
Throwing the wrench in her hand on the ground, Coronie Dora raised the goggles on her nose to her forehead, her bangs were tied up, revealing a face covered in sweat.

"It's finally fixed. It's not easy to repair this goblin telescope."

With an excited smile on her face, she couldn't wait to run to the telescope's sight port, opened one eye wide and stared at it.

Although it is possible to repair such a thing, Coronne Dora herself is not sure about the specific working principle of this telescope originating from other races.

Through the eyepiece, she saw an extremely distant place that was invisible to the naked eye.

It was a harsh environment that was no different from the cave where the small settlement where I was hiding. Although the land was not considered barren, and farmland could appear as long as you were willing to put effort into cultivating it, the spiritual corpses floating everywhere in the world were very hostile to the "eight" "Twenty-three" is basically a disaster that will bring death to humans if touched.

"Huh? I remember there was a mountain there before..."

The murmuring girl took a step back, wiped her eyes, and looked to the end of the earth with the help of a telescope.

The mountain in the impression disappeared, replaced by a huge pit. On the edge of the pit, you can still see the glassy state of the earth that was burned and melted.

There is no doubt that this must be the result of wars breaking out between other races.

"What a monster..."

Coronie Dora lamented, this kind of power that can change the landscape at will is something that they, humans, will never be able to achieve.

Shaking her head, Coronie regained her composure and began to change the direction of the telescope.

I know how to repair it, and I also want to use this thing to observe the surrounding situation. If anything is wrong, I will report it to Riku, and the leader of the settlement will decide where they need to move to.

Since the leadership of the settlement was handed over to Riku, only dozens of people in the entire settlement have died over the years, which is a miracle compared to the past.

"Well... that's-"

Suddenly, when Coronne Dora pointed the telescope at the sky, she discovered a black spot approaching rapidly.

A huge chill arose in her heart, and her whole body seemed to fall into an ice cellar. After Coronne Dora focused the telescope slightly, she saw a group of people flying in the sky.

The leader is surprisingly——


"No, no, no, no, no...it seems that the direction they are heading towards is ours?"

Coronne Dora crawled and ran towards the cave. After twisting and turning, she entered an underground cave space. As soon as she saw a group of busy people inside, she shouted: "Where is Riku!? Has Riku come back? !?"

"I'm here, what happened?"

Riku, who was wrapping a bandage on his arm, limped over.

"The Flügel...the Flügel are flying towards us!"

"Don't worry!" Riku frowned, "We pose no threat or value to them. The Flügel should be preparing to go to war with someone, but... are there any other races around?"

In order to survive as much as possible, this human settlement has been as far away from all races as possible, struggling to survive deep in the almost barren mountains.

How could a Flügel fly in this direction without any problems?

"Take me to see————"


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of air from the entrance of the cave.

That was a sonic boom caused by something flying at high speed and tearing the air apart.

Riku's face changed drastically, and the faces of the humans in the cave turned pale. Some children could not help but throw themselves into their parents' arms and burst into tears.

The mood of despair instantly enveloped everyone's hearts. Everyone knew that in this damn war, when humans faced other races, even the aftermath of a casual attack was enough to completely destroy them.

Bata, bah.

The sound of footsteps came from the entrance of the cave, and people came to "Yinxian——"

"Is this here? Where the bugs that the master mentioned live? I really don't know why the master asked me to help bring you all the way to find it..."

In the dead silence, the figure gradually walked out of the shadows, completely shattering the last hope in everyone's hearts.

The girl was as beautiful as an angel, and the wings behind her announced the identity of the other party to them.

Although she doesn't quite understand why there are a group of dazzlingly beautiful girls following her, and those people don't have the iconic wings of the Flügel, but these are no longer important...

Riku thought sadly.

"Good evening, little bugs. Although your heads have no collection value at all, the master specifically asked me to bring someone to find them. Maybe there is something special about you? How about I just collect one and take it back for ten╋ Quack!"


A ship's equipment suddenly appeared behind Belfast, and the barrel of a main gun was adjusted to hit Jibril's head.

After successfully getting Jibril to cry and hold her head in defense, Belfast looked around and finally landed on Riku.

She raised her skirt and saluted: "Excuse me, my name is Belfast, and under the command of the commander, I am here to move your entire settlement to another place."

I can't believe it, I can't understand it, my brain is in chaos.

Riku trembled his lips and tried his best to calm down. Under the surprised gaze of Belfast, the almost distorted facial features on his face actually returned to their original appearance in just a few seconds, and his whole person was revealed from the inside out. An incredible shock.

Since being taken in by Croni Dora in this settlement and witnessing the destruction of the village at the age of 13, Riku has learned a technique called "Heart Lock", which can completely seal his heart and not reveal anything to the outside. Emotional skills.

"Understood." Riku nodded. He didn't ask about the purpose of the commander behind Belfast, nor did he put forward any other opinions. He turned around at 5.3 and shouted loudly to the other people in the cave, "Everyone, Abandon all daily necessities and follow us now!"

The opponent is a monster-like race, an anomaly that can destroy them with just a wave of the hand or even a breath. You must not offend them or even let them have any unnecessary thoughts.

From Riku's point of view, they had no choice in the current situation but to obey orders.

Even in order to avoid making the other party feel even the slightest bit impatient, Riku was not prepared to let people pack up the precious materials that they had put in a lot of sacrifice and effort to keep the settlement alive.


After a brief exclamation, Belfast understood some of Riku's thoughts. She shook her head and said nothing more.

Anyway, everything will be fine as we advance to the base. .

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