People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 237·Funina: Can’T I Represent You?

After bidding farewell to Mandrill, Bai Yu continued to rush to Liyue Port.

On the road.

"Is that the immortal from Liyue?" Funina asked in Bai Yu's arms.

"Ha! Immortal!" Huanwu obviously thought of Immortal Chenglu and laughed meaningfully.

"The mandrills of the Yaksha clan have been guarding Liyue since they became loyal to Emperor Yanwang thousands of years ago."

"Okay, we've arrived at Liyue Port."

When I saw Liyue Port in the distance, it happened that the sea was rising tomorrow.

The slow rise from the sea level still brings a new day to Liyue Port, and this port and trading city that has been quiet all night wakes up again.

People go out to shop, live and cook, and it remains the same every day, year after year.

You can see more merchant ships than usual on the pier, many of which are sea-going ships that travel out all year round. Now that it coincides with the Moon-by-Moon Festival, many of these merchants who run ships have also chosen to return to Liyue.

" lively!"

Seeing with her own eyes that the originally quiet city became noisy and lively in a short period of time as the sun rose, Funina grabbed Bai Yu's lapels with her little hands and urged: "Let's get down quickly!"

"Aren't they celebrating a festival? I want to see how this Moon-by-Moon Festival is different from the Thousand Souls Film Festival in Fontainebleau 04~"

"Wait a minute, let me see where you are - you found her. Are you actually staying at Keqing's house?"


Suddenly he noticed a gaze looking at him from a distance. Bai Yu looked up and found that the gaze came from the Jade Pavilion in the sky.

After getting up early, if the weather is good enough, Ningguang has the habit of enjoying the warm sunshine for a while on the outdoor platform of Qunyu Pavilion.

But today, while standing on the rooftop of Qunyu Pavilion, Ningguang suddenly noticed someone flying towards Liyue Port from a distance.

The first thing she thought of was the Immortal - just like the True Monarch Liu Yun Jiefeng appeared in Liyue Port yesterday.

"It seems that another immortal family is planning to - huh?"

After realizing that the figure was actually flying towards Qunyu Pavilion, Ning Guang frowned instinctively.

When he saw the identity of the person coming, Ningguang's eyes widened suddenly.

"Bai...General Bai?"

With Fu Nina in his arms and Huan Huan sitting on his shoulders, Bai Yu quickly flew to Qunyu Pavilion.

After putting Funina down, he smiled at Ningguang and said, "I haven't seen Miss Ningguang for a long time. I originally planned to go directly to Ying, but when I found that you noticed us, I came to say hello first."

"General Bai, what a rare visitor!" After all, it was Tianquan Xing. Ningguang, who quickly calmed down with a warm smile on his face, stepped forward gracefully and said, "Bring ten rays of wind."

"It coincides with the Moon Festival. Yesterday, I also asked Miss Ying if General Bai could come. At that time, Miss Ying said that she couldn't contact General Bai, but she never expected to meet today.

"By the way, who are these two?"

Her eyes first glanced at Huanwu, and then fell on Fu Nina.

There was a flash of thought in his eyes.

Funina has an intelligence network all over the continent, and so does Guang Naturally.

After retrieving the image of the girl in front of him in his memory, Ningguang's expression changed slightly, and finally he bowed to Fu Ningna and saluted: "It turns out you are Lord Water God of Fengdan. I am Ningguang of Liyue Tianquan. I am honored to meet you. "

Funina instinctively looked at Bai Yu, and after seeing his narrow blink, she had no choice but to cough and put on a show.

"Ahem! That's right! I am the Water God Fukalos! Do you... know me?"

Fu Nina, who was holding her arms across her chest, turned her face away, squinting at Ning Guang, and then secretly glared at Bai Yu.

(What are you doing! Didn’t someone recognize your identity?)

"Of course." Ningguang stood up and nodded with a smile, "Lord Water God is not only a god in Fengdan, but also a famous star. Even if I am far away in Liyue, he is like thunder.

These words lifted Funina up high, making her a little elated, and she gradually couldn't hold back the corners of her mouth.

"Okay, treat her as you would treat me. Don't call her Water Goddess. Just call her Funina."

"She came out specially to have fun this time, so she didn't need to be so formal."

With Bai Yu's rescue, Fu Nina immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and Ning Guang also took advantage of the situation and said: "Okay, General Bai, Madam Fu Nina, can you have breakfast? If you don't mind, you might as well have a meal at my jade pavilion. ."

While talking, she also noticed the difference between Bai Yu and the previous meeting.

This time, General Bai... seems to be a real person!?

......…Dividing line..…………

At first, Fu Nina seemed a little restrained, wanting to maintain her image as a water god, but after Bai Yu secretly clicked Ning Guang, Ning Guang, who understood, took on an attitude of entertaining ordinary friends, as calm as spring breeze and rain. Traces of guiding Fu Nina to relax.

"Today is the final of the Kitchen King Competition. I would like to invite General Bai and Lady Funina as special judges. What do you think?"

At the dinner table, Ningguang made a request.

"King of Kitchen Competition?" Funina asked with a little bit of heart in the corner of her mouth, blinking and tilting her head.

After Ningguang roughly explained that this was a job where you could eat delicious food and rate the chef, Funina patted her chest and hummed: "No problem! Although I rarely comment on food, I mostly comment on it. We will comment on the trial and the stage play, but it’s up to me and Xiaobai!”

"Am I being represented by you?"

"Isn't it possible?" Funina turned and looked at Bai Yu, "Take me... ahem, I'll leave Fontaine with you, isn't it just for fun?"

Bai Yu wiped the snack crumbs from the corner of Funina's mouth, and couldn't help but think about what her expression would be like when she saw him at the finals later.

There was some expectation in his heart, and he nodded: "Okay."

Funina then smiled and pushed a plate of sweet-scented osmanthus cake in front of Bai Yu: "Come on, come on, try this, it tastes good, it's almost time to catch up with the daily limited amount of "Zhi Shui Shen".

"Then I'll make arrangements now?"

Watching the interaction between the two of them, Ning Guang was thoughtful, but his face remained calm.

"Miss Ningguang, please."

Looking away from Ningguang who stood up and left, Fu Nina whispered into Bai Yu's ear: "This Tianquan reminds me of Villette."

"She does a similar job to Villette." Bai Yu saw that Funina had made a mess again after a while, and couldn't help complaining, "What's the matter with you? I remember that you should be very particular about various things." Is it proper etiquette?"

Whether it is a high-society salon or other dances, performances, and banquets, Funina behaves impeccably in public—at least in terms of etiquette.

Funina was stunned for a moment, then touched the corner of her mouth, and finally said with a strange look: "It seems that after relaxing, she unconsciously wanted to throw away many things that she had paid attention to in the past.

Is this a bottoming out after being suppressed too hard and completely relaxed?

"No, no, you have to pay attention, I have to be a judge later!"

"I am the Water God Fukalos!"

"Okay, okay, this is not Fontaine. No one cares whether you are the Water God or not."

"Wow! Don't pat my head! You can't pat a lady's head! The hat is tilted off!"

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