People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 500·Bai Yu: Simulating The Star God Nanook!

According to quantum field theory, when various ubiquitous "fields" throughout the universe are excited, corresponding "particles" will be born.

The essence of the excited state of this field is the spontaneous breaking of the symmetry of the oscillating particles on the imaginary number axis. In this process, the energy that allows the particles to be born, almost out of nothing, is the so-called imaginary number internal energy.

What Bai Yu did is simple to say, but in the eyes of any scholar with the corresponding knowledge, it is unreasonable and unbelievable - he forcibly allowed Neng to return to the "field" within a few days, The result of this is that the "particle" loses its mass and returns to its original state.

It's like a particle that fell to the stable state at the bottom of the Higgs field was slapped back to the top of the hat by Bai Yu.

Basic physical rules are at least universal in any world that Bai Yu knows so far. Even in the "limited but unbounded" world of the Forbidden Universe, the initial phase as a backup also satisfies these rules.

Disbord's world is no exception.

No matter what Artosh, as the God of War, did, no matter how terrifying the attack he unleashed, whether it was shattering the stars or shattering the space, Bai Yu started from the lowest level of physical laws and forced "spontaneous symmetry breaking" If this process is reversed, then everything Artesio does will be destined to be in vain.

Artexu couldn't understand how Bai Yu managed to make all his means invisible. However, as the God of War, Artexiu had his own pride.

Although the answer he got after one inquiry was incomprehensible, he did not continue to inquire further.

He exhausted all means, exhausted his mind, pushed his spiritual essence to the limit, and the expanding mass pulled time and space, trying to use his own power to violently solve this extremely uncomfortable situation.

There were tens of thousands of punches in one second, and the response was Bai Yu's faster and harder sword skills.

When it took several minutes for the light to finally reach the surface of the planet Disbod, even if they no longer relied on those big screens, people could see the explosion in the sky above their heads that had covered the entire sky for tens of millions of years due to the war. A flash of light that can penetrate even heavy dark clouds.

Artexu's laughter continued to echo in the starry sky. The more serious the injuries Bai Yu left him and the more golden divine blood flowed out, the more excited he became.


When the surface of the red moon hanging in Disbod's sky exploded with cracks that could be clearly seen on the ground, Artesio finally showed some signs of fatigue.

On the opposite side, Bai Yu's long hair, which was originally tied in a single ponytail, had spread out. Golden sword lights were swirling around her body, and her chest was rising and falling violently.

(Sure enough, even if the concept is war rather than the strongest, does it still have the nature of becoming stronger when encountering the strong?)

He sighed silently in his heart.

It is able to achieve the incredible feat of making imaginary numbers return to the Higgs field, forcing matter to lose mass and return to the atomic state at the beginning of the Big Bang [this is still based on the trump card obtained after fighting the Shadow of Gluttony].

At the end of that battle, Di Gong Siming appeared as a phantom behind him. From then on, Bai Yu faintly noticed that there was something extra in his body.

It was not until recently that Bai Yu gained conceptual affinity by relying on the essence that originally belonged to the forest god Kainas condensed for him by the God of Suspicion.

His soul is inherently different from ordinary people.

The process of soul traveling caused his soul to be infected by the chaos outside the world and undergo some unknown changes during the process of crossing the world. This gave him a natural imaginary number that far exceeded that of any race in the Star Iron Universe. Affinity.

This affinity allows Bai Yu to embark on multiple lives at the same time like Xing Bao, a girl with a star core.

Different paths of destiny represent different philosophical concepts, and Baiyu's affinity for the internal energy of imaginary numbers makes her naturally highly receptive to different paths of destiny - because no matter which path it is, the surging energy contained in it , the essence is virtual internal energy!

On this basis, if even an extremely abstract thing like "concept" has the same affinity as the internal energy of imaginary numbers, Bai Yu was surprised to find that he could make himself aware of the internal energy of imaginary numbers in a short period of time. The control has been enhanced to a level comparable to that of a Star God - of course, its range of action is far less than that of a Star God, and its duration is also limited.

In other words, he can allow himself to become a small-scale "weakened Star God" in a short period of time, with authority comparable to that of a Star God in terms of imaginary internal energy.

(The time can probably last for another three hours or so, so you have to hurry up.

Bai Yu secretly estimated the limit of his state. Three hours was the limit for him to "maintain his humanity". Once this threshold was exceeded, he could still put himself in this special state.

0…Please give me flowers…

But he himself will also begin an irreversible conceptualization, or deification.

"Looking at your appearance, are you serious about your plans?" Artexu caught the slightest change in Bai Yu's face, grinned, and then coughed out a trace of divine blood, "In this case, I will also show my true strength. Got it!"

"Roughly the same."

Bai Yu nodded.

"I'm basically familiar with the current state. The warm-up is over. Will the second game begin?"


Artesio punched him, but this time, Rika made no move to deal with it.


His eyes turned pale in an instant, and then a gilded light emerged.

The loose silver hair was flying, the Divine Sky Sword in his hand faded away, and his arms were slightly opened. The aura of destruction that made the red moon under his feet tremble violently swept across the world in an instant, and spread towards Desid not far away.

The relay station captured this scene and faithfully presented it to the people watching the battle on Disbod.

Others didn't understand, but Ying's eyes suddenly widened.

...….…Dividing line.………….

"What's going on!? What's going on!???"

The sentry array, the command center, and Yu Kong, who was already so busy that his feet in high heels felt a little sore, suddenly heard a shrill alarm.

"Report! Air Controller! The imaginary internal energy characteristics of the Lord of Destruction have been detected in the world where the Major General is currently located, "Disbod"!"

Hearing this report, the pilot in the sky almost bit the tip of his tongue to bleed.

"Call the on-site report immediately! Submit it to the big screen!"


Soon, the picture fed back from the relay station in another world appeared on the huge light screen in the command center hall of the Sentinel Array.

When they saw the content in the picture clearly, everyone was silent.

That's the Major General - it's unmistakable. After the signals received by the naked eye are fed back to the brain, the judgment made by the nervous system is indeed like this.

But at the same time, the brain told everyone who saw Bai Yu at this time a completely different conclusion.

——That's Nanook, the Lord of Destruction!.

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