After the exercise, the TB floating in the air slowly landed on the ground.

The closed eyes opened, and the blank state quickly faded away. When a little light appeared in his eyes, his expression became agile again. TB immediately turned his head and started looking for Bai Yu.


Bai Yu bent down to catch the little girl flying over, held her upright, took out a lollipop, peeled off the candy wrapper and fed it to the new baby girl in the family.

The little girl took a sip, then held the lollipop in her little hand and handed it to the daily inspector's mouth.

"Baba, eat~"

Having seen this innocent and cute appearance countless times, March 7th also exclaimed in disbelief: "During exercises, he acts like a battle-experienced general, how come he is completely different in normal times?"

While teasing her daughter, "273" Bai Yu said with a smile: "Ruan Mei said that little B has two independent systems. Under normal circumstances, after the perceptual module is enabled, it is a child that still needs to be taken care of. Only when it is turned off Only when the perceptual module is operated purely rationally will it look like what you see."

"In addition, she only learns very quickly the relevant knowledge that can help her better command the fleet. In other words, those things are not just instincts, but instincts that are engraved in her life. In other aspects... ..Frankly speaking, sometimes it’s not even as good as Shang Sang.”

You know, TB can't even speak smoothly now.

TB obviously didn't understand much of the conversation between Bai Yu and March Qi. He only knew that the two were discussing themselves. He was so happy that he rubbed his fleshy face against Bai Yu's body - and successfully rubbed Bai Yu's face. Candied.

Because the little girl was twisting and turning in Bai Yu's arms, disturbing a sleeping pet, Huan Huan crawled out of Bai Yu's clothes in a daze.

TB reached out and grabbed Huanlong in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Wait, wait a minute! Don't eat! How many times has this happened? Damn it!!!"

Huanlong screamed in panic, and it took a long time for Bai Yu to pull her out of TB's hands at the last moment.

After Huanlu jumped onto Yueqiu Qi's head, Bai Yu asked, "Are you feeling better recently?"

"It's not bad, much better than before." Huanlu glanced at TB with lingering fear.

The Black Tower had previously asked Huanhu to help investigate the meteorite fragment. The strong negative emotions caused by the impact of the fragment once made Huanhuang completely stunned. It is hard to imagine what kind of strong evil thoughts would make Lingshi Suiyang, who is above the level, almost couldn't bear it.

"When I talk about this, I get angry. I am almost being regarded as a psychotherapist - that little dragon girl before actually came to me with several mentally ill people and asked me to help eat up their problematic spirits. Am I some kind of garbage collector?”

"Do you still have this ability? Then I will find META Canglong and let you try it. Maybe you can cure her mental illness?"

The dumbfounded Huanhuang sat on the head of March 7, murmuring sadly: ...If you have any dissatisfaction with me, you can just tell me. Don't bother me by beating around the bush like this, I'll just

. "

There was a burst of slightly noisy footsteps, and many of the ship girls who were practicing just now returned to the central command room.

Hearing the footsteps, Bai Yu smiled and raised TB high, letting the little girl ride on his neck, and then turned to look in the direction of the sound.

I saw a group of ship girls walking in panting or looking relaxed, and then...

Saratoga pouted angrily. She put her hands on her hips and held up a flat file, as if she was arguing with Bai Yu.

"Commander, Commander! I performed first this time! You can't call me Saratuga anymore!"

"Okay Saratuga, no problem Saratuga."

Bai Yu raised his hand and rubbed Saratoga's head back and forth, as if he was rubbing her in the direction of her bald head.

Saratoga was stunned for a moment, then slapped Bai Yu's hand away and started to push his head against his stomach.

Hubie's eyes flashed as he watched from the side, and he also joined in and started making trouble. In the end, even TB happily hugged Bai Yu's head, and Bang Bang knocked his little head on Bai Yu's head.

“It’s really a scene that will make any lolita cry with envy.

March 7 rolled up her tongue deliberately and snorted.

Bai Yu silently picked up TB, who was riding on his neck, and stuffed it into the girl's arms. TB looked at Yue Qiu with a confused face, and then opened his mouth: "Jiu Qiu, mother!"

"It's definitely because that girl Xing was the one who messed with the teachings and didn't run away!!!!!"

March 7 gritted her teeth and revealed the real name of the murderer. Seeing that TB was frightened, she immediately put on a gentle smile and lowered her voice to comfort him: "Little B, be good, my name is March 7, not June 8." ...."

"June eight! June eight!"


Bai Yu was busy dealing with two troublesome lolita here, and Lexington's faint laughter sounded over there: "Sara, you can't cause trouble to the commander."

Seeing her sister appear, Saratoga immediately pounced on Bai Yu and started to accuse Bai Yu of his "evil deeds". Hubi returned to her cute sister mode and stood silently beside her in a daze. Only her little face was still flushed and at the same time, the mechanical structure on her body The heat sink is still blowing warm air out.

Bai Yu looked around and noticed META Enterprises and META Helena.

"How do you feel?"

It was the first time for these two people to participate in the exercise after completing the starship transformation. Their previous performance was remarkable, but Bai Yu still wanted to hear their own thoughts.

META Enterprise nodded solemnly: "It feels very good, just..."

She glanced at TB who was still in March Qi's arms.

Until now, she and META Helena still have considerable doubts about the existence of TB.

Compared to others, these two people can clearly see the siren-derived qualities in TB, especially the META company who has seen Dream Weaver Zero.

META Helena interrupted META Enterprise's words and said with a smile: "Commander, although we are conducting exercises in a simulated universe, our bodies still have the illusion of being sweaty. We want to take a dip in the port area—— —Commander, do you want to come with us?"

March 7th immediately covered TB's ears and shouted: "Hey, hey! There are children here!"

Bai Yu looked at TB thoughtfully and suddenly asked: "Does Little B want to go to the hot spring?"

Since being brought to this world by him, TB has never returned to Azur Lane.

Perhaps, it's time to take this child back and see if we can draw out anything. .

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