The jade world is bright and the Qiongtian is swaying.

The stars are like weaving into the sea city, and tourists are flocking to Saitianmen.

This is the central platform of the Xingcha Sea. Anyone who travels in or out of Luofu can see a wide boundary gate. The space in it is like a vortex, with no support and support. Boats and boats of all sizes come and go, which is a spectacular sight.

This is the famous "Jade Realm Gate" in Luofu Dingding, which is the gateway to and from the Immortal Boat Cave.

A little further under the door, countless travelers who have stepped off the Xingcha are lining up and preparing to officially pass the customs and enter Luofu.

Among the team, there was a girl wearing an apricot-yellow dress, with three thousand blue silk ribbons tied into twin ponytails with the same apricot-yellow ribbon. Her face looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, with a peach-like face, she was really cute, attracting the attention of many people around her.

Fortunately for the Xianzhou people, the foreigners from a foreign land took one look and then decisively looked away - in this world of Luofu, looking at a young celestial being like a girl, who knows her true age, maybe You can be your own grandma.

However, although their eyes moved away from the girl's cheek, many people still frequently focused on the heavy sword carried behind the girl.

The sword was two feet and one inch long, which was very unusual.

Although it is wrapped in white cloth, it looks vaguely simple and ancient, but the sword edges on both sides are as thin as cicada wings, enough to blow and break hair.

The girl didn't care about the strangeness of the people around her. She saw that she was getting closer and closer to the front of the team. She frowned and felt a little depressed, and whispered:

"It's really weird! My mother taught me to recite this heart trick before. It can calm the mind, so why doesn't it work?"

"Next person."

Before she could say any more humiliating words, the man in charge of inspection over there raised his wrist and waved his hand, inviting the girl to come forward.

The girl was startled, her teeth clenched and trembled, but she had to bite the bullet and go forward.

"Gold and stone can be used as tools, and we swear an oath... an oath..."

The man holding the light looked stunned, looking at the apricot girl in front of him with a dumbfounded expression.

Just when he was about to say something, he suddenly heard a series of low shouts from around him, and then a clear voice said:

"Gold and stone can be used to make a weapon, but an oath cannot be broken. You girl, you will pass the test if you pass it. Why are you swearing?"

When the girl with a sad face heard the voice that was so familiar to her through Yu Zhao's remote video contact, she immediately raised her head with joy. When she saw the young man looking at her with a smile not far away, she became even more happy. Unable to ignore the astonishment of the Yunqi Jun of the Mingchi Clan next to him, he opened his legs under his skirt and ran away.


Bai Yu opened his arms to catch the girl who was coming towards him, put her gently in front of him and patted her head. Then he smiled at the Yun Qijun of the Ming Dynasty clan who was already stunned and said, "Forgive me, this girl and I have been together since childhood. We know each other, he is a new recruit of the Yunqi Army transferred to Luofu from Yaoqing."

Only then did the Yunqijun of the Vigilante Clan come back to his senses, his face turned red, as if - no, he had clearly seen the idol, and he was so excited that he shouted at the top of his voice: "I've seen... I've seen the young general!!! "

This voice immediately spread throughout the cloud platform under the Yujie Gate. The locals in Luofu were in an uproar. There were outsiders who didn't know what was going on. Immediately, the Luofu people standing next to them proudly puffed out their chests and introduced the young man to outsiders. Various deeds of General Bai Yu.

What about breaking the enemy's formation single-handedly, killing the sky with one man and one sword? He said it vividly, as if he was present at the scene.

The girl Su Shang was startled by this passionate scene, and then she lightly beat Bai Yu's chest with her small fist, and said angrily: "Xiao Bai, you are so majestic now! I'm with Yao Qing. I listen to my father and mother telling your stories from time to time."

"How are your uncle and aunt?"

Bai Yu naturally held Su Shang's little hand, causing the girl's fair cheeks to blush. The original cheerfulness was also gone. She only lowered her head slightly and whispered, "It's all good, it's all good."

Bringing Su Shang to the Yunqi Army of the Ming Clan, Bai Yu said, "Please help her get through the customs clearance documents."


He never expected that he would be able to come into such close contact with the Major General Yun Qijun. The fanatical light in his eyes made Su Chang's delicate skin ache.

While she was marveling at Baiyu's popularity in Luofu and filling out the customs clearance information, Su Chang suddenly noticed something strange and raised her head to look at the Jade Realm Gate.

The originally vortex-shaped space diaphragm suddenly shook violently, and then a huge shadow that was half virtual and half solid passed through the boundary gate and entered Luofu.

It's the Black Tower's space station.

In the eyes of everyone, the huge space station always maintains an illusory translucency, and the outer layer even keeps swaying like water ripples.

Obviously, this space station did not actually enter the Xingcha Sea Central Cave, but just passed through the Jade Realm Gate.

Naturally, such a huge space station cannot park at a regular berth like other starships or starships. The Luofu Ship Division will guide the space station into a special star port cave.

There is a special port area specially prepared for large starships.

"What a coincidence."

Bai Yu, who also saw the Black Tower Space Station, raised his eyebrows slightly. Seeing this, Su Chang came over and whispered softly: "Xiao Bai, do you know that big thing?"

"Black Tower Space Station, I thought it would take a few days to arrive in Luofu, but I didn't expect to bump into you. It's just the right time. I'll take you to get to know me later - eh? What are you doing standing there in a daze?"

"Hey hey hey..."

Su Shang scratched the back of her head in embarrassment, and then looked around for a while. After making sure that no one was paying attention to her, she further lowered her voice and wailed for help: "Xiao Bai, look at this place of origin, 'Yao Qing' How do you write the character Yao?"

"Give me."

Asking Su Chang to hand the jade sign to him, Yun Qijun next to him turned a blind eye and helped Su Chang fill in the entry information (this behavior is theoretically illegal), Bai Yu raised his hand again He poked Su Chang's forehead with his hand, causing her to let out a cute cry of "Yeah~ Yeah~!"

"No wonder my aunt wrote to me and repeatedly asked me to urge you to study more. How come you are an adult and can't even write a word?"

"It's not like everyone is as awesome as you!"

Su Shang seemed to be used to Bai Yu's attitude, and she held his arm and rubbed it with a smile.

"Obviously I entered school so many years earlier than you, but within a few days I was able to study better than me, which made my mother and father scold me for a long time."

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