"So, you are here because of the disappearance of some staff on the space station?"

"No, I came to Brother Bai to replenish energy. It's been a tiring day's work!" Esta's words made her slap her face on March 71, who had just finished talking about her previous experience.

This woman is hopeless now. She has turned into the shape of a white elm from the inside out and cannot go back!

Bai Yu glanced at Latio, who was still thinking hard about his move, and simply ignored him.

Holding Esta's hand, Bai Yu took Xing and March 7 to the bench next to him and sat down. Then he picked Esta up and put her in his arms. Esta in turn hugged Bai. Yu put her arm to his face and kissed him.

March 7th: "Gu——! Do you want this!"

Even Xing Zai's joy at receiving the five million credit point red envelope disappeared a lot after seeing this, and he felt depressed.

"Who is the missing section member?"

Esta immediately reported her name.

Bai Yu frowned and thought for a while, feeling somewhat familiar.

"...one of those guys who's been doing some weird stuff on the internet during this time?"

When the girl nodded, Bai Yu's eyebrows raised.

Originally, he just threw the man into the space he created temporarily with the help of the phase spirit fire, but now Bai Yu decided to add some ingredients to that space.

It won't be life-threatening, but it will definitely make you want to cry.

Seeing Bai Yu's expression, Esta guessed something and whispered to him: "Brother Bai, do you know his whereabouts?"

Knowing that if the cause and effect are not explained clearly, the conscientious and responsible webmaster girl will always feel uneasy. Bai Yu, who is reluctant to let her be like this, will also whisper something to her.


March 7 laughed twice.

The two deliberately lowered their voices to the point where neither she nor Xing could hear clearly, which made March Qi quite dissatisfied.

"It seems that Xing and I came at the wrong time."

Fortunately, this girl was full of joy and anticipation before meeting me!

Damn man!

After Esta got what she wanted, she is now in a state where everything she looks at feels extremely beautiful. After seeing this, although he was reluctant to let go, he quickly jumped out of Bai Yu's arms, grabbed Yue Yueqi and said with a smile: "Yuyue Yueqi, don't worry, this matter is a bit complicated to talk about. All in all, Brother Bai has his own plan. `||."

"That means you don't need our help to find someone?" March 7 tilted her head.

Xing suddenly said: "My mission is gone!? The reward is gone too!?"

"If you are really bored, I really have a task for you here."

As soon as Bai Yu said the words, Xing rushed up to him with a whoosh, hugged his arm and pressed her whole body against him, rubbing his cheek against Bai Yu's chest: "Father, don't be anxious! Xing Bao is here too.

"Ruan Mei is on the space station these days. In a previous experiment, she cultivated some interesting little creatures."

"These little guys are a little noisy. You two can help take care of them if you have nothing to do, or you can help continue to cultivate these new lives."

"How about, are you satisfied with the two breeders I recommended?"

Suddenly a gentle female voice came from behind March 7th: "Since you recommended it, I have no objection.


March 7 turned around in fright, while Xing got off Bai Yu and ran to Ruan Mei.

"He's my soft rice!"

Ruan Mei:""

Although Slice in the simulated universe had come into contact with this child, this was the first time they met in reality. Ruan Mei instinctively realized that she would not be very good at dealing with Sister Tingyun, nor was she good at dealing with Xing.

Just like she did to Su Shang before, Ruan Mei raised her hand to hold Xing's cheek, ice crystals flowing on her fingertips, her eyes looking carefully, and she pinched Xing's chin from time to time.

After retracting her hand, Ruan Mei said: "Hello, I hope I didn't scare you. This is my working habit. Opening up my perception through touch allows details about life to flow into my mind. This can help me understand you. Biological Structure.”

"Don't be nervous, you are healthy and a perfect experimental sample. I like perfect experimental samples.

"There are freshly stained pastries here, do you want to try them?"

Putting the tray in her hand, Ruan Mei looked at Bai Yu again, shook her head and said: "Don't worry, it's just pastries and nothing else, because I also brought you one.

March 7 walked closer to Bai Yu, glanced at Ruan Mei and asked: "Does she treat everyone she meets for the first time like this?"

"That's good." Bai Yu took the pastry Ruan Mei handed to her, first tasted it for herself, then dug out a piece and fed it to Esta, "She and I were drugged directly the first time we met."



Is this the kind of drugging she understands!?

Is this girl who looks like a girl from a water town actually so fierce and hungry!?


Bai Yu suddenly handed the spoon to March Qi's mouth. The girl looked at a small piece of pastry on the spoon, thinking that it was the one Bai Yu had eaten just now (she took the initiative to ignore Esta), hesitated for a moment, and finally blushed. Accept feeding.

~Dear, since you recommended them to me, shall I take these two children to see those little guys first?"

"K-kiss, darling, darling!?"

March 7 is like a rabbit, jumping up again today.

She stared blankly at Ruan Mei, then at Bai Yu, who had no response to the dear call, and finally her eyes fell on Esda, who was intimately intimate with Bai Yu, and her brain's CPU was running at high speed.

It is known that General Bai is currently intimate with Esta.

It is also known that Ruan Mei called Bai Yu "honey" in front of Esta.

Please, the current relationship between the three people.

With a bang!, March Qi hit Bai Yu's chest hard with his forehead.

"Why did you hit me? Your brain was digested after being eaten by a giant stingworm before?"

Bai Yu rolled his eyes at March 7, nodded to Ruan Mei and said: "Go, I've seen those little guys too, they will definitely be very happy to see you (Nuoli's).

"I also didn't expect that a small life created at random would actually have an inherent civilization structure."

Ruan Mei thought of those magical creatures that looked like pastries, with a look of trouble on her face.

"It's just that I don't know how to respond to their emotions."

"There is no need to respond proactively." Bai Yu shook his head, "If you really don't know what to do, just simply 'accompanying' is enough.

After Ruan Mei left with a dazed March Seven and Xing who was full of curiosity about the next mission, Bai Yu took Esta's hand and came to Latio, who was still thinking about a countermeasure.

"Have you figured it out yet?"

Exhaling a breath of turbid air, Latio stood up and looked at Bai Yu.

"You win, General Bai."

"In the next six months, I will teach everything I can to the students you select in Luofu."

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