People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 458: World Line Unification And Hubi Explosive Soldiers

Following Aihara Yanzhu, the good guy Richard and META Canglong quickly left the main control cabin of the scientific research station.

Compared to the space station in the Black Tower, the Luofu Scientific Research Station was too gorgeous to look like a scientific research site. Along the way, the two of them felt as if they were in an incredible, dreamlike palace.

When I turned a corner, a person suddenly walked towards me.

Seeing the good man Richard and META Canglong, a flash of surprise flashed in his brilliant eyes.

"Ah, it's Canglong... No, this feeling, is it a META circle dragon?"


Although the memory of the past was blurry, META Soryu didn't know anyone. After recognizing that the ship girl in front of him was actually the Royal Glory, META Soryu stopped in his tracks.

Because the round-framed glasses were smashed by the good man Richard with a punch, she was not wearing glasses at this time.

"Have you also become that commander's ship's wife?"

"Yes, everyone." Guanghui replied with a smile, "Is little sister Yanzhu going to take them to see Beifa?"

"It's the order from Brother General!" Lan Yuan Yanzhu responded loudly with her hands raised like a student answering a teacher's question.

"Then just leave the rest to me."

Lan Yuan Yanzhu thought for a while, nodded, handed the person over to Guanghui, and turned around to leave with a pair of ponytails swinging around.

"Come with me, you two. You should have a lot of things to ask. You can also ask me before you meet Beifa, right?"

Hearing this, the good man Richard, who had long been unable to bear it, immediately spoke: "Who is that commander?"

Although he had never met her before, he seemed to know her very well. He said a bunch of incomprehensible things when they met her, and even let her and this annoying guy next to him become his shipgirls.

Although he didn't feel repulsed in his heart, it would be better to say that good Richard was still secretly reminiscing about the feeling of being possessed just now, but good Richard always felt that he had suffered a big loss by agreeing so inexplicably.


The gleaming green fingertips touched his lips, he tilted his head, thought for a while, and said with a smile:

"It's quite complicated to explain my identity in detail, but don't worry, the commander is a good person~" "

"Would a good person let us become line-fillers and go to the front lines to take bullets as soon as we meet?" META Canglong asked faintly.

Guanghui chuckled: "Is it sister Yanzhu who said that? That child is still as active as ever. But don't worry, although it is not shown, we all know that the commander actually cares about us very much. As for other things—— Isn't fighting for the commander's will the meaning of our existence?"

"Or should I say, you two have been in such a state of confusion that you have some new ideas now that you finally wake up?"

"I don't have anywhere to go anyway..."

Good man Richard lowered his head and muttered, tapping his toes on the ground.

"Just stay and take a look first - eh?"

Before he finished speaking, the good man Richard suddenly felt a pressing pressure coming from the front.

Looking up, her expression moved slightly, and her face gradually became embarrassed.

META Corporation is an old enemy in a sense.

After Meta World went crazy, the companies that had not yet become META at that time formed a torch fleet to fight against her. The good guy Richard himself couldn't remember clearly what happened next, but he still knew to some extent that she seemed to have beaten the opponent quite miserably.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little solemn. META Enterprise stood across the alloy corridor, staring at the good man Richard with an expressionless face.

"What are you doing? Do you want to fight and seek revenge from me?" Good man Richard asked guiltily.

META Enterprise was silent for a long time, and then suddenly snorted.

"I'll keep an eye on you, good Richard. And you'd better tell the truth about Pandora's box."

After saying that, META Enterprise directly passed over everyone and left.

"What..." Good man Richard looked back at META Enterprises and hummed with lack of confidence.

"Please don't worry about the company... Well, she looks cold in the big company, but after getting along with her for a long time, you will know that she is actually a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside." Guanghui tried to smooth things over and met the good guy. Richard rolled his eyes and said: "Okay, okay, I understand, let's go. By the way, tell me about that guy again - um!"

Staring blankly at Guanghui's hand that suddenly hit his head, the good man Richard saw her and said in a slightly reproachful tone: "If you want to address Commander, you can't use such a rude name.

"If Akagi hears this, be careful of falling down inexplicably when walking in the future?"

"Okay, okay! Tell me more about the commander."

META Canglong also raised a pair of long ears, pretending to be respectful.

"Then, let me start from the time when the commander first appeared in our world..."

....……Dividing line.………….

As the ship girls and sirens became active around the world, the alien siren strongholds that fell from other experimental sites to this world due to the unification of the world line were cleared one after another.

A considerable number of these out-of-control sirens were packed up and thrown back to the Luofu Galaxy by Bai Yu, and Screw Gum quickly began to study them.

Finally, the king of the Screw Star and the mechanical aristocrat gave a conclusion that Bai Yu was quite concerned about -

——The Alien Siren has built a closed-loop command system that is independent of the Laplace Demon, and there is something in this command system that makes him feel uneasy.

~That's the evil thing that reminds me of anti-organic equations. "

Screwgum said so at that time.

"But what it reflects is no longer pure organic life, but the 'world' itself with organic life as the main body."

"Although these alien sirens have separated from the previous command system, they still inherited part of the original mission from the Lapras Demon and act with this purpose."

"It's just that in the process of rebuilding the new closed-loop command system, the shattered world and the interference of the self-destruction tendency affected by meteorites caused errors in the newly constructed command system. Although the underlying logic of the operation has not changed, it is still looking for A way to solve disasters and continue human civilization."

"The enforceable means have mistakenly evolved into one (Wang Nuohao) destroying human civilization and even everything derived from human civilization."

"And this process cannot be reversed. In other words, they can only be eliminated and cannot be reorganized or deleted."

After learning that it was impossible to re-collect these alien sirens, Bai Yu completely gave up his fantasy and accelerated the eradication operation.

It took nearly a week to completely clean up the mess in the experimental site. It was at this moment that Heita notified Bai Yu that the experimental site had completely become a complete and self-consistent system during the identification of the Sentinel Array. world.

The world line is finally completed in Quy Nhon.

...But, where is the monster that was born from the corpses of the Yuan World?"

Searching the mountains and seas failed to find this hidden danger. In the end, Baiyu had no choice but to strengthen the monitoring of Azur Lane World, and even simply approved Hubi's application-throwing a pile in the Dredging World does not require human operation. The fully autonomous military equipment production line that was maintained began to explode without restrictions...

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