People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 219·Zhen: Are You Ying Zhao’S Partner?

"So far, you win."

After the fierce but not long-lasting battle, General Raiden, who exited the Fukutsu Omi Narumi stance and returned to the same appearance as the Kage, put away the naginata in his hand and spoke calmly.

"I thought you couldn't transcend the past, but it seems I was too arbitrary and underestimated your soul."

"A will that never wears out will still be unable to embrace the future after all."

Ying shook his head, the expression on his face did not show the joy of defeating the general, only endless tenderness.

"You don't need to worry about the future, and you don't need to move forward alone. I understand your strength best. If you rely on me alone, the loser in the duel will definitely be a fool."

As if stroking the most precious treasure, the white and jade-yellow fingertips gently stroked Meng Yishin's sword body. Ying looked back at the people watching the battle, and then continued to the thunder and lightning general: "The reason for using the sword will be Determining the limits of martial arts, I am burdened with thousands of eyes directed towards the sky, and there are new people around me who will move forward with me."

General Thunderbolt exhaled as if a heavy burden had been lifted, and turned his eyes to look at Bai Yu and his group along with Ying.

"I agree and will no longer stop you from trying to change the rules."

After hearing this, Ying finally smiled.

At the same moment, the Dream Heart in his hand suddenly started to spin, and the light strips emanating from the sword converged into a small purple ball of light in front of Ying.

"Hello, Shadow, and the 143 witnesses here. I am Raiden Shin, the previous generation Thunder God who failed to fulfill his duties and left countless troubles for you. 』

A female voice that was somewhat similar to Ying, but more gentle sounded.


The previous calmness was swept away by Ying, his voice was urgent, and he subconsciously stepped forward to get closer.

Bai Yu also brought people to Ying's side in time.

"You are willing to come out." Bai Yu said with a smile, holding his hands on his chest, "Is the test for my sister over?"

"Yes, it's over. Thank you for allowing me to be willful. I know that if it were you, I would be able to defeat the general completely from the beginning. 』

"What are you..." Ying looked at Bai Yu in confusion.

Bai Yu pointed at Meng Yixin and said: "I sensed the real existence of thunder and lightning when I was holding it to fight just now. At that time, I originally wanted to defeat the general quickly, but he really stopped me."

"She conveyed her will to me, hoping that you can personally activate Dream Isshin's true ability through the shadow of you, and gain the general's approval."

"So that's it?" Ying suddenly realized, nodded gratefully to Bai Yu, then looked at Lei Dengzhen's remaining consciousness, "Really, so you have always been——"

"I'm always with you, Shadow. The dream resides in my last remaining consciousness, but I can no longer feel the passage of time. 』

"Originally, I thought that I could only appear if you could fully unleash the power of Dream Isshin, but I didn't expect that there was anyone else who could do this. 』

Thunderbolt Zhen flew in front of Bai Yu, as if he was looking at him carefully.

"When you were fighting, I discovered that some of the power you used had the same ability as Kage. This is strange [how did you do it? Are you Kage's partner on Yuko Island where I am not here?"

"This is my man!"

Ying hugged Bai Yu's arm unceremoniously and began to swear his sovereignty.

"Understood. 』

Thunder and lightning really floated to Ying's side again.

"Kage, it seems you need to work harder. 』

The shadow girl tilted her head, puzzled.

————So what do you really understand?

"Let's go, let's go to the other side first and let the two of them communicate."

Bai Yu waved her hand, leaving space for the two sisters Zhen and Ying.

"I didn't expect to see Zhenzi again..." Shenzi looked at Raiden Zhenzhen who was talking to Ying in the distance with a complicated expression, "I can feel that she is in a very bad state now, as if the wind will blow her up at any time. An extinguished candle."

Bai Yu conjured up three cups of soda bean juice and handed them to Ying, Shenzi and Paimeng respectively, and said: "Try it. Although it is just a simple sensory deception, the taste is the same as the real thing. As for the real thing, now After all, she only has the remaining consciousness, and she will definitely not be able to last long."

"Wow——! What is this!"

After taking a sip of the soda bean juice, Paimon had a grimace on his face, flew over and hit Bai Yu's chest hard with his head.


The little guy was bounced away and fell to the ground in a circle.

Seeing this, Ying and Shenzi decisively threw away the soda bean juice in their hands, not even interested in trying it.

"Then change this?"

Bai Yu handed each of the three a cup of fairy taro pop.

This time, the three of them sniffed carefully, and after confirming that the aroma they smelled was normal, they took a brief sip.

At this time, Zhen and Ying seemed to have ended their communication, and a purple seed appeared in Ying's hand.

She understood something instantly and swung out the seeds.

In the originally empty consciousness space, a sacred cherry tree suddenly grew up, and various holographic projection-like illusions of Inazuma appeared around it.

"Seeds from the present can be planted in the past and take root and sprout..."

Bai Yu stared at this magnificent and mysterious scene, and carefully understood the various time-related mysteries that were constantly conveyed in it.

"Wow! Xiaobai! Your left eye has turned golden! There's a clock spinning inside!"

Paimon looked at Bai Yu who made the noise, and suddenly noticed his abnormal changes.

"Really?" Ying stood on tiptoe and raised her hand to touch Bai Yu's face, "It's so pretty!"

As the sacred cherry tree grew completely, Bai Yu also exited the state of understanding time, and the golden clock's left eye returned to its original state.

He walked to Ying's side, who was staring blankly at the flying cherry blossoms.

"Really...this time, we really see each other again.

The seeds of the sacred cherry tree completely consumed the last remaining strength of Zhen's remaining consciousness. Kage also understood that from now on, she would bid farewell to her sister -

"See you soon?"

The wind in Bai Yu's eyes swept over the scattered cherry blossoms, and the invisible force restrained the flying petals, and finally gathered them in his palm.

"I can handle the tricky situation in Hua Sanli, so why do you think I can't handle the real problem?"

The power of destiny is a philosophical concept.

The breeding star god can make all organic life give birth to bugs regardless of race, and even mechanical life and even computer viruses can create insect swarms through alternative "reproduction" behaviors such as self-replication.

The rich healing power of Rakshasa can "heal" all the damaged movement mechanisms on Xue Yi's ingenious body.

There is no reason why Rakshasa can use his abundant power to repair Ji Qiao Yan Ou, but Bai Yu can't rely on this ability to cure the consciousness that is about to dissipate, right?

Sure enough, under Ying's surprised gaze, the cherry blossom petals gathered in Bai Yu's palm actually transformed back into the blue light sphere consciousness they had just been under the influence of the abundant power of emerald green.

-Although the consciousness at this time is a bit dimmer than before. .

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