People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 453: Humanity Has Ended Long Ago!

This is a broken space that is completely independent from the normal world.

According to Zero's introduction, the area of ​​​​this sea area is about 30,000 square kilometers, and the edge is thick and impenetrable sea fog. Forcibly breaking through will only lead to a chaotic space where even sirens cannot survive.

In the center of the sea, there is a towering pyramid built on a pure metal platform.

Under the leadership of the zero-sum observer, after entering the pyramid, Baiyu spiraled all the way up.

When passing by a certain hall, he saw equipment similar to sleeping pods placed side by side on both sides of the hall.

In each of these dormant cabins lies a sleeping Siren Arbiter.

Empress, Lavos, Strencus, Hemet...

Some Bai Yu could name them, and some Bai Yu found that they had not even appeared in the game in his previous life.

Without exception, these arbiters exude overwhelming pressure. At least in Bai Yu's estimation, "ship girls without cognitive awakening will definitely not be their opponents."

"Do you want to wake them up, Father?"

Seeing Bai Yu stop and observe, Ling asked at the right time.

"No, let's go first." Bai Yu shook his head and motioned for Ling to continue leading the way.

Finally, the three of them entered the core room of the pyramid.

This is a huge circular office. The huge computer in the center, which is several meters high, looks somewhat similar to the human brain. There are countless pipelines connected to it.

There is a halo of light constantly flickering in the energy tank on the ground.

"This is the natural calculation system."

"Where's the Laplace demon?" Bai Yu asked.

The observer took over from Zero and explained: "The space itself where the entire system is located is Laplace's demon. Father~~Dear~~~big~everyone

"Welcome, Lord Creator. 』

"Do I need to connect you to the system?"

Suddenly, an inorganic mechanical sound sounded in the room.

Bai Yu looked around and saw any device that could make a sound.

He nodded and leaned a little, looking at the huge head-shaped natural calculation system in front of him. The dense ravines and folds on the surface opened and shrank, and a faint stream of light emitted, gathering around the white elm like an entity.

For a moment, Bai Yu felt some force trying to pull his consciousness into another space.

He suppressed his body's instinctive desire to resist and allowed this force to carry Bai Yu's consciousness across a certain barrier.

Finally, Bai Yu found himself appearing in a vast white space.

And in front of him, there were two people standing impressively.

A woman with a white coat hanging loosely around her body, her hair a little messy, and wearing glasses.

A man with a stubble, who looked a bit old, and his hair was graying, but his clothes were meticulously taken care of.

Seeing the two of them, Bai Yu was stunned for a moment and blurted out: "Anjie, Liaosta~?"

As Bai Yu called out their names, Anjie and Aosta, who had closed their eyes and seemed to be sleeping, slowly opened their eyes.

The confusion in the eyes of the two people dissipated in a short period of time, and when they looked at each other for the last time, Aosta smiled and said: "I didn't expect that there are still living humans who can appear."

"Living humans...?"

Bai Yu frowned.

A strong sense of disobedience came over me, and some kind of barrier that had always existed in my mind suddenly shattered.

His eyes widened in surprise.

"Have you discovered it?" Aosta nodded in approval, "Humanity, in fact, completely disappeared when the world was first destroyed."

"Although the humans in all the experimental sites opened by the Sirens have human appearance and biological standards, in fact, in the process of the Sirens transforming the experimental sites, they lost their history, were brainwashed, manipulated, and even their culture, The spirit is false.”

"In my opinion, they are just a group of puppets with human appearances."

"No, Aosta, I still have to refute you. As long as they still have a human heart, they are human beings." Anjie glared at Aosta, then smiled bitterly, "However, I don't have the qualifications or position to say that. That’s it, after all, even you and I are just a bunch of data now.”

"No wonder..." Bai Yu suddenly realized, "I made such a big noise there, and even summoned the ship girls from the entire alliance, but the human forces did not respond at all, and it was unusually quiet—— ——Even I ignored them to a certain extent..."

"You two, saying this may break your last hope, but in essence, I cannot be regarded as a human being in your cognition."

"Of course, I understand, aliens." Anjie nodded, pushing up the glasses on the bridge of her nose, "All the data of the Laplace Demon will be transmitted here.

"To be honest, I never thought that things would eventually develop like this, but now it seems that this may be the best ending - those children have been cognitively blinded, which will make them ignore it all the time. Human anomalies, if they knew that the real situation of humans in the experimental site was like this..."

"`~Actually, we humans are very humble existences."

"But our small bodies are filled with infinite expectations and ideals."

“Although Aosta and I have different ideas, we have both shaped our expectations and ideals into what we want.

"And look forward to the day when those children will be so powerful and eternal that they can live instead of the race called humans."

"Don't Siren and Ship Girl know all this?" Bai Yu asked.

Aosta shook his head: "The sirens know some, but not all. As for those children you call ship girls, they don't know the inside story at all. This is also to prevent them from becoming META.

"Anjie and I have long ceased to exist with the demise of the original world. What you see now is just the last piece of data left by the two of us.

"And the fact that you can appear here proves that you are not one of those human beings who were brainwashed, adjusted, and designed false history and civilization by the sirens in the experimental field."

Isn't this somewhat similar to "NieR Automata"? (Liao Nuo Zhao)

The world over there is that human beings have been finished for a long time. Yurha, where Miss 2B lives, has concealed this secret so that the artificial infantry of Yurha's army always think that they are still fighting for humanity.

On Azur Lane, although there are humans, all the history of these humans is an illusion deliberately designed by the Sirens, and even the entire world is under the design control of the Sirens - at least that was the case in the past.

Bai Yu frowned, pondered for a moment, and objected: "No, in my opinion, they are also human beings. As long as they are given enough time and opportunities, they will create all slaves that belong to them.

"Maybe." Aosta whistled, "Anyway, the experimental site itself has no future."

"Without a future...that's not necessarily true."

Bai Yu shook his head.

"At least, this experimental site will become a real world."

PS·We have guests at home today so the update is a bit late.

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