People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 498: Don’T Become A God Here

"This is the "Full Connected Command Body Einzhi".

"Notice to all connected entities, instructions from my sister: Don't worry about any interference, use all your strength to penetrate the core of the earth.

"This is our first battle as a general. Our only mission is to make the Star Cup appear."

"The "heart" we inherited from my sister is our mission to die and die for the general.

Hubie shared everything about his analysis of "heart" with the entire Ex-Machina except his feelings for Bai Yu.

It is like a seed, planting something called "sensibility" in the core of thinking of the Ex-Machina who used to only perform purely logical calculations.

Over time, sensibility will grow into a towering tree in their thinking. No one can predict to what extent such Ex-Machinas will continue to iterate themselves in the future, but at least for now, all Ex-Machinas hold the same belief. .

"The whole machine, lift the restrictions on the use of weapons————!"


the other side--

"Ah ah ah ah, stop looking down on people, you losers!"

Setting up a formation on the road leading to Arthu's Amyrlin Hall, Azrael shouted.

Because they cooperated with Artho's use of Divine Strike, almost all the Flügels lost their power at this time, and some were even unable to move.

The Flügels, who could still move and could fight because of their stronger strength, used up their remaining strength and released countless light blades, dyeing the red sky white and hitting several enemy figures.

But those strange, unknown races with mechanical structures on their bodies like the Machine-type were unscathed.

"What a terrifying killing machine. If I hadn't met the commander, I would never have survived even if I met you, right?"

Zeppelin stepped on the head of a Flügel. The opponent kept struggling, his wings fluttered, and pure white feathers came out.

"Tsk, if the commander hadn't ordered you not to be killed, we wouldn't have bothered so much."

With a spat, Berlin kicked the Flügel away.

Azriel looked at all this and found that these ship girls only defeated them until they lost the ability to resist, and then threw all their companions to both sides of the road as if they were clearing the ground.

It's just like--

——Preparing to clear a path to the Amyrlin Hall.

"Are you kidding! How can I just let you...

"Oops? Isn't this Azriel?"

A familiar voice sounded.

As if she had seen the most incredible thing in the world, Azrael looked at the person who slowly appeared with eyes wide open.

", Jibril!?"

"You...rebelled against the master!?"

"How should I put it?" Jibril tilted her head, and after thinking for a moment, she replied, "I was forced too, right? I tried my best and ended up being defeated in an instant. How embarrassing is it to say that?"

"As a loser, it's normal to be dealt with by the victor in any way. The master didn't take off my head as a collection, but made me a pet - look, I'm wearing a collar now!"

Like offering a treasure, Jibril showed off to Azriel the collar around her neck that was very similar to Belfast's.

At this time, Jibril thought that Belfast was also a pet...

Although Jibril did not show a sad attitude because he was in a hostile position with her at this time, Azriel knew that this extra individual was the most unique existence among all the Flügels, and Artosh himself was even more so. He had personally expressed his approval of Jibril's "disrespect to the gods", so Azriel's face softened slightly and she gave a bitter smile.

"Is that why? He was defeated in an instant... I can't believe it."

"Then the person who defeated you is the one who plans to challenge the master?"

"No!" Jibril shook her head.

She slowly stood on the side of the road opened by the ship girls, and then looked at the entrance with the ship girls who were already lined up on both sides.

The god who turned against the light appeared - Azrael had such an illusion in a trance.

When the silver-haired man and the blond girl holding his arm appeared together on the avenue of the Amyrlin Hall with a sky full of light, Azriel actually felt a treasonous feeling that "the other party may really be able to defeat the master" idea.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--!!!"

From within the Amyrlin Hall, a roar of laughter like thunder came.

"It's finally here, it's finally here!"

"The defeat I'm looking forward to - come in!"

"Let me witness your bravery, and let me build the truly 'strongest' foundation for you!"

Incredible, terrifying power came from the Amyrlin Hall.

At the same time as Bai Yu appeared, the mass of Artexu's "Start" began to expand rapidly.

Matter tells space-time how to bend, and space-time tells matter how to move.

When Artesh's mass expands to a certain limit, everything around him begins to bend.

Even light is forced to follow an arc.

Of course, everything is being torn apart by the gravity displayed by Artosh.

The divine radiance gradually ignited in Bai Yu's eyes, and the divine fire that had been ignited on the Heart Sword also changed from the original flame to a small flame.

Zeppelin looked at the commander who suddenly became very unfamiliar. His eyes widened in surprise. He shook his head and looked again, only to see that Youyu had returned to the familiar figure in his memory.


Ying grabbed Bai Yu's arm tightly.

For a moment, she suddenly felt that the person beside her who she could clearly catch seemed to be infinitely close to her.

The girl looked nervous and asked urgently: "What happened to you just now!?"

Bai Yu shook her head to Ying comfortingly: "Don't be afraid."

...Just now, he was almost forced to become a god because of the influence of Artosh's concept of divine essence.

After quenching his deification process at the critical moment, Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Deified in such an uncontrollable way, he doesn't know what he will become, but it will definitely not be what he hopes.

Some kind of instinct tells Bai Yu that if it is not necessary, he should never let himself become a god of purely philosophical concepts.

Not even the incarnation of a philosophical concept like "Star God".

(Wang Zhaohao) Become a god?

Ying recalled the state in which Bai Yu seemed to have turned into a clay puppet just now, with fear on her face. She hurriedly touched him with her hands, "Are you okay? You won't change like in those fantasy dramas in the script." To become a supreme and forgetful lover without joy or sorrow, even if I say "Ah - you don't show any respect at all - close!" in front of you!

"I'm fine."

Pulling his hand back and hitting Ying's head, Bai Yu glared at her again.

"I'll leave this to you."

Looking forward, feeling the warning from the Heart Sword, Bai Yu pondered for a moment, opened his right hand, and held the Divine Sky Sword.

In the Hall of the Amyrlin, the blazing white beams of light erupted from Artexu's body penetrated the dome of the temple and went straight into the sky.

His voice instantly resounded throughout the world——

"I am the strongest, the god of war who symbolizes invincibility, Artho who only longs for defeat!"

"Send your name, challenger!"

What responded to him was a moonlight-like sword light that expanded rapidly after breaking away from the sword blade. .

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