People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 474 Misaka Mikoto: Are You So Comforting?

"A world with an eleven-dimensional structure that is different from all currently known universes.

"It is completely consistent with the previous deduction by Screw Gum and I. The curvature of space-time in our universe is positive, but this time the curvature of space-time in the world you discovered is zero - a space-time structure that was originally only in the middle."

While Black Tower was chatting, Miss Doll seemed to have discovered some new toy. At this time, she actually dropped all the research projects she was working on and studied the specific situation of the Forbidden Universe.

The holographic projection in front of her showed a standard and smooth flat model of the universe.

"But I remember that zero space-time curvature means infinite extension of space. But didn't you say before that there is a boundary to this universe?"

"What I'm talking about is 'infinite but bounded', which is exactly the opposite of our 'limited but unbounded'.

Heita looked like a troubled teacher who was repeating knowledge points to stupid students who were not paying attention, with a complaining look on his face that said, "Did you listen well?"

"It has boundaries, but that doesn't prevent it from being able to superimpose other phases on the basic phase 'infinitely'."

Heita raised his hand and bit his knuckles, his small lips slightly opened, revealing his neat white teeth - Talking about a doll body 253. Since even these details are perfect, why does Heita use joints like this? Are you always keen on spherical shapes?

Is she really not afraid of sand getting into her ball joints?

It's strange. The scanning results of the Sentinel Array show that some phases actually disappeared in a short period of time. Although these phases look like man-made from all aspects, such a large-scale phase dissolution in a short period of time does not seem to be normal and natural. event. "

"Could it be related to the ruins of Cangcheng where Mikoto was taken away?"

Bai Yu thought of this, and it stands to reason that the appearance of something like the remains of Cangcheng from another time and space universe is definitely a major event that cannot be ignored by the demon gods in the forbidden universe.

Maybe they did something about it.

"I don't know, our analysis of the wreckage is progressing very slowly, and the properties of those strange crystals have not been fully understood yet.

"But this guess can be taken into consideration. Later, I will work out a mathematical model with Screw to calculate it."

The mention of the Crystal Black Tower makes her angry. She has never encountered such a (aebg) research object in her entire life, which made her feel helpless after spending so long.

But the more difficult the progress is, the stronger the desire to win and lose in Black Tower's heart becomes. Now there is quite a momentum of not giving up until this thing is figured out.

Noticing the brown-haired girl hurriedly coming behind him, Bai Yu looked back and waved to her with a smile: "Here you are? You must have heard the good news, right?"

"Yes! Brother Bai!"

Only then did Miqin step forward happily. She had seen Bai Yu and Heita seeming to be discussing business, so she could only suppress her urgency and wait patiently.

"What did Ms. Heita just say... phase dissolution mean?"

Although she didn't quite understand it, Mikoto seemed a little concerned about it.

The matter involved her hometown, Miqin looked worried and asked: "Did something happen to my home?"

"It's okay!" Bai Yu beat him for a while, "You just understand that the universe over there is a community. Now the gate of your community has been blown up, but most of the Kangkang Building inside is still fine."

..... This explanation is really in line with your style, Brother Bai. How can anyone be reassured by this statement?"

A blue arc of electricity burst out from the tip of Mikoto's forehead.

"Don't listen to his nonsense." Heita glared at him. Just as Mikoto felt relieved, Heita continued, "The explosion destroyed not only the security booth at the gate but also the motor vehicle aisle.

"Has my home been invaded by aliens?" Mikoto asked in horror.

Bai Yu and Heita looked at each other silently and said in unison: "Do we count?"

JS, who was only in the first grade of junior high school, looked like he was about to cry: "Brother Bai, Ms. Heita, are you kidding me?"

"Don't look like you've encountered the end of the world. Even if that universe is jumping-!Bumping! It's over. Because of its multi-dimensional structure that is very different from other worlds, it will be troublesome to repair." 7

Heita's confident look made Mikoto feel a little reassured, and then she noticed something very concerning in her words: "Can Ms. Heita even... repair the entire universe?"

"Of course it won't work here, but it won't be a big problem over there. Do you still remember the crystal jungle on the ruins of Cangcheng where you first hid?"

"We have extracted an insurance mechanism from your home. It is impossible to repair the entire universe with that thing, but it can still be done by maintaining a backup reference phase.

Although there has been little progress in the research on the crystal itself, some of the concepts related to Fantasy Killer that were brought out after the wreckage appeared in the Forbidden Universe with the crystal have been preserved by the Black Tower in the form of "wonder objects" in the space station. within the cabin.

Although Black Tower believes that the strange object "Fantasy Killer" is only effective in a specific universe and is not universal and therefore useless, she still set the highest security level for Fantasy Killer, even if the space station staff It was also difficult to get approval from Esta for borrowing the report.

Meiqin didn't completely understand phase and other aspects under Lao Yang's private lessons, and now she also knew the specific situation in her hometown.

Knowing that even if the worst happened, the daily world in her memory could be preserved, Mikoto felt completely relieved.

As for demon gods, other phases, etc., she doesn't care.

"Brother Bai, when can I... go home?"

The girl asked the question she most urgently wanted to know.

"I've been missing for months..."

"Here's another piece of good news." Bai Yu stroked Miqin's head, "The time when you disappeared happened to be during the summer vacation, and now it's only been less than two weeks since you left the world, and the summer vacation hasn't ended yet. .


This great news made Mikoto not pay attention to the fact that her head was being touched. She patted Ping Ping's chest with relief, exhaled, and finally relieved the heavy pressure on her body.

"But Brother Bai, how did you know?"

"Oh, Xiaozhi told me."

Little one?"

"Shokuhou Misaki."


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