People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 399: Beifa Being Appeased By The Machine Spirit

The far north.

It is further north than the front line of the Northern Alliance against the Sirens, at a place that can be called the North Pole.

The space wrapped in mysterious power isolates all external detection methods, and hidden deep in the seabed at the extreme north, there is a top-secret base that even the Northern Alliance, which has been fighting against the nearby Siren Fortress for many years, is not aware of. .

At this time, there was a dark room in the base.

The dark shadow twisted and squirmed, gradually turning into a vague and strange outline, and then the black shadow let out bursts of low laughter.


"The dazzling winter crown is crowned! The ink-stained steel flower blooms! Souls gather in the endless sea - the prelude to the end is sounded!"

"This is the place of the end, and it is also the place of the prelude, and I will play the prelude to the end!"



"Shut up! You stupid pig!"

The observers yelled and cursed.

The dim room was suddenly lit up with all the lights, and the observers who walked in looked at the figure who was standing there with disgust on their faces.

The Purifier, who was laughing wildly up to the sky, looked at it with concentration. The ship's armor on his head, which looked like an angler or a shark 560 with a pointed fish, also split two slits around the eyes, forming a pair of cute and silly eyes. He looked at it. He has cute eyes that don’t look too smart.

A clear and foolish beauty that is not contaminated by knowledge rushes towards the observer.

"Stupid pig?"

"Otherwise? How about changing your name to Shark? It just fits your image.

The observer pointed at the sharp-headed shark suit behind the Cleaner.

"Look at your appearance. From top to bottom, you have the aura of a stupid villain who will be killed sooner or later... You are so stupid!"


Being hit by such merciless words, the purger looked uncomfortable and suffocated, holding his chest and taking a few steps back.

"Observation dear, did you take the wrong medicine?"

The observer's face turned disgusting and he glared at the Clearer again.

When thinking about the experience of meeting Bai Yu twice in a row and being called a "miscellaneous fish" by him, the observer became very angry.

What's wrong with her!?

Don't think that just because those ship girls can fight with them back and forth means they are awesome! They basically didn't show any real skills, they were just letting the sea go!

"Huh...trash fish?"

The Cleaner's eyes widened: "W-that's too much! You actually call me a bastard!? Isn't it even worse than a shark!?"

The observer rolled his eyes and did not explain that he was not scolding her at all.

"Show me the latest progress on the natural calculus system."


The Purge instantly ran to a huge piece of equipment in the room.

The observers looked at her busy figure with a strange look on her face - she was directly diverted so easily, and she still said that she was not a bastard?

No, no, why is she always thinking about Zaoyu!?


Suddenly, the Purge's confused voice sounded.

"What's wrong?"

The observer stepped forward and looked at the huge computer-like device in front of him and the report displayed on the small terminal screen.

"The calculation progress is correct and all data inputs are normal. What do you think - hmm? What is this?"

The observer who finally discovered the problem pushed the Scavenger away, leaned forward with his hands on the screen, and widened his golden eyes, as if he saw a group of ship girls and a group of sirens holding hands and singing " Because We Are a Family" is as scary as the ghostly scenes.

"PT131, BI74, LW115...why have the data of so many small experimental sites that are still in progress disappeared?"

Turning his head, the Observer glared at the Exterminator: "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" The Purge shook his head so much that afterimages appeared, "I just discovered that those temporary test sites disappeared, doesn't matter anyway, they are all Japanese. The throw-away temporary sites are still failures and will be liquidated and erased sooner or later. Keeping them will only increase the calculation burden. "

"As long as there are no problems with this experimental site, it will be fine!"

"After all, this is the end of the world, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

After being slapped hard on the ground by the Observer's raised tentacles, the Scavenger flicked its limbs like an insect struggling to its death, and finally became completely motionless.

The observer turned his attention to the screen again and frowned.

"Is it related to that guy?"

"No, I have to talk to Zero about this..."

......…Dividing line..………

In the port area at night, the central square has long been silent.

With a flash of light, Belfast and Bai Yu both appeared.

"Huh...the familiar smell of sea breeze.

Looking at Belfast who was sighing, Kou Yu smiled and said, "How do you feel?"

Belfast lifted the silver wire from his ears, looked sideways, and smiled: "Miss Tingyun and everyone else are very enthusiastic people.

"I didn't expect that the commander's life in another world would be so exciting."

Recalling the experience of following Bai Yu on a trip to Luofu in the afternoon, Belfast was filled with emotion.

But who left the deepest impression on her——

"Commander, why is that sister Hubie always dangling in front of me and touching my head from time to time? Is this your unique way of saying hello?"

Bai Yu recalled Hubi's daily behavior, and finally she couldn't laugh or cry: "She should be appeasing the machine spirit?"

Beifa: "...Huh?"

Obviously, Hubi directly regarded Befa as the spirit of the battleship!

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that maybe it’s right?

Seeing that Befa was confused, Bai Yu told some interesting things about Hubi's daily life. After realizing that the cute little machine girl seemed to have a very subtle understanding of him, Befa suddenly felt complicated.

"This is really...but in the eyes of Sister Hubie, am I actually the same as those battleships that cover the sky?"

She tilted her head slightly, with trouble and confusion on her face.

Then, the confusion in Belfast's eyes dissipated.

She can continue to become stronger, as long as

"Commander, help me awaken.

Looking into Bai Yu's eyes, Beifa said seriously.

"I hope to be able to contribute my strength to the commander, but I am obviously not qualified now."

"Wake up... I do have this idea, but Befa, does this mean that you will truly leave everything to me?"

"That's what I'm looking forward to too." Befa lifted the hem of her skirt, "A maid, Belfast, has long been prepared to devote the rest of her life to you - ah!"

Before he finished speaking, Belfast was held in Bai Yu's arms, and then his lips were blocked.

Bai Yu snapped his fingers, and the two figures disappeared into the square.

Next, is the real "pacifying the machine soul"

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