, where there was already a fire burning into the sky.

Bai Yu frowned and asked, "What year is this?"

(Oh, in 2012, Mr. Bai, the alien who controls my body, asked why?)

"2012, the year when the world line bifurcated?"

In the plot, the origami master and Itsuka Shido travel back in time to change the direction of the world.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu jumped up, and with a thought, a wind elemental flying sword appeared under his feet, and the sword flew into the air.

(This is--!?)

Seeing with his own eyes that his body used power that did not belong to the elves at all, Kuang San let out a small exclamation in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Bai Yu quickly reached the sky above the sea of ​​​​fire. His eyes swept below and he could hear the mournful wailing of countless people.

After a little reading of Kurumi's thoughts, he was sure that this was Nanjia Town, the place where Wuhe Kotori caused a fire after his first elf transformation.

In the Far East, due to the frequent earthquakes and the influence of the humid ocean climate, even after entering modern society, in addition to the skyscrapers in the city, residential houses in many places still use a large amount of wood materials.

Naturally, it has many benefits on weekdays. It can prevent strong earthquakes and ensure warmth in winter and coolness in summer.

But in the event of a fire, the large number of wooden houses combined with the high-density living environment caused by the narrow land and dense population...

Barbeque master Li Mei said: This is great!

Bai Yu didn't pay attention to those people howling in the sea of ​​fire. Now he was more concerned about the "phantom", which was theoretically Chong Gong Mio who should appear in this area at this time.

However, before finding Mio Takamiya, Bai Yu noticed two "familiar and evil" figures appearing on the street below.

The red-haired girl stood on the ground dully, as if her heart had been closed, and the blue-haired girl lying in front of her, seemed to have completely lost consciousness...

Huh? Girl?

"Itsukawa Shiori!?"

(Is that also the target of alien Mr. Bai’s peeping? It’s too much to pay attention to other people even though he has entered their body.)

Bai Yu decisively lowered his height and landed in front of the young Wuhe Qinli and the unconscious Wuhe Shizhi.

"elder sister…………"

The elven Itsuka Kotori just stared blankly at Itsuka Shiori lying in front of him. Even if he noticed Baiyu (Kurumi) falling from the sky, he didn't react at all.

Bai Yu immediately looked at Wuhe Shizhi and confirmed that she was a real girl, not a crossdresser.

After thinking about it, Bai Yu suddenly raised his hand.

The wind elements gathered in the palm of his hand condensed into a ball. Because of this sudden abnormality, the young Qinli finally looked at Bai Yu.

As Bai Yu waved his hand, a strong storm spread around him.

Wind-assisted fire also depends on the specific situation. If the wind is strong enough and cold enough, it can have a very good cooling effect. Raging winds can also significantly change the oxygen content of local areas in a short period of time, thus achieving Fire extinguishing effect.

Wind-powered fire extinguishers also exist in fire-fighting equipment.

When the strong wind swept through, the fire caused by the young Kotori in this area immediately dispersed. Even if there were scattered flames in some corners, it was not enough to pose a fatal threat.

(It’s a very magical power again. People are becoming more and more curious about you, Mr. Alien Xiaobai.)

"Okay, it's okay, the fire has dissipated." Bai Yu stepped forward and touched Xiao Qinli's head.


"She's fine too." Bai Yu leaned down and raised his hand to press on the back of Wuhe Shizhi's head.

After the emerald green representing fertility flashed away, Wuhe Shizhi slowly opened his eyes with a low groan.

"Sister!" Seeing Itsuka Shiori wake up, Kotori finally had a noticeable change in her demeanor. She rushed forward and hugged the still confused Itsawa Shiori, and the emotions she had always suppressed completely burst out, and she burst into tears.

" this?"

Suddenly being hugged by Kotori, Shizhi was completely confused about the situation. He noticed that there was a "sister" next to him. Shizhi couldn't help but raise his head: "This sister?"

"It's brother!" Bai Yu smiled.


(Ah la ah la, in this case, people can’t explain anything clearly.)

His expression became more and more confused, and the look he looked at Bai Yu became more and more strange. In the end, Shizhi could only smile and asked: "This brother... Brother? What is going on?"

She vaguely remembered that there seemed to be a fire burning around her before she fainted.

There are also the weird clothes Kotori is wearing now, and the even weirder person next to her who is obviously her sister but claims to be her brother - Shiori: My head is so itchy, it's going to grow a brain!

Suddenly there were bursts of violent explosions and roars in the sky. Bai Yu looked up and knew without confirming the target that the origami master who had traveled back in time five years later was already fighting Mio Takamiya's phantom.

Bai Yu is not very sure which world line the current world line is. Is it the first world line (the original plot line) where the origami master traveled through and then angrily bombarded his parents [or the second world line where Wuhe Shiori followed Shiqi?

Or is it because Shizhi’s first rescue plan failed and he found the third world line that Kuang San of this era traveled through twice? (Li Qianhao)

After thinking about it, Bai Yu raised his hand again and placed his fingertips on the forehead of Qin Li, who had gradually stopped crying.

Kotori, who transformed into an elf for the first time, obviously still couldn't control her spiritual power, and the rioting power in her body was completely unconstrained.

However, controlling power came easily to Bai Yu. After a little manipulation, Qin Li's violent spiritual power was suppressed deep inside the girl's body, and he put a layer of insurance on it.

The little girl also exited the elf transformation, and then

Of course, naked.


Shizhi, who was the first to react, hurriedly took off his coat and put it on Kotori, then raised his head and glared at Bai Yu: "What are you doing!? What on earth is going on!?"

(Wow! Does Mr. Bai, the alien, like human women of this age?)

Kuang San's joking voice sounded simultaneously in Bai Yu's mind.

(Good~~change~~state~~ah~~! Fang).

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