People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 215: Bai Yu Who Protects His Shortcomings And Ying Who Asks For Help

Except for people who have adapted to evolve because the entire race has lived in space for a long time, most people from the surface of the planet cannot live in a space station in an unnatural environment for a long time.

No matter how perfect the facilities here are.

However, due to work and other reasons, although the Black Tower Space Station will give its staff regular holidays, they will not be allowed to leave the space station often.

Therefore, the rest area of ​​the space station tries its best to simulate the natural environment of Earth. There are few creations here that can remind people of the stars, the universe, and the space station. The carefully cultivated vegetation environment and the holographic projection illusion can be completely fake and real. All kinds of air with carefully controlled ingredients can completely deceive people's senses.

It makes people think that they are living in a beautiful garden.

Only when you come to the edge of the rest area and look at the starry sky outside through the floor-to-ceiling viewing windows can your deceived senses recover.

Bai Yu and Esta chose such a place, and not many people came.

As soon as she found a bench and sat down, Esta couldn't wait to hook her arms around Bai Yu's neck, directly pressing her small buttocks under her skirt onto his thighs, and her whole body was in his arms.

The girl didn't have the habit of wearing stockings, and her tender and white legs were fully displayed in front of Bai Yu's eyes. At first, she was just chatting with Bai Yu, but she soon fell asleep.

In the Black Tower office just now, Bai Yu just soothed and healed Esta's tired mind. Once she relaxed, the girl could no longer suppress her sleepiness.

Bai Yu used some tricks and stroked Esta's forehead with her fingertips, making the girl sleep better.

After ensuring that Esta would not be disturbed by outside sounds, Bai Yu took the girl's cell phone out of her skirt pocket and unlocked it with his fingerprint.

Esta was completely unguarded against Bai Yu, and even the unlocking of all personal belongings including mobile phones had Bai Yu's backup.

Finding Alan among his contacts, Bai Yu casually sent a message.

"I'm Bai Yu. If you have time, come to the B32 section of the rest area near the viewing window. 』

Not long after, Bai Yu saw Alan coming in a hurry.

After seeing Esta sleeping peacefully in Bai Yu's arms, Alan just nodded and subconsciously stepped lightly.

"Master Major General, what can I do?"

"Miss, what have you been busy with lately?"

Bai Yu looked at Esta sleeping peacefully in her arms with gentle eyes, then raised her head and asked Alan.

Alan didn't hide it either. Esta had once given him instructions, and any order given by Bai Yu could be regarded as coming from her.

"It's because of the unrest among the staff. Although the Major General sent the Cloud Cavalry Army to defend the Anti-Material Legion's attack, there were no casualties, but the property damage was considerable.

"So recently there have been some bad rumors among the staff, questioning the lady's management ability..."

There were no outsiders around, so Alan's address to Esta naturally changed back to "Miss".

Bai Yu twitched the corner of his mouth sarcastically.

Esta has done much better than in the plot, because Bai Yu's advance warning and even arranged a disaster prevention drill successfully reduced the mortality rate to zero.

Is there anyone out there who still wants to be yin and yang?

After thinking for a moment, Bai Yu thought of many things.

He asked Alan: "They are a group of idiots who believe that the genius Black Tower can solve anything. After seeing that the space station, the "sacred property of the great Black Tower lady" in their hearts, has been violated, they dare not get angry directly and can only rely on rumors. You are so angry that you finally pointed the finger at your young lady?"

You know, these anti-fans believe that the Black Tower cannot make mistakes, but the space station was still attacked, so what is the problem?

It must be because of Esta, who is responsible for the actual management of the space station.

They wouldn't have thought about it - or maybe they just weren't willing to admit it - even the Black Tower Space Station itself, the Black Tower doesn't care much about.

Because this will make the group of black fans lose their existence value.

Alan praised: "As expected of the Major General! Most of these dissatisfied staff are indeed Ms. Black Tower's... er, supporters.

"That's why I said that the idiot fans are the most hopeless. Black Tower and Esta themselves are nothing, and the idiot fans started to march out of the void."

Bai Yu shook her head, finally understanding what Sister Aisi was worried about.

"However, it is not without value. Since they can be superstitious about the Black Tower, they can naturally be led to worship your lady, be grateful, support her crazily, and obey her orders.

Noticing Bai Yu's cold smile, Alan silently prayed for a second in his heart for those idiot staff members who spread rumors and stirred up conflict.

It seems that these people are going to be played around by the major general in front of them.

"Major General, what are your plans?"

Alan is not worried that Bai Yu will get angry and make people disappear because of the beauty -

0…Please give me flowers…

"If there is anything I can do to help, please give me the order, Major General!"

"There's no rush." ​​Bai Yu lowered his head and looked at Esta, who was sleeping. "The situation is not serious enough. We have to let it ferment. It's best if there are casualties - even fake injuries.

"You have to make these guys suffer a little, otherwise I won't feel comfortable.

"Then, it's Da Bao's time to stand in the spotlight and enjoy the praise."

"Let them bleed a little, and you will have to thank my Da Bao later."

Gently stroking Esta's cheeks, which were smoother than hard-boiled eggs, with his fingertips, Bai Yu told Alan: "When your lady wakes up, tell her not to worry about these things anymore. If someone makes trouble, just make trouble. Just leave it alone, the bigger the noise, the better, I will handle everything."


"In the final analysis, even Black Tower himself doesn't care much about this space station."

"Okay, Major General!" Alan finally breathed a sigh of relief and saluted Bai Yu again.

"You are not a Yunqijun, why are you giving me a Yunqijun salute?" Bai Yu laughed and scolded Alan, and then stood up and left with the brown-skinned boy's embarrassed expression.

Seeing Bai Yu holding Esta towards her room, Alan thought to himself: Miss, you must be happy!


Pepe appeared out of nowhere and ran to Alan's feet. She also called out to Bai Yu and Esta, then raised her head and wagged her tail at Alan.

.....……Dividing line.……….

Esta's residence in the space station is also undefended for Bai Yu. The access control only scans Bai Yu's pupils and automatically opens the alloy gate.

The girl's room is full of warm atmosphere, and the air is filled with the fragrance that belongs to Esta.

After laying Esta gently on the bed and covering her with a quilt, Bai Yu glanced at the life-size pillow on the bed - the one with his full body image printed on it...

There was a photo frame on the bedside table next to him. In the photo frame was a photo of himself and Esta.

The girl in the photo was leaning against him, cheek to cheek, smiling as brightly as a spring flower.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Bai Yu suddenly stopped.

"The fate seats of Ying and Ying are flashing at the same time?"

After a moment of pause, Bai Yu simply sat down on the chair beside Esta's bed and closed his eyes.

Consciousness instantly entered the continent of Teyvat...

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