People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 493·Bumblebee: The Commander Is Here, The Blue Sky Is Here!

With anxiety and uneasiness, Riku found that the Xingcha where their settlement was located began to decrease in height.

Many people came to the porthole with him and looked out. They could see the lush forest below.

And when someone first looked up to the sky and exclaimed, the uproar could no longer be contained. Riku instinctively wanted to stop everyone, but before he could speak, Coronne Dora's voice came out. It sounded: " the sky!"

Moving his eyes upward, what he saw was a beautiful starry sky that would be ordinary at night in any other normal world.

But for humans who were born and grew up during the war, this is simply a miracle.

"What is that?"

Coronne Dora's eyes reflected the reflection of the stars, and the girl who was short of words didn't know how to describe her current mood.

"Is this...the blue sky? According to legend, the blue sky in the world before the war? But it's not blue?"

"It's the starry sky." Riku narrowed his eyes, and cracks appeared in his heart that was once closed due to the "Heart Lock", "I have seen relevant records in the information translated by other races.

"Before the war, the sun would rise in the sky, and the sky would be blue. When the sun sets, you would see the stars.

"Brother Riku, what is the sun?" a child asked.

Riku shook his head with a wry smile, and the lock on his heart was finally completely unlocked.

"Sorry, I don't know either.

The child was very surprised. In his impression, the omniscient and omnipotent Riku brother actually didn't know something?

Xingcha quickly passed through the sky above the forest, and its height continued to decrease.

Just when people in the settlement thought that Xingcha would land directly in the forest, Xingcha finally passed through the camouflage force field.

In an instant, an extremely magnificent forward base appeared in everyone's sight.

As if by a miracle, when I looked around just now I could only see a lush forest, but in just a moment, an incredible steel city appeared in the forest.

Starships were constantly taking off and landing, shuttles in the atmosphere roared across the sky, and teams of improved Star Wars vehicles were patrolling with the coldest weapons.

Every building in this city emits bright light, illuminating the whole city as if it were daytime. Some roaring factories are producing war weapons all the time. On the top of the tall tower in the center, there are A huge holographic projection screen is playing Hubi's war propaganda film...

Riku couldn't understand, and Riku was shocked.

Finally, Xingcha slowly landed on the ground landing platform, the hatch opened, and Riku once again put himself into a heart-locked state, and was the first to walk down the gangway with an expressionless face.

In the surrounding area, there were many starships that had just landed, and the people who came down from these starships were humans from other settlements.

Everyone stood there at a loss, with panic on their faces, fearing that if they did something wrong, they would be instantly annihilated by the powerful races patrolling around them.

"Hey! Are you the humans in this world?"

The girl with blond hair and twin tails wearing a cowboy hat and wearing a black jacket as a cloak attracted Riku's attention.

She was a flamboyant girl with a confident smile on her face. Her bright and cheerful smile seemed so incompatible with this world.

"Don't be afraid! My name is Bumblebee! But I finally got it from the commander to summon you for the mission. Oh, you still don't know who the commander is? It doesn't matter, you will know it soon————Now, everyone Come to me, is there any leader among you? Come forward, I have something to announce!"

As Riku stood up first, the leaders of other settlements looked at each other and walked toward Bumblebee tremblingly.

Bumblebee looked around and looked at Riku.

"You are Riku, right? The commander said that we should focus on you, so I will let you be the leader of all humans for the time being. Is that okay?"

Without waiting for Riku to answer, Bumblebee continued: "First of all, you need to know that from the moment you enter this base, you no longer have to worry about being in danger due to wars between other races!"

"The war is about to end. There will be no more wars in this world from now on - at least there will be no more wars within your major races, and then..."

Bumblebee chattered a lot until everyone was about to faint. Then the girl took off her cowboy hat and raised it high:

.... In short, the commander is here! The world is at peace! The commander is here! The sky is--there--!"

"Understand the applause!"

Bumblebee responded with awkward silence.

Riku was the only one clapping his hands there. If you look carefully, you will find that the expression on his face is twitching, and it is obvious that the heart lock is on the verge of collapse again.

*`~Okay, okay, you applauding alone will make me even more embarrassed. "Bumblebee quickly waved his hand to ask Riku to stop, "Let me tell you what to do next. Each of you can get a number plate. The number on it represents your dormitory number. The camp is divided into military areas and non-governmental areas. You can move freely in the military zone and demilitarized zone, but you cannot enter the military zone at will. "

"There will be mass-produced sirens to teach you how to use the various equipment in the camp. I don't like them, but they are fine for doing this kind of thing even though they are clumsy.

"You don't know what a siren is? When you see the white-skinned guy next to you, you look like he's an idiot with brain problems caused by malnutrition? That's it."

The purging pro who passed by innocently was scolded inexplicably, his eyes widened, and finally he pulled out his own head angrily and threw it towards the bumblebee. (Definitely) Bumblebee jumped up without even looking back and launched a roundhouse kick, successfully kicking away the head of the Purifier, leaving only the headless body running around on the ground.

"Look, I said she was an idiot, right?" Bumblebee turned around and showed his hands to the human in front of him, "Where is the person who throws his own head at the fight?"

Dozens of people rolled their eyes and fainted on the spot...

Riku finally couldn't hold back his heart lock, and his expression instantly switched from a Sima face to a distorted state [he grabbed his hair angrily and loudly said: "...Who are you? What are you going to do!" ?”

"I knew it wouldn't work for you, Bumblebee, to explain things here."

Bai Yu's voice sounded behind Bumblebee, and the blond ship girl jumped up with a cheer of "Wow!", turned and moved in the air in an amazing way, and accurately landed behind Bai Yu, hanging on his neck with a smile. Rubbing the ground. .

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