People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 364: Kotori’S Unexpected Arrival

The distance between the Earth's core and the surface is approximately 2,890 kilometers to 6,370 kilometers.

The location where the wreckage fell is about 5,000 kilometers away from the earth's core. According to exploration, after it fell into the depths of the Pacific Ocean, it sank directly to the seabed. The energy it carried burned through the earth's crust, sank into the mantle, and quickly approached the earth. nuclear.

The analysis results show that if the planet had not been blessed by the Amber King as soon as it entered this universe, it would not have even waited to be torn apart by the gravity of the black hole, and would have fallen apart due to the remains of Cangcheng!

Bai Yu originally wanted to try to salvage the wreckage of Cangcheng, but in the end the technical department gave a helpless result. The wreckage has been deeply integrated with the earth's core, and the activation of the planet itself has entered an irreversible process. Salvaging the wreckage has become impossible.

As for the gathering of survivors around the world, the work is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Almost 90% of the survivors were children. The reception of these little guys was quite smooth. As for the sporadic adults, it gave Zhongyu a deep understanding of the world.

The world of these people is almost over. Some of the so-called "high-level human beings of 737" who survived by great luck are still trying to speak with that identity that Bai Yu thinks is extremely ridiculous.

For this group of people, Bai Yu gave very simple instructions - throw them into the wilderness. For humanitarian reasons, although they refused to take them in, they did not directly throw them to the place where the primitive intestines gathered.

Considering that this planet is about to be revitalized, their end will definitely not be good.

After that, Bai Yu gave an order to all the dispatched Yunqi troops and Jin guards - some subspace creatures that made people feel uncomfortable should be executed secretly.

Finally, the work of getting the survivors on board began.

As the first huge roar resounded through the sky, the last remaining people in Tokyo raised their heads and watched the huge spaceship several kilometers long break through the clouds. The shadow cast by the spacecraft on the ground made people feel the long-lost darkness - ——That’s right, because there is a big black hole next to it, and the bright halo of the accretion disk means that although the planet is still spinning, it is in a polar region.

This has also put these survivors at the limit of their physiological state. Human beings will suffer physiological collapse if they are in a chaotic environment day and night for a long time.

"Oh my God!"(aeeb)

Sima Weizhi opened his mouth. The former eldest lady put on her long-lost kimono again today, and also worked hard to dress up. Although it was completely incomparable with the glamorous appearance before, it was still better than when they first met. The condition of the refugees has improved a lot.

"Humph, these are just trivial matters!" Ying stood next to Sima Weiwei with her hands on her waist, "It's just a transport ship. Its long axis is only three kilometers. Our mothership is now dozens of kilometers long!"

It was not just Sima Weiwei who was shocked. In addition to Sumire Muroto, who in Latio's words "Although he is stupid, he is not incurable yet and has the value of training", he helped out in the experimental module of the Soryu in advance. Outside, the remaining people stared at the sky dumbfounded, trying to raise their necks to ninety degrees.

Even Amagiri Kisara, who had been walking like a zombie these days, was now shaken back to life, with a vivid expression on his face.

"Don't just stand around and get ready to board the ship. In fact, you people don't need such a big transport ship at all. What really gathers survivors around the world are more small ships. These small ships will eventually gather together, including this transport ship. On several transport ships including the ship, you will need to undergo a final physical examination to confirm that there are no problems before you will be temporarily placed, and then you will undergo adjustments to the display device, and finally you will be sent to the new world."

"Then...where is our hometown?" Sheng Tianzi asked in a low voice.

Bai Yu shook his head: "It is hopeless. If there is no accident, we will blast it to pieces, otherwise it will become a disaster among the stars."

Don't underestimate the sensitivity of the immortal boat to activate the planet after experiencing the disaster of World Devouring Rahu.

At this time, Su Shang had already led people to direct the people to board the ship. The girl stood at the boarding gate, holding her Xuanyuan Sword with both hands and shouted loudly: "Everyone, please board the ship in an orderly manner! Don't crowd! You are completely safe." La! Oh, it’s Xiao Tina? You still have bread crumbs on your face? Xia Shi, can you help me see how to solve a few questions later? The homework given to me by Teacher Huanlong——"

"No cheating! Are you embarrassed to let a little indigenous girl cheat for you!?"

Huan Lu flew to Su Chang's head and slapped her, successfully making the girl scream.

"But I asked Xing to help me read it, and she even got it wrong about which subject the questions belonged to..."

Thanks to Su Shang's cuteness there, people who were still a little cautious quickly settled down.

"My friend, what's the matter? You look worried?"

Seeing that Bai Yu didn't seem happy as expected, Yin Zhi came to him and asked.

"Have you not noticed that we have not solved the problem at all?" Bai Yu shook his head and said, "The most critical and fatal problem is the emergence of greed for life, and the enemy that requires us to use the fleet to fight..."

"At least we saved the last humans in this world, although almost all of them are children."

Silver Branch patted Bai Yu on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, no matter what enemy you face next, I will uphold the pure and beautiful way and fight side by side with you."

Not long after, Bai Yu also took people aboard the transport ship. The starship quickly took off, broke through the atmosphere, and entered space.

Inside the transport ship, Bai Yu saw an unexpected figure.


"General Bai, every time I meet you, you always give me a big problem."

Baldwin said with a wry smile while sitting in a wheelchair.

When Qin Li, who was standing next to him, saw Bai Yu, she swung her two fiery red twin ponytails and rushed towards him: "Brother Bai! Long time no see!"

Two days before departure, you were eating and drinking at my house. Bai Yu pinched the black ribbon on Qinli's head, "Why are you here?"

"The Speaker said that the resettlement of hundreds of thousands of people is a big problem. He believes that suitable people need to be selected from these people to enter Ratatosk to help."

“So you need to come in advance for inspection.”

During the conversation, the spaceship had already approached the Canglong, which was the flagship.

Hundreds of little girls rushed to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the Canglong flagship that was getting closer and closer, like a behemoth from the sea of ​​​​stars that had existed since ancient times, but there was no noise like a large number of children gathering together as they had imagined.

The hardships these little girls have experienced have made them more mature than they imagined. Most of the children just marveled silently. Even if someone occasionally made a sound, they would quickly cover their mouths.

“What a heart-wrenching group of little guys.

Baldwin noticed this scene, shook his head and sighed.

"Don't worry, General Bai, I will place all the children who are willing to go to our side.

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