People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 242·Paimon, The Original Eternal Dominion Matrix?

Dust Song Pot.

When Bai Yu re-entered after a long absence, he found that compared to the previous state which could be called "Tai Ping Room" or "Mountain Lion Room", today's Chenge Pot is really managed in a decent way.

Although the house still only has one main house, there are many more flowers, trees, rockery and pools in the open space outside. Upon closer inspection, the layout actually looks like a condensed jade pavilion.

"How about it? I asked Ningguang for a set of drawings of Qunyu Pavilion, and I also made reference to Keqing's home."

Seeing the surprised expression on Bai Yu's face, Ying proudly offered the treasure to her waist.

"I even opened up a field later, and I planted a lot of vegetables and fruits in it, hehehe."

"Can you still farm?" Bai Yu rubbed Ying's little head.

The girl said coquettishly: "I asked that woman to order a machine that can help with automatic farming.

"Come on, come on, I'll show you around!"

Taking the initiative to hold Bai Yu's hand, Ying hummed happily and pulled him to wander around in the pot privately.

It is obvious that Ying is very attentive to running her own pot. Along the way, her various little thoughts can be seen everywhere. The most important thing is that all the utensils are owned by the owner at first glance.

One for her and one for Paimon.

There is also one left for Bai Yu.

"Speaking of which, Ying, did you meet your brother again after that?"

"Brother Stinky? Yes, I met him once." Ying tilted her head and nodded her lips, obviously not worried about her brother, "I also met a man named Dain Sreib, he and Brother Stinky It seems like they are fighting for the eyes of the first cultivator, and I don’t care what happens next.”

The loom of fate......"

"What loom?" Ying blinked and rushed to hug him, "Say it quickly!"

Bai Yu took Ying to a bench next to a waterfall and sat down. He held the girl's cheek and kissed her, and whispered: "Let's not mention this for now, what do you think of Paimon?"

"Pamon has a problem?"

The girl narrowed her eyes.

She has always felt that there is something wrong with Paimon, but this does not prevent her from testing Paimon as her best partner.

"In this case, I'll give you an injection first."

Ying suddenly blushed and started to twist around in Bai Yu's arms: "Are you more anxious than me? If you want to get an injection, go to the room..."


After stopping the girl from playing tricks with a knife, Bai Yu pulled Ying's arm, took out a syringe, and injected the liquid inside into her arm.

Ying showed no resistance from beginning to end, not even asking what it was.

"Synesthesia beacon." Bai Yu explained, "a good thing that can directly allow you to understand any language in the future. Of course, the premise is that the person you are communicating with has also been injected with it.

"In my world, it is a must-have item that allows countless civilizations to communicate freely."

When he said this, Bai Yu had already changed into Xianzhou language.

Ying was surprised to find that she could actually understand this language she had never heard before.

"Okay, in this case, our next communication will be smooth, Paimon." What do you think?"

Bai Yu's name for Paimon was changed into English.

The girl tilted her head: "See with your eyes?"

"Let me rephrase it, Paimon, PA‧I‧M‧O‧N."

"This little guy Paimon, maybe her name is the abbreviation of something?"

In the previous life of "Genshin Impact", the sender's signature for system emails such as version research was PAIMON.』

"Did you know that in the desert of Xumi, the former Red King civilization left behind a mechanical creation?"

"Its name can be written as Algorithm (algorithm) of Semi-Intransient (semi-eternal) Matrix (matrix) of Overseer (supervision) Network (network). It is called the "Semi-Intransient Matrix" in a way that the Teyvat people are familiar with.

"As for Paimon, P‧A‧I‧M‧O‧N, is it possible that it is just an abbreviation? Its full name should be————"

"Primodial (original) Algorithm (algorithm) of Intransient (eternal) Matrix (matrix) of Overseer (supervision) Network (network)."

"————The original eternal dominion matrix."


The injection of synesthesia beacon allowed her to perfectly understand what Bai Yu said, and because of this, a sudden chill ran down Ying's back.

"Xiao Bai, could it be that Paimeng... was sent to spy on me!?"

Ying shook her head slowly, unable to believe this.

Bai Yu hugged the girl into his arms and comforted her: "Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with this little guy Paimon, at least there's nothing wrong with 'herself'. The one with the problem should be an identity that even she doesn't know about."

Rather than regarding Paimon as the incarnation of Tianli after a slumber (near death, degradation), Bai Yu prefers that Paimon is an existence similar to the artificial intelligence "Yui" in "Sword Art Online".

In a sense, the world of Teyvat, AI administrator...

It's just that Paimon himself doesn't know his identity. The reason may be related to the so-called "maintainer is dying".

This identity can also explain to a certain extent why Paimon 800 in Meluxin's eyes "has a line directly connected to the sky".

Mona's divination of Paimon ended in failure. When she first met Paimon, Hara Manyo commented that she smelled like the stars.

Even after the true form appeared this time, Huanwu looked at Paimon and felt strange.

"When I say this, I don't mean that Paimon is in danger, I just want to remind you that this little guy is living a confused life, and there is no need to doubt her friendship with you.

— Huanwu is Suiyang, an energy creature that likes to swallow the emotions of other intelligent beings. She told me that Paimon’s feelings for you are absolutely sincere.

"Then that's no problem!"

Ying patted his chest with a sigh of relief and rubbed his cheek in Bai Yu's arms.

Rubbing and rubbing, the girl's plain white fingertips began to poke into Bai Yu's clothes dishonestly.

Her eyes were as charming as silk, and she said in a seductive voice: "Xiao Bai, it's getting late~"

Bai Yu hugged Ying horizontally, stood up and walked into the house, but was stopped by Ying at the door.

"Wait a minute, I'll go in first, you can come back in a few minutes~"

Smiling sweetly and kissing his face, Ying jumped out of Bai Yu's arms, got into the bedroom, and closed the door with a bang.

A few minutes later--

"Okay...that's it!"

ten minutes later

It's raining in the Dust Song Pot. .

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