People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 327 Misaka Mikoto’S Nightmare Experience

As the girl said "Finally I see someone", her tense spirit finally collapsed, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes, and she burst into tears.

It's not that Bai Yu can't understand. It can be seen that she is not from Cangcheng Xianzhou. She is obviously an outsider who appeared here due to various accidents when the wreckage appeared in other worlds, and was then taken away from the world by the wreckage. .

She must be a middle school student at this age, right? A little girl of this age suffered such a huge change and was in a dangerous place like the ruins of Cangcheng. Bai Yu couldn't figure out how she survived until now.

"Hubby, please check to see if there are any other survivors on the wreckage of Cangcheng. All landing troops will have an additional task - to search for possible survivors."

After Bai Yu gave the order, he looked at the girl in front of him, and the more he looked at her, the more familiar she became.

"Don't be afraid, tell me who you are and where you come from?"

As the only person she could communicate with after appearing in this ghost place for such a long time, although the girl did not know Bai Yu's identity, she had no choice. After hearing the words, she answered honestly: 04 "My name is Misaka Mikoto, and I am from the academy. A first-year student from Changpantai Middle School in the city..."


No wonder it’s so familiar!

That is to say, Misaka Mikoto has lived a miserable life here. Her messy hair is full of dirt, even covering up her original iconic brown color, and there is a lot of black dust on her face. This messy look almost covers it up. Her original appearance prevented Bai Yu from recognizing her immediately.

"I don't know what happened. One day I suddenly felt a big flash of light in the sky. When I came back to my senses, I was already in this... this hell-like place... ."

"At first I thought it was a dream, but I soon found out that it wasn't. I didn't know what those monsters were. I ran away while fighting. I wanted to find someone, anyone, but no one was there except me... ."

"I don't know how long I have been here. I even wonder if I am dead..."

Misaka Mikoto's speaking speed was sometimes urgent and sometimes slow, and her logic was a bit confusing. Many times her words did not match her words. It was obvious that the days she spent on the wreckage of Aocheng made this girl completely crazy, even if she did not have a mental breakdown. the edge of.

Bai Yu had no choice but to appease her spirit again, and at the same time, he also sorted out Misaka Mikoto's experience a little bit.

To put it simply, the wreckage once appeared in her world and sucked her into it when it left.

In this place, Misaka Mikoto can only avoid those fertile creatures and alien species, while trying to find other living people or any shelter that can make her temporarily safe.

The wreckage of the loss has stayed outside the world most of the time. Misaka Mikoto is also lucky enough not to encounter anything in the lawless zone and keep her own concept intact until now - otherwise there will be no food or drinking water in this place. Under the conditions, Misaka Mikoto would die of hunger and thirst in a few days.

Without eating or drinking, most people can only last about five days before collapsing, and even people with strong enough physiques can last until about ten days at most.

At first, Misaka Mikoto didn't realize that she didn't feel hungry and was even lucky enough to find the only safe place in the wreckage.

That is, near the energy hub.

"That place was very strange. Although my superpower seemed to disappear after entering there, those monsters would not come in, so I kept hiding in it."

"Then I couldn't bear it anymore, so I tried to go outside to see if I could find a way to leave."

"Before departure, I knocked some fragments from the crystals everywhere and brought them with me, because I found that the monsters didn't seem to get close to the crystals. - Even though I carried that kind of crystal, "My superpowers were also affected, but... ...As long as I can keep those monsters away from me, it doesn't matter..."

"But I didn't find anything. Not only that, I also lost the crystal fragments I carried when I came back, which made me almost be surrounded by those monsters again..."

Bai Yu raised his eyebrows.

Could it be that the crystal that Yakiya and Yuzuru encountered that allowed them to temporarily unite were the fragments that Misaka Mikoto knocked off?

"Then, not long ago, I suddenly felt...hungry..."

"After I couldn't bear the hunger anymore, I had no choice but to venture out again, wondering if I could find something to eat or drink. Then...I heard an explosion outside and followed the sound to find it... …I met her (looking at Origami)…”

"Normal." Bai Yu nodded and explained, "Before, you and the wreckage have been in the lawless zone outside the universe, where there is no concept of 'time', so you will not feel hungry.

"But when the wreckage is close to a normal world, even in the transition zone of the border, the laws will gradually begin to take effect. After time flows normally, you will feel hungry. This is the right thing. You are lucky. I listen to you. Description, Cangcheng met us here without entering any other world after leaving your world.

"Otherwise, even if you don't encounter those alien species and fertile creatures, you will still starve to death."

" you know where this place is? Who are you? Can...can you send me home?"

Bai Yu shook his head: "Unfortunately, although we do have the ability to cross different universes, we can't find the way without the coordinates of your home world.

560 Hubi still can't go back home - although this precious sister has no intention of going back at all, she is very happy now.

After thinking about it, Bai Yu took out a piece of soybean flour bread from his personal space (ready to feed Shi Xiang at any time), and then took out a cup of Immortal Happy Tea and handed it to Meiqin.

"Help your stomach first, and we will take you away later. Our military operations are not over yet - of course, you can also let me send someone to take you to our starship first."

"I...I want to follow you!"

Misaka Mikoto made the decision without any hesitation, looking like a little animal who was afraid of being abandoned.

For the arrogant Sister Pao to become like this, it seems that the experience on the wreckage of the city really tormented her to the point of collapse.

"Can you still move normally? In fact, I suggest you go to our spaceship first. There is at least a medical cabin there where you can repair your body."

"I..." Misaka Mikoto opened her mouth and just looked at Bai Yu with pleading eyes.

"Okay, then follow up."

Bai Yu waved his hand, signaling the girl to go to the back.

Raising his eyes, he looked forward, which was the energy hub that had protected Misaka Mikoto during this period.

....The things carried in those crystals could be Fantasy Killer, right?"

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