People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 235: Abducting Fufu And Running Away!

Except for not aging and dying, he is no different from ordinary people with no power in any other aspect. He has been keeping a secret that no one can tell for five hundred years, but one night he was inexplicably killed by someone who didn't know where he came from. The point is broken.

Funina, whose mental state was already on the verge of collapse, almost had her faith collapse at that moment.

After being comforted by Bai Yu and finally relieved, the intense fatigue, grievance, fear and many other emotions destroyed Funina's defenses like a tsunami, making her unable to contain her tears and could only vent her tears. Hundreds of years of accumulated stress.

The girl, who started to hiccup until the end of her crying, had no reaction even when Bai Yu picked her up. She just held onto his clothes with her little hands and allowed Bai Yu to put her back on the bed and cover her with the quilt.

"She's in such a bad mental state."

Even without possessing her, Huanwu, as Suiyang, could still sense the strange state of Medical Ningna.

Little Huanlong jumped from Bai Yu's left shoulder to his right shoulder, and finally jumped onto Funina's pillow. He raised his little hand and patted her neck.

Then Fu Nina's crying quickly decreased, and finally only a slight sob remained.

"I tried to take away some of her negative emotions, but not too much, otherwise she might go crazy in her current state."

"Wow——! This feeling is so bitter and astringent! It's not delicious at all! -"

Huanhu made a bah-bah gesture and jumped back onto Bai Yu's shoulder.

Bai Yu glanced at Huan Lu with a smile. Now she could hardly see the appearance of the exterminator.

His eyes met Funina again. Bai Yu sat down beside his bed and asked the sobbing girl, "Do you feel better?"

"Is...really everything going to be okay?" Funina grabbed the quilt covering her body and asked in a low voice.

Bai Yu shook his head.

"No, because we are not from this world."

"But...I know you."

Funina looked at Bai Yu steadily, with tears still shining in the corners of her eyes.

"I have investigated that traveler, and the information shows that you have appeared next to her, whether it was Liyue or Dao Wife.

"Your name is Bai Yu, right? Are you really not from this world? Is there really no impact? Prophecy..."

For hundreds of years, Wu Ningna has spread her spies throughout the seven mortal kingdoms, and a steady stream of information has been sent back to her. Wu Ningna has naturally been paying attention to her for a long time.

"The prophecies, your secrets, these things just need to "deceive the laws of heaven", and the laws of heaven can only govern within Teyvat. As a person outside the world, he has no control over me.

Under Bai Yu's constant emphasis, Funina finally felt relieved.

But then Bai Yu's words caught her attention——

"Wait a minute, you said... you deceived heaven? What do you mean? Do you know anything about prophecies?"


Bai Yu gently pressed her index finger on Funina's lips, and whispered under the girl's slightly red cheeks and shy eyes: "I know a lot of things, but I'm not sure if telling you will destroy the mirror." The plan made by you inside."

"But you can believe me, everything will be solved. You don't need to do anything, you just need to be your water god happily."

"You don't need to worry about anything else, and soon, everything you are carrying will be taken off your shoulders, very soon."

"I promise, within a year, everything will be over."

Because Bai Yu leaned down slightly, his hanging silver thread swept across Funina's cheek, making the girl feel itchy.

She even knew about "her face in the mirror". The information about Bai Yu, who always appeared next to the traveler, increased her credibility in Funina's mind.

After these successive stimulations, Funina finally felt intense sleepiness again.

Seeing her yawning sleepily, Bai Yu smiled and said, "Okay, you go to sleep first, I'm leaving."

"wait wait wait!"

Funina suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Bai Yu's sleeve.


"Where...are you going? How should I find you?"

she asked in a low voice.

After a person has been carrying a secret for hundreds of years, it is not easy to find someone who can share the secret with her without worrying about destroying the plan of "self in the mirror". Funina instinctively does not want Bai Yu to leave.

"Uh..." Bai Yu hesitated for a moment before replying, "As I said, my appearance here was an accident."

"Originally, I planned to go to Ying - the traveler you were investigating, but something went wrong when I entered Teyvat from outside the world, and I fell into your trap.

"Very urgent?"

...that's out of the question.

"Then why don't you stay in Fontaine for now!?"

Funina opened her eyes wide.


"I......I still have many things I want to talk to you about." Funina prayed softly.

If Bai Yu leaves, she will be left alone to carry the secret.

0…Please give me flowers…………


After vaguely understanding Funina's thoughts, Bai Yu suddenly asked: "Speaking of which, Fontaine's management doesn't actually rely on you, right? Navilette is responsible for everything?"

"Yes, if it weren't for him, I might have...ahem! I mean, if I were to manage Fontaine by myself, I would definitely make Fontaine even better than it is now!"

Here it comes again, this habitual show of aggression after playing the role of water god for five hundred years.

"Since Villette is responsible for the specific affairs of Fontaine, is it okay for you to leave Fontaine for the time being?"

Funina: "?"

Bai Yu slowly leaned down, and under the disdainful gaze of Huan Lu, who was clearly looking at the "big liar who abducted an innocent little girl", he lowered his voice and called out a devilish whisper to Fu Nina:


"Want... to play with me?"

"Leave Fontaine, let's go somewhere else to play.

"Leave a letter to Navilette, and then we'll leave Fontaine along the way. We'll come back after a few days."

"But...but..." Funina has never had this idea. Ever since she started playing the role of Water God, she has been working hard to investigate the truth of the prophecy, playing the role of Water God in front of the world. There was never a moment's rest.

She didn't even dare to leave Fontaine - because she knew that she was not a god. It was okay to be in Fontaine, but if she left Fontaine and went elsewhere, she would be completely defeated once she encountered danger.

"It doesn't matter. I said that the prophecy will be solved by "You in the Mirror", and Fontaine has Villette to manage it. You haven't been away for too long, but I will send you back in three to five days."

"Come with me~"

"As long as I'm here, I will help you keep this secret. Even if you meet the gods of other countries, nothing will happen to you...

After a moment, biting her lip, she——

——Slowly shook his head.

"No, I...can't leave Fontaine."

"I am the water god, I must be the water god."

"As a water god, leaving Fontaine will inevitably attract the attention of gods from other countries.

"When the time comes... No! Absolutely not!"

Bai Yu looked at Funina in silence.

Sure enough, no matter how tempted she was, she still put this responsibility first.

"Then...what if I can make other gods keep secrets? Or even make them unable to tell?"

Funina: "————!!!Spoon!".

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