The figure flashed by, and Mikoto appeared in a strange and bizarre space.

This is Baiyu's sea of ​​consciousness.

Using technology close to the Pure Land of Isshin, this place has been transformed into a space that can accommodate physical objects.

The rosy-faced girl patted her cheek realistically, exhaled a breath, endured the strangeness caused by being possessed before, and sniffed around curiously.

The mark wrapped around the huge heart sword quickly attracted Misaka Mikoto's attention.

"One, two, three,, so many!"

After counting for a long time and realizing that the number was a bit higher than expected, Mikoto couldn't help but complain.

But soon, Mikoto saw two marks that made her very concerned.

One is a bee-like group with cross stars, and the other is a brown badge with lightning marks.

There is no doubt that it is Shi "623" Feng Caoqi and himself.

Misaka Mikoto naturally knew what it meant for a mark representing herself to appear in this space.

Thinking of Sister Zingyun's smiling "welcoming" expression before leaving, the girl couldn't help but hold her cheeks shyly.

"Ahem, can you calm down your divergent thinking?"

"B-Brother Bai!?"

Misaka Mikoto was startled by the completely indistinguishable sound coming from nowhere.

"You are in my sea of ​​consciousness, and I can hear everything you think - by the way, I think the name "Yumikoto" is weird."

Misaka Mikoto: "——!!!"

"I, I, I...I didn't think about having to give my last name!"

Another low laugh sounded, but Bai Yu did not continue to tease her on this issue.

"Okay, get ready, we're going to go." 』

.…………Dividing line……….

Time: several days have passed since Bai Yu left.

At this time, Shokuhou Misaki was caught in a dilemma.

Academy City School District 7 is an asphalt and cement city that can be called Shokuhou Misaki's hometown. She is currently standing at the entrance of the underground mall wearing the school's designated competition swimsuit.

Because of the summer urban flood control plan, underground passages and some above-ground roads were deliberately flooded, and river water was directed into them through water purification equipment.

This basically turned all the city's shortcuts into flowing pools, with students swimming around with their wallets and stationery in waterproof bags.

Unlike Shokuhou Misaki, who was troubled, most of the children ran around excitedly when faced with this situation.

Be it the sea, a river or a swimming pool, any body of water on a hot day drives teenage students crazy, so this thing has grabbed a hold on their hearts and won't let go

But Shokuhou Misaki is an exception.

( what should I do now?)

Because I have been thinking about Bai Yu these past few days, Shokuhou Caoqi has been stuck in a mental state all day long.

As a result, despite being notified in advance that there would be a flood prevention drill today, I still stumbled out of the school building. When I came to my senses, many streets and underground shopping malls had already been flooded.

Wearing the school uniform that he had modified and not carrying a swimsuit, he could not return from the underground passage that had been turned into a swimming pool.

But if she chooses the ground, she needs to bypass those flooded roads. The temperature outside is now 38 degrees, and with her physical strength, everything will melt like ice cream before she reaches the school building.

Squatting at the entrance of the underground shopping mall with his head in his hands, Shokuhou Misaki missed the incredible physical strength he had when he was possessed by Bai Yu a few days ago.

"Really, is this a 'limited time experience coupon'? Let a frail beautiful girl experience it once and then deprive her of the hope of continuing to use it. It is intended to use this method to strike up a conversation in disguise, or simply make me have some kind of Dependent?"

"All in all, I will never exercise!"

After muttering as if she was giving up on herself, Shokuhou Misaki stood up.

With no other choice, she could only lower her face and call the members of the faction to ask them to pick her up.

Although this would seriously damage her majesty as the queen of the faction, she had to obey the emergency, and Shokuhou Misaki only planned to inform Junko Hokaze.

The No. 2 character of the Shokuhou Faction, his ability is to control the current signals of body cells to improve the body's ability to generate electricity. The strength level is "Great Ability (Level 4)"

She is also the person closest to Shokuhou Misaki in the entire faction.

As soon as he stood up, Shokuhou Misaki felt dizzy and his eyesight turned black...

After squatting on the roadside for half a day on a hot day and suddenly getting up, this situation will inevitably occur when the body is weak.

" it heat stroke?"

Rubbing his forehead and staggering a few steps, he subconsciously wanted to reach out and hold the wall beside him, but Shokuhou Misaki felt a strong sense of disobedience.

The body straightened up uncontrollably, and the dizziness was swept away. Satisfied and happy from the inside out, Shokuhou Misaki stood on the side of the road, with a girlish face that should not appear at this age gradually appearing on her face. What can be called a charming smile.

"Ah? Is he the evil alien Mr. Bai?"

"You suddenly appeared when someone was in a dilemma. Do you want to play some kind of hero-saving drama?"

"If that's the case, then I admit, I was really full of expectations just now~!"

However, unexpectedly, what sounded in Shokuhou Misaki's mind was not Bai Yu's voice, but the voice of another person who was familiar to her.

"Shokuhou pray?"


"As expected, you are still like this, you guy..."


"Why you? Where is Xiaobai?"

"Why is your tone so disgusting?"

"Does someone who can't help but enter other people's brains have the right to say that? Misaka-kun?"

Due to the possession of his consciousness, his physical strength was instantly strong. After getting up on 4.1, Shokuhou Misaki walked quickly, crossed the road quickly, turned into the park next to him, found a shade and stood there, and kept fanning his cheeks with his small hands. wind.

"Misaka-san, why are you back?"

"Of course it was Brother Bai who brought me back - no [what about the big thing? And why am I in your body?"

"What do you think?"

Bai Yu's voice finally came.

"The only way I can get here now is to possess the little one with my consciousness. Where else can you be in her body if you don't follow me in my sea of ​​consciousness?"

"Xiao Zhi, I'm sending Mikoto back this time. You go back to the school building first, or find a place where no one is around and I'll let Mikoto out." 』

Shokuhou prayed: "...?"

So, now I have squeezed a soul into my body!?

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