People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 373·Funina: Why Don’T You Have Any Clothes!

Due to the special rules of the forbidden world, whether it is a naturally born ability user, that is, the "original stone", or an artificial ability user cultivated in Academy City, or the magic used by those magicians, it is important that all these can be achieved The reasons are all based on the special structure of that world.

That is, the current state of the world is the result of countless overlapping phases.

The magicians of that world are particularly affected by this rule. Many of their various spells are based on myths, legends and idol worship. The premise that these rituals, runes, and rules can cause incredible miracles is based on the premise that overlaps with reality. The existence of multiple phases.

Once out of the phase rules, magicians cannot use the magic power refined from the idle part of their own vitality (people will die if they are not idle) as starting capital to induce miracles on a larger scale. They can only rely on their own magic power to act. It's hard to say what effect it will have.

On the contrary, ability users are relatively less restricted in this regard. Although the thing created by Aleister has the shadow of Thelema magic system - even in the entire Academy City sense, it can be regarded as a more modern one. A large Thelema monastery - but the ability is to rely on the deliberate distortion of personal reality and observations that are different from reality to cause microscopic changes, and quantitative changes to qualitative changes into macroscopic phenomena.

Just like Mikoto, she can sense the flow of electricity and magnetism. This is a kind of observation and understanding of different levels of reality that is contrary to ordinary people.

Although these abilities stemming from pure physical laws have been weakened due to the lack of phase rules after leaving the forbidden world, the overall problem is not big - making the basic laws universal in most worlds. Woolen cloth?

In fact, as long as Mikoto is allowed to further understand and analyze the deeper rules of reality, she will be able to exert even greater strength than before.

"very good!"

When the issue of ability was mentioned, Mikoto became really excited.

"The brain development course arranged by Sister Ruan Mei for me is very effective. There is no need for injections or various electrical stimulations. I only need to eat those sweet-scented osmanthus cakes. My current computing power has far exceeded the limit of the past!"

"But it's strange. According to my own comparison, the increase in ability itself is not equivalent to the increase in computing power. Even if I want to exert the same ability, I need to use higher computing power than in the past."

"This is normal." Bai Yu rolled his eyes, "The reality of your world is covered with many phases. The activation of abilities by ability users can also be seen as using personal reality to cover the real reality in a small area. In other worlds, Without this natural rule of phase coverage, how could the objective reality be so easily distorted by you?"

Because the activation and realization of abilities is also an overlay of reality and an abnormality, it was erased by Fantasy Killer and forcibly corrected everything back to the original point.

Mikoto flattened her mouth and felt a little dazed at the same time.

Although she didn’t know why, this general brother seemed to know her home universe very well. From him, Mikoto also learned a lot of things that she could not imagine in the past.

In addition to considering her ability to accept it - mainly because if she can't go back, there is no use knowing it and she can only be anxious - and did not tell her about the existence of the Misaka sisters. Everything else is as long as this bilibili discharge girl is interested, Bai Yu I told her everything.

Be it magic, demons, or phase, Mikoto had been unable to accept these for a long time.

However, within a few days, this famous gun sister returned to normal. Things like traveling across the world and traveling to other universes have happened. What else is really unacceptable?

During the chat, Bai Yu's jade omen suddenly sounded.

On the communication panel that popped up in front of her, Ruan Mei sent a piece of good news:

"My dear, the two bodies you asked me to cultivate before have completed final debugging. 』

Dividing line.....…


The scream was made by Funina, who rushed to Luofu from Fontaine after hearing the news, and then entered an experimental cabin section of the Black Tower Space Station with Bai Yu. She saw the two bodies in the training cabin. of.

No, no, "No, no... you are not allowed to look!"

Silly Fufu waved her hands in panic in front of Funina, jumped up and jumped directly on Bai Yu like a face-hugger. Her legs under the skirt quickly crossed his back and clamped, and then hugged Bai Yu's head. Bury his entire face into your chest.


Although I don’t know why Fu Nina reacted so strongly, because the two bodies still soaked in the nutrient solution in the culture cabin not only looked exactly like Fu Kalos and Fu Nina, but they were even naked. .

Funina instantly felt as if her naked appearance was being looked at by Bai Yu.

——But silly Fufu didn’t realize that her behavior was essentially another way to benefit Bai Yu?

"`~Tsk tsk tsk, this figure, this skin, this supple and smooth look..."

Ying walked around in front of the training cabin, stroking her chin with her little hand. After looking at it for a long time, her eyes fell on "Funina"'s chest, and then she looked down at herself.


"Why don't you have any clothes!?" Funina, who was still stuck on Bai Yu, turned around and asked Ruan Mei loudly.

Ruan Mei answered naturally: "Clothes can't grow in the culture cabin."

"Calm down! Calm down, Funina, that's not you, that's just a fake body."

Paimon flew behind Funina, grabbed Silly Fufu's hair and pulled it back.

"It hurts, it hurts————! Don't scratch, don't scratch!"

Funina (Wang Li's wife) jumped down from Bai Yu, blushing and covering her face: "Damn it! This is a disgrace to everyone!"

Ying Meizi walked up to Ying, raised her hand and knocked on the glass cover of the culture cabin, tilted her head and looked at the two bodies inside for a moment, then asked doubtfully: "Pure water elf?"

"I did inject some elements of pure water elves into them during the process of adjusting the bodies."

Nguyen Mui explained.

"In order to be as close to the original version as possible, or in other words, you only need to inject that kind of demon personality and divine power into any one of them, and let it inherit the divine status and program consciousness, and it will become another real... Well, Water God?"

"That's amazing!" Ying Meizi praised, "You almost created a demon god."

Bai Yu secretly thought: The person next to you is determined to create an envoy.

"Ahem, now that your body is ready, our plan can begin."

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