Although there are no relay stations to support faster-than-light communication without delay across galaxies or even the world, it is not a problem to achieve point-to-point communication similar to a walkie-talkie with the help of the jade sign given by Bai Yu on the earth or even within the entire solar system.

Therefore, Shokuhou Caoqi, who was located in the talent workshop, learned about the abnormality of the matter from the Jin guards sent out almost immediately.

"A high-dimensional energy storm that is 32% similar to the imaginary number impact?"

Rubbing his aching temples, Shokuhou Misaki lay on the table and whined in pain.

"How can people understand what this is?"

Misaka Mikoto's expression became extremely serious: "No matter what, we have to get people back first. Imaginary number impact is a very dangerous thing. At the same energy level, its destructive power is more than the gamma ray burst produced by a supernova explosion. Be amazing.

"It is said that there was once a genius in the Genius Club who has lost contact with him and had the idea of ​​weaponizing imaginary number shock. However, the collective research seems to have disappeared."

The so-called imaginary number impact is————”

"Stop! Stop! Misaka-san, I don’t want to hear you show off the cutting-edge scientific knowledge you learned from that "Teacher Yang" here! Please remember that Misaka-san, who has had many adventures, remember that you are still a JS (female junior high school student) fact!"

Shokuhou Misaki raised her hands high with disgust on her face and made a big X in front of her.

"So, is there any way to contact Xiaobai immediately?"

This question made Misaka Mikoto a little entangled. She recalled the reason why Bai Yu suddenly appeared last time, and said with a strange expression: "Either we are in danger, or are we insane?

"Oh my, isn't this my professional field?" Shokuhou Misaki beamed and took out her remote control and pointed it at Misaka Mikoto, "My lovely Misaka-san, can you please temporarily turn off the electromagnetic barrier? I want to let you You can make a temporary fuss."

"Please don't worry, I just made you whine on the ground like a monkey and roll all over the ground. Finally, you lie down in front of others, licking your toes and asking them to pray to Shokuhou for fucking the Queen. There won't be anyone except me. Did anyone see it?"

"Who would agree if you said so? Why don't you hypnotize yourself?"

"Misaka Tong(aebg) learns too much~☆"

"You are the one who went too far!"

Seeing that Misaka Mikoto was starting to get angry, she was very good at how to deal with her harmful friend Shokuhou Fuqi, and she started stroking her hair: "Don't worry, I just want Misaka-san to call Xiaobai over, I promise not to Can you do what I just said? Don’t Misaka-san long to see Xiaobai?”

Misaka Mikoto's eyes started to wander, she was really not good at lying.

Taking advantage of this gap, Shokuhou Misaki suddenly pointed the remote control at Misaka Mikoto and pressed the button.


For the first time, he felt that his brain was being controlled by an external force, and the electromagnetic barrier was about to unfold instinctively, but considering that he really needed to inform Bai Yu immediately, "Misaka Mikoto took the initiative to suppress the body's spontaneous reaction.

For the first time ever, Shokuhou Misaki lowered his head when he saw stars appearing in his friend's eyes. After a while, his shoulders began to tremble.

"Ahahaha... Oh my, my, Misaka-san, you finally have today!"

So, when Bai Yu sent Funina into his pure land, and his consciousness broke through time and space and came into the body of the tea-haired railgun lady, the first scene he saw when he opened his eyes was "

-Food close-up.

The jade feet wrapped in white silk were right in front of him (her?).

This is what the so-called open door means.

Because of his extremely poor physical strength, Shokuhou Misaki's daily habits of never standing if he could sit, never walking if he could ride in a car, and avoiding the sun if he could hide in the shade almost didn't exist. A condition in which strenuous activity causes sweating.

This kind of living habits coupled with a personality that pays great attention to personal hygiene makes the girl's soles of feet soft and smooth, with no trace of keratin, fragrant and soft, and are food grade in the true sense.

Shokuhou Misaki is essentially just an ordinary human being, but it is impossible to be able to maintain her feet like a baby so well that the pink and tender soles of her feet can be seen through the silk. deficient.

But - Bai Yu is a food connoisseur who is used to seeing all kinds of food!

He silently dispersed Misaka Mikoto's controlled DEBUFF, and then quietly allowed the girl to take control of her body.

"Oh? What's wrong, Misaka-kun? Aren't you too quick—eh?"

Staring blankly at Misaka Mikoto suddenly showing a devilish smile and reaching out to grab her ankle, Shokuhou Shoki felt something bad in her heart.

"Please...reflect on it carefully!!!!!"

Crackling, crackling——!

Controlling the intensity to ensure that she would not hurt her body but punish her to the maximum extent, Misaka Mikoto's body flashed with electric light, making Shokuhou Misaki roll her eyes in an instant.

"Abba, Abba, Abba..."

After her great revenge was avenged, Misaka Mikoto just stood up when she saw a stream of light flying out from between her eyebrows.

"Funina? It's you!"

Seeing that Fufu was among the people who came this time, Misaka Mikoto happily stepped forward and grabbed her hands.

Funina instinctively took out her hand and stepped back: "Stop it! I didn't expect to see you Mikoto having such fun when I came here - it turns out you still have such interest.

"That kind of thing is simply a misunderstanding!" The blushing girl once again glared at her bad friend, trying to save some reputation.

Shokuhou Misaki stood up unsteadily, supported the desk with his numb arms, and looked at Funina, whom he met for the first time, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Isn't it Sister Ying who is here this time?"

"Xiaobai is having a tea party with us. I came with Mikoto after I noticed that she was not feeling well."

Funina glanced at Shokuhou Caoqi, and then silently distanced herself from her.

"So what happened? Could it be that it's not that you are in danger, but that you are basically--"

"Stop it! I told you it was a misunderstanding! This is what happened -

Misaka Mikoto hurriedly explained the matter clearly. If she didn't explain her image in Funina's heart, it would be ruined. Maybe after Funina returns, these rumors will spread among everyone there.


After listening to the explanation, Bai Yu took control of Funina's body.

"A high-dimensional energy storm that is 32% similar to the imaginary number impact... Isn't this the psychic signature detected by the Black Tower?"

"Can this Index of Forbidden Books be awakened?"

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