People Are Collapsing Iron And Possessing All Realms

Chapter 526·Funina Symbolizes Christ The Savior

She just fell onto her butt and fell to the ground without any image. Before Funina had time to cry out her pain, she saw Index turning the spear and aiming at her again.

"Wow ah——!!!"

The frightened Silly Fufu could no longer maintain her previous image. She rolled to the ground and ran towards the opposite side.

Behind him, Index stared at Funina expressionlessly. Since her appearance, the mutated automatic secretary has set the Lord Water God as the highest threat target, and all psychic light spears have been ignored at all. The guards and two magicians next to her all greeted Menina.

Boom boom boom boom boom——!

Fufu was so frightened by the continuous shocks behind her that she turned pale with fear. She pressed her hat with one hand and waved with the other, shouting and running and jumping: "Stop fighting! Stop fighting! Help!"

"What are you doing!?"

"I told you not to fight... Anyway, let's make a truce first!" Zero Baqi, "Have you heard of the truce!?"

"Whoa, ah, ah, things are not going well——!"

Bai Yu said angrily in Funina's mind:

"Don't be afraid! Don't run! This thing can't hurt you——"

“But I’m scared ahhhhhh QAQ!!!!”


In desperation, he decisively took over his body, paused in his escape steps, turned around gracefully with one foot, and when he waved the Flower of Still Water in his hand, water elemental flying swords shot out from the sky. Each flying sword was in contact with the incoming spiritual energy. The light spears collided together.

(Oh oh oh oh! So powerful, so powerful! Beat her, beat her to take it out on me!)

After finding out that she was safe, Funina started to yell in Bai Yu's mind as if what happened just now didn't exist at all.

Then Funina was stunned again, because the control of her body came back.

She was so frightened that she quickly prepared to run away, but she saw that the psychic energy fluctuations surrounding Index in the sky opposite her quickly dissipated, and with the dancing mobile church, her body slowly landed on the ground.

The eyes that were all glowing after losing their pupils returned to normal, and their emerald green eyes reappeared.

"Eh? Xiaobai?"


Kanzaki Kaori and Steele caught up immediately. Bai Yu, who possessed Index, didn't pay attention to the two of them, but just looked down at his hands.

"This is... psionic power?"

"Wait! Did this girl eat something?"

After carefully examining Index's body, Bai Yu couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead.

The little nun's body is filled with inexplicable substances that obviously have psychic properties, and the place where these things are most concentrated... is actually the stomach.

So it turned out that it was Miss Index who ran away after waking up. She was so hungry that she picked up food on the ground and ate it, and finally awakened her psychic powers?

Bai Yu's soliloquy made Kanzaki Kaori and Steele's expressions turn gloomy again. Kanzaki Kaori said in a loud voice: "You...who are you? You are not Index!" "

"Don't be nervous, this situation is the best right now."

Bai Yu glanced at the two magicians who were being fooled from beginning to end.

"This little girl picked up things she shouldn't eat randomly on the ground. Even if I suppressed her psychic energy and went berserk, she didn't wake up consciously.

"It's a miracle. Her body was not directly distorted from the material state to the energy state. Is it because of her special physique that can record one hundred and three thousand banned books?"

"Huh? She seems to be awake?"

Bai Yu blinked, and his consciousness left Index's body and returned to Medical Ningna.

The little nun woke up in a daze and looked at the messy factory area around her, as if it had been bombarded by intensive artillery. She was so frightened that she opened her mouth and lost her voice.

"Index? How do you feel now?"

After returning to Funina, Bai Yu stepped forward and asked.

The voice caught the little nun's attention. She turned to look at Funina, and her pupils shrank suddenly:

"Multiple soul states, the deep soul is imprinted with the ten sephirot of the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

"The body is one-half of God, symbolizing both God and the Son of God."

"The glow in the soul carries the breath of angels, and those who are loyal to angels..."

With a pop, Index knelt directly in front of Bai Yu, intertwined her hands and fingers in front of her, closed her eyes and began to pray: "Lord, your devout lamb prays to you, please give it to me to eat forever. Endless bread and cheese…”

Bai Yu: "...ah this?"

He could understand the ten sephirot of Kabbalah's Tree of Life, and all the elves were possessed by him.

He can also understand the abnormality of the body. Funina's body is part of Fukalos, the water god.

But.........Being loyal to angels?

Could it be that they are referring to the Flügel? Can they really correspond to the angels in this world?

Just because having wings fits the image of an angel in the world's mind, can't it somehow match them?

And according to the records in the "Old Testament", angels are not in the form of humans with wings at all. Those guys are all weirdly shaped. The first words they say after seeing mortals are almost "Don't be afraid, why are children called people?" Don’t be afraid? Because he looks great!

On the contrary, it is the beauty of ordinary men and handsome women that demons can make countless mortals fall by relying on their skin...

What's more, if Bai Yu remembers correctly, the angels in this world cannot be regarded as beings fundamentally, but exist as huge energy blocks in the phase of "heaven".

These energy blocks will transform into angels when they come to the real world under the will of God, but in the heaven they are simply balls of light.

"Index... Index...?"

The eyes of Kanzaki Kaori and Steele when they looked at Bai Yu (Funina) completely changed.

The two of them have no doubt about Index's theological literacy as a nun [the Index of Forbidden Books that records the Hundred Thousand Kings and Thousand Books of Magic] can definitely be called one of the most proficient in Christian theology and other heretical doctrines in the world.

"Lord, these two people are bad guys who are trying to steal the Lamb who dedicated his life to protect knowledge for you!"

Index glared angrily at the two magicians, leaving Kanzaki Kaori standing awkwardly. Steele trembled with his fingers, trying to smoke a cigarette to calm down.

"He is indeed a heretical magician, he can't even tell that the Lord himself has come.

“What you two see before your eyes is the ‘human’ side of God, wrapped with the sacred marks left by his willingness to give his life to save the world and atone for his sins.

Fu 4.1 Nina: "..."

"Accepting trial, being sentenced to death, ascending to heaven after death, and being resurrected again. All these characteristics and the brilliance of the soul cannot deceive anyone. As long as you are a qualified Christian believer, you can't help but notice it!"

Funina was beaming when she heard this: "——So I am so powerful!?"

Bai Yu: "..."

He was sure that, except for the Kabbalah Tree of Life, which was caused by him, all the remaining "miracles" that Index saw from Funina were all the achievements created by Yenina herself as the Water Goddess. .

As for the so-called allegiance of angels, it probably pits angels against pure water elves?

If you think about it carefully, Funina's behavior in Fontaine - maybe, seemingly, maybe, really all can be compared with Jesus Christ?

"Fubao, it seems that you can become a god directly in this world?"

(I am the water god, okay!).

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