Although the person she had a crush on actually had more women outside than she imagined - even though she was actually the real latecomer, Feng Caoqi still angrily grabbed the custom-made items on her desk. A plush doll that looked like a white elm opened its mouth and bit it hard.

After venting, Queen Bee, who was in a better mood, asked Misaka Mikoto: "How is the situation over there?"

Misaka Mikoto naturally understood that Shokuhou Misaki was talking about her sisters.

Before the absolute ability user project was launched, the mass production ability user project had been put on the agenda. When Misaka Mikoto returned to Academy City, the two sisters in the two cities had been created and separated.

One of the contents of the deal between Bai Yu and Aleister was the termination of the absolute ability user plan.

Although this would severely damage the plan to send the sisters to various places in the world in a "750" reasonable and unobtrusive way, Aleister was not without backup plans.

"Everyone is being accommodated very well, thank you.

Mentioning this matter, Misaka Mikoto sincerely thanked Shokuhou Cao.

Compared to her, Shokuhou Misaki, who owns a faction and controls the Talent Workshop, and has the Golden Guards under his command, although his combat effectiveness is extremely poor, the power he can mobilize far exceeds hers. This lone ranger-like superpower.

Shokuhou Misaki naturally played a big role in settling and taking care of her sisters.

"So.........Is it really necessary to start this high-priority matter?"

Shokuhou Misaki's eyes fell on the document sent by Aleister in his hand.

"This person who is suspected of possessing fragments of a 'relic'..."

Above is the information of a little nun with silver hair and green eyes - her name is Index.

......…Dividing line...…….

The little nun is on the run now.

Inexplicably, she woke up and found herself in an island country in the far east. Apart from so-called "common sense" such as her name, a huge amount of magical knowledge, her existence as a catalog of forbidden books, etc., a girl who had almost no memory of the past - Yin. Tix is ​​now in a big crisis.

"Well, I'm so hungry..."

Wandering on the streets late at night, a little girl wearing a nun's uniform clutched her belly and lowered her eyes.

"No, no, we have to leave here quickly. We can't be caught by them.


My stomach suddenly made a protesting sound.

"As expected, I'm still really hungry...!"

On the other side, running on the rooftop of the building were mature women dressed in extremely astringent clothes.

The tracking technique showed that she was getting closer and closer to the mission target, but the doubts in Kanzaki Kaori's heart had not dissipated, and there was no joy that the mission was about to be completed.

Why Index, the Index of Forbidden Books whose past memories have been erased, and which she and Steel are responsible for recovering, disappeared from Britain and appeared in the far east is a mystery that Kanzaki Kaori still doesn't know about. .

The strangeness in the task of recovering Index has always made Kanzaki Kaori vaguely aware that she seemed to be involved in some huge conspiracy.

With her strength as a "Saint", it is not difficult to recover Index, but this task has been full of various surprises from the beginning. Every time she and Steele are about to successfully find Index Sometimes, there will always be various events that cause them to lose their goals.

Not long ago, a few days after a huge flash of light suddenly flashed in the sky, the orders from the Puritans changed subtly.

In addition to the forced recovery of Index, it seems that if the two of them are unable to complete the task, the Puritan Church will send more personnel to replace them.

Out of selfish motives, Kanzaki Kaori was unwilling to hand over Index to anyone else.

"......found it!"

After noticing the little nun waddling forward on the empty street, Kanzaki Kaori's eyes lit up and he fell rapidly from the top of the building.

After stopping in front of Index at a distance that ensured that he would not be injured by the falling impact, Kanzaki Kaori looked at the young girl who was so frightened by him that she sat on the ground with a complex expression, and whispered: "Index , go back with me."


Without saying a word, the little nun got up from the ground and started running in the opposite direction, but stopped after a few steps.

From the opposite corner of the street, slowly walking out was a tall, red-haired man with a cigarette in his mouth who looked like a delinquent but was actually a priest.

"No, no, no, no - don't come over!"

Index was so frightened that she burst into tears. She kept looking at Steele and then back at Kanzaki Kaori, and wanted to run away to both sides of the street - unfortunately, there were courtyard walls on both sides, and she couldn't climb over.

"Huh, it's finally blocked. There shouldn't be any problems this time."

Steele took a deep breath of cigarette, then spit out the cigarette butt and stamped it out, then patted his robe symbolically, even though doing so could not dispel the smell of smoke from his body.

"If you've had enough fun, come back with us."

"As I said, Index, we are not"


Kanzaki Kaori on the opposite side suddenly noticed something and swung his sword in a certain direction.

There was a sudden explosion in the air, the courtyard wall on the right side of the street cracked, and a deep ravine appeared on the cement floor.

However, nothing happened except the destroyed buildings.

Kanzaki Kaori frowned and looked around suspiciously.

"Sister, what's wrong?" Steele was startled, and instinctively began to arrange probing techniques around the area.

"I don't know..." Kanzaki Kaori shook his head, "I just instinctively felt that there was someone around me, but... there was no one? No, the sense of crisis is still there..."

Steele's face darkened - was there another accident?

He would not doubt a saint's intuition. This kind of thing is often much more reliable than reason.

The hair on Kanzaki Kaori's body stood on end. She tried all means but could not find any trace of the existence of "the 3.7th person", but the saint's intuition kept warning, so that she felt a stinging pain in the middle of her eyebrows.

"No matter what, take Index away first——"

A little below his feet, Kanzaki Fireori Guintyx passed by.

In mid-air, she once again swung her sword to one side under the warning of intuition. The Seven Heavenly Swordsman obviously collided with something. After a clicking sound, Kanzaki Kaori's favorite sword——the Bodhisattva Art Blessing The indestructible sword collapsed into pieces.

It also made the outsiders present finally appear.

"Hey...isn't it...what kind of monster is this?"

Steele had thin drops of cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

They were surrounded.

——Surrounded by five golden guards who looked like puppets. .

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